Back to the roots with Block limitation | PvP improvement

Exactly - “I don’t want to go and redesign my ship.” that isn’t constructive. The reason why block limits are being put in is that fights take way too long atm. PvP fights should not last 30 - 60 minutes.

I fought 4 PKA for 15 minutes, flew away. Didn’t even bother to repair my ship and came back again.

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With coordinated assaults - 3 SVs were never meant to take out groups of bases. By making SV/HV thinner this will allow smaller factions to put up a bit of a fight against larger factions with more resources. And a group of smart players can still take out towers, but odds are someone is going to die in the attack :wink:

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Please for the love of god don’t change the current class size, it’s the only thing promoting different designs and types. A class size limit allows people to either prioritize looks, or performance, and everything in between creates different, and very interesting design concepts. As of this time, the class system works fine imo.
@ranzeth, those same players can also make the same vehicles we can, the fact that they are out-numbered is the problem, not the design. Bases do hit hard, they are perfectly capable of defending themselves as of this time, its just that throwing 20 people at a base is bound to stick.

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I really personally don’t want a PUBG style PVP system, I really want fights to last long and be indepth where the tides of war change rapidly, one minute your losing and the next your not. I don’t want that to be over in five minutes. All that would do is allow people to steamroll noobs faster. Conflict at its core is entirely dependent on skill, nothing separates current players from each other except designers skill and piloting/tactical ability.
Block counts will only result in brick warfare.


So how many should it take to take out 3 towers? 6 10 30? You say small factions need a chance what chance do they have in paper SV/HVs to take on even 1 group of 3 bases?
With the current limits 3 SV have to be smart to out LOS the other 2 bases to have a chance unless you have a lot of SVs to waste. With that said once you have an alliance now you have 6 bases to deal with. Also the person setting bases if there good at LOS 3 SVs have no chance.


You will just lose and spawn more ships in long fights, the only difference is the death count.


So basically pubg gameplay, die repeat die repeat for no gain what so ever? In my opinion that doesn’t make a lot of sense, atleast with larger SVs you get time to see your ship getting completely destroyed.


It takes 1 minute to get ready spawning and loading a new ship after you respawn, that’s one minute for your opponent.

I’ve been fighting gigantic bricks with my small ship, depleting my full ammo boxes while taking zero hits from the enemy, he was barely moving while I could avoid everything he tried to throw at me. I would land at my base and reload, take off and empty my boxes again, the thing was still casting shadow on my base, standing still tanking all turrets at once. This isn’t a fight. I don’t watch tv, eat potatoes crisps while single handely controlling my ship while fighting. This game shouldn’t be about who can farm the most to build bricks.

I remember 21 railguns duels with small ships from older versions, we emptied our ammo boxes missing fast moving ships, fights were longs but instead of trading shots on super armored slow moving targets, we moved a lot.

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So now you want no blueprint factory? And no instant spawn is that correct? Would you like anything else sir?

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Several things will help there. Set your base guns correctly. Location and settings. in your SV use it like a drill. Were you fighting a SV HV or CV?

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That is a picture of me flying away (and later warping) in my SV after cutting a tower with Ryan. Two SV’s VS one base ‘the old fashioned way’ toe to toe. Mind you that ‘was’ a 7k SV, I don’t think block limits are a huge problem I think sniping and core ducking are a problem.


I was fighting a brick SV and a HV wich I tried to avoid, I took only one missile shot from HV the whole fight, my SV can sustain only a few missile hits, I landed my half destroyed ship to take another one, it got stuck somehow while attempting to take off, I was grounded and the fight was over. I could just watch the ennemy take out my turrets with ease, slowly turning at one after the other.

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Those of you saying that new players can do the same thing obviously aren’t new players, yes they can build the same ships easy. No, they can’t supply the massive amounts of ammo needed for the sustained fights that are necessary to finally pierce those enormous plates of armor.

EDIT: Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying a new player should have it easy, just saying that the argument that it’s not hard to get there isn’t a solid argument. PvP isn’t for everyone, but the gap between being a new player and being able to get into PvP shouldn’t be the Grand Canyon for an ant.


I don’t see why sniping undefended bases is a problem. I remember artillery battles from the first hws, I could see shells coming from beyond hills, I could hit back the enemy following the shells trajectory. The most fun fights I had started with me “sniping” with a non moving cannon hv (could hit beyond 1.5km), that was like shaking a hornet nest, I would see enemy SVs come to me within a minute and destroy me. I don’t expect to leave my base able to defend itself alone, I don’t think bases are drop and forget like some kind of ammunition. If you build a base, you should be on site to defend it or lose it.

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That really depends on your definition of a new player.

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Erestrum and Magnesium are both rare resources and are both needed for the “better” types of ammunition that are more commonly used in PvP. You can make do without but some would say you are at a disadvantage.

I’m trying to learn as much as I can about the server, about the PvE options, about common PvP strategies, etc. but am trying to pick it up from observation as much as possible rather than asking all the secrets outright.
I will miss some things but just looking at ingredients and reading a few posts shows that homing rockets are popular in PvP and require rare resources. Other than that I look at screenshots when one side reports the other side, etc. The weapons used require rare resources as well.

