Back to the roots with Block limitation | PvP improvement

Block limit is something great.

We are all flying around in ships with 3-4k blocks. (Thats the small SVs we are using anyway.)

Maybe 1500 is better and then lover the damage on the homing rockets. Lets make ships that actualy look nice and not just cube like.

Hv should be same or maybe 2k on them.

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Remember Ships wont look nice JUST because of hard block limits…

If you want ships to look crazy good like TV shows (Think BSG or Star Wars) Then cockpit health and gun health and core health need a big increase along with the block reduction.

Fact of the matter is X-wings have exposed cockpit and are flown first person. Here thats both stupid and impossible. Even with 1500 health over 700, exposed “Pretty” cockpit fighters are DOOMED.

But that is not really a bad thing. I mean even in the TV shows the cheep fighterss DIE when shot by bases or flag ships Turbo lasers.

So honestly you can make those “pretty” ships right now current meta, but like the show you will die to a base or CV. Right now most people are making covettes not fighters. Lots of guns and heavy armor on a good engine space design.

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Probably the one statement I agree the most with on this entire post. To assault a base should not be like firing a MLRS missile at it giving everyone a high five and going home. Or dropping a Fat Man from 45,000 feet. It should be trench warfare type combat or Castles/knights etc.

And yes whatever limit’s are put on we shouldn’t need to remove blocks from garage ships in order to play with them on these fields. None of them are designed as sponges so maybe that would be a good reference point.


Hmmm for both SV and HV

not more like 2500 - 3000 Blocks!
and that is massiv enough.

perhaps SV 2500 and HV 3000 for attacking bases! But that must be the end!

At the fight yesterday on Arma. There was SVs that fighting 2 miniutes when 2 Tower shoots on it… that cant be!

Fights must have a end with one dead body! Or more dead bodies!


And yeah CV fights working. Damage is good. But I think ~18k Block massiv enough for good ships!


I agree SV fights are too long. If this solution is able to mitigate that, and put SV’s into a more balanced part of the game(I.E. bases and CVs, and sometimes other SV’s can destroy them) then I agree it is a step in the right direction.

I had a battle against Ranzeth yesterday with 2 HV’s and 3 SV’s. He sat their happily tanking for 5 minutes, before going into space, where i followed and continue fighting another 5 minutes. I eventually just gave up.

Quite plainly, there is no situation where a 4v1 should last 10 minutes, and end with the former racing away still with a warp drive intact.


On this rare occasion i agree with Rex😛

I would suggest limiting the blocks to 1500, i could even live with 1000.

The brick size 1,49 exploiter SVs on Golden Globe make me sick. The size 7,49 mining CVs in Black Hole which you can NEVER stop from warping away make me sick.

So i vote for a REAL tough limitation giving piloting and gunnery skills back a meaning.

Is it technical possible to prevent the modification of garage ships ? I would vote for this !


Many excellent viewpoints expressed, and on board with limits at some level.

However, only will work imo if attack base spawn is eliminated on the same playfields.

When attack bases are played, heavy class 1 sv and hv are needed as counters.

Lightweight sv and hv’s will make attack bases more op if they remain spawnable.

Combining further hv, sv, and cv size limits with no base bp spawn (only can be built in game) may work well on those selected playfields.

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Every major change I made to the current 6177 block SV is always in response to an evolved environment that I play in. I am in the middle of another revision, but now that has come to a grinding halt until this is hashed out first.

Last season was primarily large clusters of HVs and attack bases. One argument is that my SV can tank the 3 bases, but what about the rest of the enemy SVs/HVs at the same time? They didn’t sit there idly by and allow it. I have only lost my SV twice now, one by an attack tower because of d/c and just recently by Ranz/Vand in a 2v1 that turned into a 2v2. Was a good fight, even if we were all in bricks. At the end, splash damage killed me out of the cockpit, was still able to fly.

Point is, the changes are going to happen, so I’m not gonna argue for or against. Every major revision I keep the prior bps so I can backtrack, so make the changes so I can build again.


[quote=“Alandauron, post:99, topic:11039, full:true”]

I was under the impression that Class 1 was where the cutoff was, thanks for the correction. [/quote]
Also need to think outside the box… with garage ships powered by CV thrusters and RCS’s, these 20k+ SV’s handle like nothing else.

The gap is wide and very daunting to overcome. But at the same time, new players have a real goal out there that seems impossible, but it certainly is possible.

At the end of the last season I watched new players start having never played EGS before, let alone HWS, build up and now they’re living on PVP hotspots. I can think of a few examples but the best is Grizz and Speed how they went from escape pod to in everyone’s face in a few weeks time. Another is the OGG group who, after a shove in the right direction, regularly committed to fights on GG while mining many millions of Cr per day off a world owned by a huge opposing alliance.

Still, I agree, new players need… something… even if just guidance or encouragement that it’s not a hopeless endeavour.

It is hard to keep up… and the “meta” never settles.

Agreed. Like most of Rex’s ideas, this one WILL get implemented. But exactly how is somewhat up to us.

