Big Pre HWS 8 Polls

Damn that sucks.

So it’s mostly a MMO-PvE patch is what your saying? Soon we will be forced to play roblox/minecraft/desert bus simulator for entertainment.

I guess it would be best then to basically keep the planet size 2 for everywhere. At least until they implement it.

The AG zone protection covers above and below ground right. Was a bit confused, sounded like the AG zone only protects structures above ground.

Or wait till Dual Universe later this year :).

And everybody in hell wants ice water, I don’t see it happening :frowning:

Part of the problem is there are so many different types of PvP people want. Some want base vs base (not PvP IMO), others want CV fights (still mostly automated reversing auto-firing goliaths), still others want to hide and mine (either underground or on giant planet…not PvP IMO either), then there is us. Evidently we are the minority who want SV/HV vs SV/HV with minimal bases (for deployment and temporary defense only) (wiped when we log off so others can fight on the playfield without our bases in their way).

So you prefer the other type of pvp? macro-firing, front-armoured flying bricks? Hmm fun.

IMF doesn’t use macros, or bricks. Our main SV is an Xwing that has always been well under the block limit, even before there was one. Highly maneuverable and suicide to pilot for those not trained. Lots of fun!

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The IMF X-wing. Our go to fighter is built to do one thing… Lots of damage really fast. It is not forgiving to its pilots and requires constant care.

Hardly a “Block” SV. It can win any SV duel with proper piloting.

This baby is ment for danger. However all IMF pilots know at any moment The X-wing could implode… Keeps us on our toes.

Glad to hear at least somebody else isnt using macros. Apologies for the insinuation. Personally, I’m less inclined to fight in SVs nowadays (though still do ninja type runs) - seeing plasma, homings and lasers all coming at me at the same time got quite tedious. Might aswell put turrets on them lol.

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Rexxus I think you should entertain the idea of going back a step to the old maps that you made around 3.0 to 4.0. Those in my opinion were the best that you made. And now with the larger planet sizes you shouldn’t have the problems with factions occupying a whole planet and cutting everyone else off on resources. Example lava and alien planets containing the rare resources.

And as far as the anti grief device , I think its cool that it has to be above ground but it would be kooler if it was unobstructed, just my 2 cents

And again thanx for your hard work, I am actually excited to see how HWS is going to play out in 8.0(just don’t crazy with player guns on POI…plz)

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I too have fond memories of the v4.0 universe especially the 3 starter planet pvpve rotation. While it may suffer from survivor bias (or whatever the reverse is :slight_smile: ) I think Rex’s own poll/research indicates season 6/7 universes have been the best yet.

Looking forward to seeing the v8 map :slight_smile:

I made a lot in the past and if I didn’t do it now it had some reasons… mostly.
I don’t know what you are referring to exactly.

Yes, this would be even possible but then again, are you having your Core of your ships or bases in the very front, without any armor around it? I don’t think so.
The Land Claim Device will be beside the Core your most and best friend in PvP or Ninjas are coming and kill you …

„More space PVP“… better said „Space PVP at all“

At the moment we have „Pirate attacks. . Warp out“ or attrition CV battles where the turrets are gone long before the core block armor is penetrated = BORING !

If you want to see a really nice MMO PVP check Conan Exiles. You can raid players… but not without costs and efforts. Even big alliances cant. On HWS they can.

Find the mistake.

I was tempted to make a screenshot with an arrow pointing at your username but instead I will point out that Conan Exiles is a game while HWS is privately run server that needs to act within the bounds given by the game.


Not sure what the majority of players might think. Might have some gaping holes in my ideas. Or the idea might not interest anyone.

PVP discussion. The return of sanctuary “3rd server” ?

Here are my ideas for possible improvements for the lag during larger pvp battles

I have seen Rexxxus try to balance pvp and pve. Working with us with our ideas and thoughts with limiting class size block count and BA/SV/HV limits. Despite his best efforts the game simply can’t handle this level of warfare.

My suggestion is reactivating sanctuary, with limited playfield eg CSW ECC and black hole system.
Using what we have learned with the limitations we need to take it a step further. Here are some idea’s.

Here is and example for BA
Plasma artillery homing 4 to 1 flak, laser 6 to 2
15 and 30’s my personal opinion can be removed completely.

Same for HV’S homing, plasma 4 to 1. Increasing the artilery guns to 2 and increase the damage and remove the homing. For better base damage.

Of course many other adjustment will be needed.

More HP for BA and HV guns.

For SV class from 1.65 to 1.2 for better SV vs SV battle

Maybe 20% less blocks for SV/HV

Smaller BA class maybe 2 ?

Increase DPS for bases.

More HV adjustment.

Oh and no alliance.

And stricter HV limits from 10 to 3 SV from 15? to 5 . The reason for this is to limit the assets in combat. Even with those insane limits you can have 8 players in combat per faction.

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If you remove alliances then TAW won’t be able to have you back them up :laughing:

But we still got Phoenix around to give entertainment!

I have no bases that are over class 1. Why do we need such huge bases? And then 3 clustered together? I say 1 class 1 in PvP so players can fight instead of AI bases doing it all.

There used to be an option to auto ally origins and not allow cross alliances. I like that feature. How about MORE Origins and they cannot cross join or ally?

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I didn’t care for the auto ally, seen it many times on other servers that this was used, and when you fly to or near your “ally” they would break allegiance to get an easy backpack.

The mistake is your irrelevant post. Hell, let’s pass out candy in a dentist office while posting. See if we can get their attention. How about Carmel covered onions and vomit flavored jelly beans…
