Will's Little Poll about fairness

I love the forums for their capability to bring the community together in a single ‘forum’ (heh) to passionately discuss the state of HWS and how everyone would like to make things better.

I hate the forums when it’s moaning about PvP stuff.

Is this a complaint about the new PvP planet with a ton of resources that ABN happens to be in control of for the moment?

Come take it, seriously.

We encourage you to open one of your own donor planets to PVP and we’ll show you its quite easy and quite fun to fight over - and we’ll also gladly show you that taking out a defense grid such as our own on Zanzibar isnt all that hard.

I’m not sure who made a complaint, I’m inferring things. I’m not being vague here at all, if you’re complaining about something that you can directly 1) Kill in PvP 2) Replicate, then stop complaining and do something, else we make a new steam game called ‘forum wars, pvp VIA text’ (All rights reserved to this new game title).

And yes @Zackey_TNT you are just a player in your eyes, but you have the HWS team role in discord, putting you as a part of the HWS team, maybe Rex should reword that, but is what it is.

It is no longer, by the logic and intent of the staff in question, it should follow that any other posts whose intent is to publicly continue said conversation be removed as well.

To be absolutely clear, in future, polls such as that should be handled either with all parties involved having a say (privately or publicly)

That is not up to me however, moderation is done. I want that to be the case equally, everywhere.

Who is the staff in question?

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Your post does not follow any of mine - I was not referring to you. I am a regular player, so is slainalot who is also tagged as HWS team member. That has nothing to do with my abilities to voice my opinions. If anything, I would be less trustworthy if I did not voice my disgust over how this entire thing has been handled.

I am not really following the issue with the planet itself, I don’t care frankly. I care that the forums - trust - and feedback system has been compromised.

As for personally asking me to take over zanzibar, one player can do little.
Or if you are referring to me as just another taw member, I would not be the one to handle such things.

Um. And as far as this goes, we had a lot of fun fighting ABN on Titan using a ton of class 7 bases, HVs, and SVs, remember that? This is not anywhere near as laggy, not even close… have you been there?

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Is a enemy base out there so I can test my solo skills!?

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Maybe take a poll on that instead of assuming that a fair share dont find that fun. Titan was fun, laggy as hell, but fun.

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Honestly yes. Titan is a great example.

Titan was made with class 7 restrictions which you couldn’t dig under bases and raid them, and overall unrestricted as far as counts so, because there wasn’t a current planet that was ‘old school PvP’. The planet was taken by TAW, the only access during weekdays was VIA monolith, with restrictions WAY more lenient than we have right now on Zanzibar.

Titan was freaking FUN. It was a laggy mess for both attacker and defender, but the structures weren’t limited and neither was the fun. I will totally poll the ‘losers’ of that fight if you think I’m wrong, everyone had a daggum good time.

Zanzibar is ONLY different because it is open 24/7 to raids, can’t be locked down by cheesing the monolith travel by placing 20 HVs in there to kill everything when it isn’t open (SO MUCH easier to take out), and the crust isn’t made of sweet sweet magnesium.

So, you can drill under the bases, you can shoot down the bases, without restriction… and if you took the planet the PERSON WHO PAID FOR IT TO BE MADE can’t tell you you can’t live there…what is the problem again?

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Well, this may be true, but it has iron and sathium. What it doesn’t have is 3 of every deposit in the game right next to each other.

You are right, he did, I don’t believe it was the right call though. That’s why I made the forum post, I posted several times and even titled it NON TOXIC so that people wouldn’t get toxic on it, yet they did, so I removed it.

Uhh, thats the same one twice.

Same one twice again, but I don’t think OH should be able to have this, nor should ABN, FU, et. If I believed that, I would just go buy one and do that myself with 30+ towers.

As I specifically mentioned SEVERAL times, if people get toxic, the poll is getting removed. People got toxic, so it got removed. There is proof below, but honestly this entire forum post is all the proof I need. In response to my forum post you built an entire forum post with 47 toxic comments, I think that’s all the proof I need. Lol.

One last time, I’m not out for blood, I’m out for change. I think this should be changed, I understand ABN looked at this as an oppurtunity to get 2mil ore a day and used it, by no means is that against server rules, but if I was here to fight all those charges I would start quoting the other forum posts about how the event planets aren’t for personal gain.

I posted this in Lounge because I didn’t want it to get derailed with destructive comments, I wanted a discussion between factions. I checked there was at least one ABN member (BoB) and told him about the post when I published it.

In return, I got thank you’s and fairness from some players, and comments like this from the rest.

Also, I think we should take a moment to check the likes on this post.


Oh thats odd, every ABN member on the forum seems to have found and liked this, yet only two non ABN have liked it.

TheState was kind, respectful, and truthful, and he recieved replies like this on the forum.

This did not help to the conversation

The point is, I could literally go down every ABN members posts in this forum and cite most of them just like this. I think most of us can consider all of that toxic, and not following this rule.

This post was literally titled “Will’s Little Poll about fairness”

This entire thread was designed as verbal abuse against my thread lol. To be honest in my opinion someone should have locked this thread the instant it was begun, it was literally just designed to create arguments and fights. Which is definitely not the goal of this forum. I believe I have made my points clear, as such I will not be responding - or reading any more of this forum. If I had it my way I would delete the whole thing, but that’s not up to me, just because I have been granted the privilege does not mean I should use it. Below are the rules to get to trust level 3. Good Luck.



To get to trust level 3, in the last 100 days…

Must have visited at least 50% of days
Must have replied to at least 10 different topics
Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)
Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)
Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*
Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
Must not have been suspended or silenced


the original topic is still marked as private so reposting this here:

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yes so kind and respectful. WE already established hes a pillar of the community

The issue here is you have not even tried a huge siege for Zanzibar before running to the forums to change.

Your so concerned about fairness. Is it fair that we took over Golden Globe and can mine whenever we want and other players cannot? Should we get rid of Golden Globe because we have an unfair advantage? OOOR should factions come fight to control it, just like Zanzibar

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Well I think this is a good spot to break this convo before it devolves any more.