5.0 Experimental is out

That is actually a pretty decent temporary fix. Not ideal but can’t cheese that and not too hard to implement.

But where/how will the alien AI target? They would still be cheesed. And what about DC-ed players and offline players?

Also 5.0 still has no decent offline protection I just noticed… They did almost nothing for PVP in 5.0 did they?

Offline protection is stupid.

I couldn’t possibly care less where the alien POIs shoot. Who cares if you can cheese NPC targeting. They’re not going to whine on the forums about it.

We gonna do video and etc on this weekend. We just make quick test with our BA vs our CV on our server:
left board shooted:

And look inside:

As we see on 1st screen - only left side shooted to boxes (mid wall of armor still unharmed), but on 2nd src we see, that right side box missed too. So its GG.

P.S.: Dont worry, video gonna be made as always. Today just to late for that

Why would 5.0 have offline protection?

The constraints for offline protection have been very clearly laid out. There needs to be a delay between log off and activation of offline protection to prevent combat logging.

Until that exists the discussion is a non-starter.

I actually expected those constraints in 5.0…

Also nothing against warp camping. EDIT: okay mordgier is right they did fix it a bit.


  • AutoMiner can now only be crafted with special core (to avoid having too many AMD in game): We added a special component (Core) for the Auto Miner that can be found in the Escape Pod starting equipment and in the red alien containers. The reason is that we want to limit the amount of Auto Miners - they should be something special and thus rare. What do you think about this change? (currently you can easily build a huge number of Auto Miners - later with Tech Tree V2 we can balance this differently)
  • Private player faction now have same properties regarding visibility compared to a “real” faction
  • Added Alien and Player Core (Admin) for indestructible POIs
    - More random placement of ships after warping
1 Like

THIS!^^^ Ya I was very disappointed that carriers dispensing fighter craft was so ineffective of a strategy after the homing missiles got added in. I think if they could just get some sort of limited countermeasures we could see a lot more variety in ships wielded in combat.

Well now with the marketplace change and the AM changes… Traders are going to have a better role same as PVE players.

Lot of big changes i like it… so sad no password codes fixed on faction


Turret and homing missile targeting? Solution is simple. Make multiple targeting to nearest major device (like in Space Engeneers - there turrets work really deadly) When we locate nearest device in our weapons range - make it the main target (to avoid target jumping), when it will be destroyed, then choose the next nearest device. Devices: Major to Minor: - Core, Generator,Cockpit, FuelTank, Thrusters.

And we need targeting system. At least for choose the target ship (if we have battle with multiple ships). Select target ship and then this targeting model will be work fine. Add some targeting computer block for the CV device’s.

And one more - we need speed variance for the CV’s. For example: If you build monster with 25-30k blocks it may fly maxumum 20-25m\s. If you build 3-5k blocks CV’s it can reaches maxumum of CV speed. And connect this check to the mass not the blocks number. To build CV with different purposes. Maybe 2-3 not big but fast CV will may kills the big cube-duck ship. Like in real life (do you see modern Battleships? no i don’t)

Even the Carrier can die by one antiship missile ) …P.S. I hate this stupid giant and expensive cubic ships. Maybe if we made it by the hands… Need turn off the Blueprint factory or make it like a base block ). Now it is a gods blessing from nowhere.

And in General the game is still too raw. We need natural engineering barriers during construction. The system of conveyors, structural integrity, etc (if the player is abusing and build an important modules away from the hull of the ship on a stick - blow up stick and the ship part will disappear - the ship goes out)

You can’t use new HV drills on meteorites.

So is this it? Confirmed change to core targeting mechanics for 5.0?


Really. Russia have only 3 carriers (one is big and can operative) But we have antiship heavy guided missile - Granit - SS-N-19 «Shipwreck» (500 km range) Warhead - 500-750 kg or nuclear warhead )) It can be lauched from submarines and surface ships ))

I couldn’t agree with this more. CV’s turning as fast as SV doesn’t make sense to me, not without a massive power drain anyway.

I’d like to see this - CV as your main carrier ship for SVs or drones. Let’s say we find a lone LBP warship, we launch a few SVs which spend time looking for thrusters or focusing fire on turrets/guns. Each CV’s weapons would then spend time focusing fire on whatever target priority happens to be… which could be set by the pilot of CV - make shortcuts in the Power Menu that can be preconfigured ahead of time, so I as a pilot can switch from focusing on turrets to fuel tanks to generators etc…

Example - SV Pilot - he’s generator on left flank is exposed.

CV Pilot - prioritizing turrets onto generators

By making CV’s slower you’d also make it more viable for extra gunners to take control of turrets to shoot down Svs or focus fire on particular parts of a CV.

Where are many changes and additions in v5, but nothing, what will change or extend my gameplay.
In my opinion, its not enough for major version jump.


Agree… I played 4 hour in experimental. Nothing new. Bug fixes big patch. Go to new SE beta )))))

For turret Tracking, closest fuel tank would be the best option as you cannot cheese by putting huge amounts as “armor” in heavy defended area, as one would chain react the rest and the turret priority would swap to the next area quicker than any other targeting option.

Agreed. Apparently the HVs drills do not work on meteorites. Just actual ore deposits. WTF…

So we are going to have to hand mine meteorites and autominers will be a pain to get.

Looks like the resource grind is back and I really did not miss it.


@RexXxus was this info you got from Eelon directly, and if so, can you request they add this into the full 5.0 release patch notes. This is a HUGE MP Gameplay change (lessor of two evils vs mid-ship targeting IMHO) but dont see it mentioned other than here.

Same. I’d like to hear this from Eelon.

I’d also like to hear about the HV mining meteorites stacked on top the T2 miner and meteorites not showing on radar nerfs from 4.0 it’s going to really really suck mining unless we start surface wiping.