I tried to be sneaky the other night on Homeworld and ended up getting set back further than I had progressed(have progressed again since then) because a random ganker came along. Playing solo/being new/not having enough rare resources makes it tough to get going in the first place. Running into someone in a “sponge” is impossible and very disheartening. If I were a completely new player I would quit if I ran into one of those and they blew me away without a single comment, which is what the ganker did to me.


Why not to increase handicap for blocks in this case? Ships die too fast.
Actually, that’s the main reason why people are just adding new layers. Honestly, those ships are ugly. There is no option to build normal attractive ship (or take stock one) and use it in fights successfully. It must be just a box with 10 layers. The main idea of building beautiful ships is dead here, imho.
I prefer to have 1-2 layers, but capable to protect the ship and easy to repair, instead having heavy ships with tons of layers.

Another thing… Performance. It just sucks in Empyrion. The game has too bad performance. That’s why server owners should rack their brain to make the game playable.
That’s the root of cause… (yours K.O. :))


The only positive is the return to blueprint if it’s implemented in HWS.
I know that hws is always trying to rectify the mistakes made by eleon game studios.


Thanks for taking the time to ask us for our feedback.

I appreciate that you as a developer see the value in the changes you’ve made from end of last season to our current point in this new season.

Last season was the best season ever? I believe that is what your poll showed.

I mean no salt or disrespect by my next comment.

As logical as all these changes seem to you as a developer, they are too much, too fast, too soon for your gaming community.

The idea player-base strategy for a developer change is:

  1. Decide on the full change.
  2. Introduce a small change.
  3. Calibrate the impact of the small change has on your player base
    a. Does the small change increase or decrease the fun factor (reason players keep logging in and telling other players about your game)
    b. Does the small change increase/decrease/neither server performance?
    c. Are there problems caused by the small change that will only compound if you keep adding the same kind of small changes?
  4. If your calibration indicates the small change is an overall improvement, continue with more small changes giving the player base a chance to adapt to the changes. Keep repeating #3 with each small change.
  5. If your calibration indicates that the small changes causes more problems than it solves with your playerbase, rollback the small changes and work on other areas of the game until a clear path for a new dev change + positive gaming experience can be achieved.
  6. Continue to make more small changes until you arrive at your Full Change if #5 is false.

Last season was your best season ever. I was so inspired by it I donated more $ on your server a few weeks ago than I have in 3-4 years of all the other games I’ve played combined.

My largest donation, the NPC Trader is now broken because you made so many changes so fast that the economy is broken and very few players have the ability to afford the last-season prices.

My excitement about this new season was to see if we (my faction/alliances) could dominate golden globe again. I’ve not been able to figure out the new meta for this season, I’ve not been on golden globe, because you have made so many big changes so fast, the amazing gaming experience from last season is mostly gone now.

I am a previous owner of several gaming communities and before that I helped manage a large gaming community that probably took in 100 times the donations you make here (about $12000 a month at its peak).

You may not feel I’m answering the question about the block limits, but I am answering that question and giving you my response to a much bigger problem. All your changes make sense to you as a developer and I respect that. But if you scare off or discourage your amazing playerbase those changes will ultimately have a negative impact for you and everyone else.

My request is that you stop making big changes that move your server further and further away from the best season you ever had. Start rolling back the changes you’ve made this season that discourages large game play. I know that at least one large faction (largest) has basically been eliminated from the PVP meta and your response to that has been “I can’t please everybody”. I agree you can’t, but are you intentionally trying to get rid of large factions? If you are, you should advertise that “Large factions are not welcome here”.

Once again, I want to be clear - this isn’t some attack on you or your server. It is a plea for you to consider as smart as you are on development of the game itself, you may have some blind spots when it comes to your handling of the overall player base that is likely to reduce big game play/faction-wide donations and probably MOST IMPORTANT player-retention: How many of your veteran players haven’t really returned full time this season? How many first timers from last season didn’t return?

My hope is to help you keep as many old players as possible and inspire more and more new players to try out HWS and stay.

I trust you have reasons for all the changes you’ve made. Can you predict with some accuracy the short and long term consequences of these changes on your precious player base? I don’t believe you need to eliminate one part of the game “large faction/alliance PVP” in order to make room for other parts of the game “small faction/no alliance/lone wolf PVP”. I think the most creative solution is to INCLUDE EVERYONE in your server changes. Last but not least “Don’t fix was isn’t broken”

Thank you for last season it was absolutely amazing and my first season here.


Just on a side note, most of the feedback that is being provided isn’t being supported with logic or data that Rex can consider. Most of it is “I feel this”, not “this is another way to look at it”.

In reality, if SVs can tank bases, then SV vs SV combat will last a long time and isn’t very risky. In order to make SV combat fun, block limitations come in - yes that means SVs will have a harder time with bases.


HV will have more blocks, and be able to fight bases better and that is the way it was meant to be.

If you guys want to influence the decision, please provide Rex with quantifiable feedback supported with logic/examples.

I have two videos of pvp in the last few days.

  1. 2v2 SVs - battle was 45 minutes and at the end one guy died, but was able to get in his ship and fly away.

  2. 4v1 - 15 minute fight, I was the 1 and at the end of the fight I flew away. 10 minutes later came back and fought for another 5 minutes.

In both instances, it was with a 7k block SV. 3K block will still allow for SVs to fight bases a bit… just not head on without HV support. It will definitely mean that SV fights will be riskier, and will not last 45 minutes - at least not with someone dying near the end of it.