I suggest that everyone who fights on HW/GG post up the block counts of their successful SV and HV designs like Saint Mark did. I realize that perspective is going to have a lot to do with this as many people don’t really engage at the same level as others. For example, players like Grizz and Speed use an unconventional SV design rather successfully and engage in combat daily in the pvp hotspots.

I do think we can gather a general idea of what works and what doesn’t size-wise without getting too much into the details of any individual/proprietary design.

I would be happy if SV and HV were set to something like 5k for each just to trim off the really super huge ones and see how that impacts things.


Happy! Happy! Happy!

Please implement this ASAP. I may actually get a win (rather than seeing the opposition fleeing) having spent 10 minutes flying circles around someone, shooting them with 2 ammo boxes of 135s, pulses and rails, only to see them limp off in and out of orbit/green/red barrier etc and lose them due to the appalling mini-map design. Yeah, I’m looking at you, Char :wink:

But seriously, this gets my vote 100% :smiley:


All people that joined up with big alliances/factions and maximzed benefits in that regard. Players that don’t want to play that way and enjoy the solo experience still deserve to have some PvP action without getting completely steamrolled everywhere they go or not being able to even get a kill because the armor is so very thick that it takes so long to get through their target is guaranteed to escape or get reinforced because it will always take 30 minutes to penetrate the layers of armor.

Even if it ends up being a single playfield, not necessarily GG/HW, I feel that it makes sense to give people that don’t want to conform to giant unified alliances a chance to play the way they want and still get to partake without preying on other new/solo players. It looks like the majority of people at least agree to that, we just need to see where a comfortable block count is, good idea on everyone sharing their block counts.


What do you think the block limits should be and on which playfields?

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What do you think the block limits should be and on which playfields? We need to try and get Rex as much feedback as possible.

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Exactly my point. I knew I had nothing to fear from your HVs so I was just trying to cockpit Smally… I didn’t have my warp drive on though, I flew away and put it on after :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yup base sniping is 0 risk.

There ‘is’ a way to prevent this without touching the Config file as well. It is under Atmospheric density. High Atmospheric density reduces the range of ALL weapons by the same factor. And it can be planet/system set (yes you can do this in space, call it a ‘nebula’ or a ‘space hulk’). Actually kind of surprised no one else seems to have mentioned doing it.


You forgot about GRG that just kind of crept up out of nowhere and is now one of the super powers.


Personally? After taking into account all comments and all build I have knowledge of. After considering my experiences as a solo player intentionally being ignorant and not looking at guides/seeking advice. After considering the big factions and solo players and the playfields as well as the layout of the HWS Universe.

I would need to post a wall-o-text to explain exactly what I feel block counts should be and where. To keep it simple though.

  • GG sector should remain a FFA without block limitations for the big factions to stomp on those unwilling to conform.
  • HW sector planets should have block limitations so that players can build on their resources in order to compete
  • HW space should remain a FFA without block limitations for the chance to gank new/solo/small faction players heading to the HW planets

I think that Rex’s proposed limitations might be slightly low but not by much. They might be a good starting point though. Based off designs I’ve seen here’s what I would have proposed:

  • SVs: 3.5 - 4k
  • HVs: 4.5 - 5k

This makes them slightly less armored than some of the true class 1s(1.49 or lower) I’ve seen without making the change too drastic. Considering last seasonit was allowed to have SVs up to 1.99(this I didn’t know until this very discussion) I can understand why many think a jump from being allowed to make 12k+ designs down to 3k is pretty drastic.


I’ll post a screenshot of my block count on my current build SV when I get off work, but it is 6177 blocks.

As I said, the thread is already here, it’s gonna happen, let’s just make the change so we aren’t all in limbo when it happens. Mine doesn’t ever hit the 1.5 class size, it goes lower as the fights drag on.

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The much awaited Sequel: Part 2:

So @Ranzeth correctly pointed out that this would be for individual playfields; as this is the case it presents an ENORMOUS opportunity. For instance this could be something that genuinely helps smaller factions by making some PVP playfields more noob/small-faction friendly by:

  • Restricting the PVP time to prime-time only.
  • Reducing the block limit on SVs+HVs to make bases in their current form much harder for other factions to attack (only applies to this playfield.)
  • Instead of using global limits, maintaing a smaller local limit (such as five hovers, five svs, 3/2 bases). This way big powerful PVP factions will be unlikely to want to go down and attack new players at such a high cost, giving them a higher chance of prolonged survival and experience of a PVP playfield.

In exchange for this PVP-lite mentality players would have to be used to the fact that the deposits may be smaller and have less meteorites when depleted than others. It could also have a higher case of PVE mentailty with a higher hostile creature count/extreme weather/gravity.

Best regards and i’m curious what others think of this.



Moving on, which playfield are you referring to? Just Arma? You talk about restricting PvP to just Prime Time, which is Arma iirc. Or are you trying to say that other fields should restrict PvP to Prime Time cause I can’t get behind that at all and this is coming from someone who is likely to get ganked or destroyed, even by those I call friends, if I go anywhere near GG or Homeworld right now.