Buyed Alien Core Paypal

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> 22:17 I did pay and buy a Alein Core… Its now 23:30 Still do not have it.

Player(s) with issue:
=> Ken-Lurky

=> EU

Time (cb:time):
=> 22:17

=> Eden

Structure Name(s):

Structure ID(s):

How can we help you now:
=> Send me a Alien core.

Hello @NORken

You got the Alien Core since 22:20.
The thing is: you have to actually read what you buy.
Everything was given to you:

So before you type the command do:rp:ac, please check the screenshots above, read the details given to you and how the Alien Core works overall.

Thanks for your support!

Thanks Rex…

I was to busy readying the guid how to place it. So did not see i needed the command to get it =)
Thank you for the time!

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