CB Destroy (Good or Bad?)

Yeah I have reported this issue wasn’t working properly, but my feedback wasn’t taken seriously.


Read back to all of Rexxxus posts in this thread ---- he added preventing bp’ing to the discussion.


Magical self destruct button… you might be onto something there. How many times did Captain Kirk turn it on or in The Search for Spock, actually use it?

@Archangel - i’m pretty sure you misunderstood - no BP was meant in a way that you’re unable to save/update blueprints, not spawn them.

Forbidding BP spawning would immensly criple PvP and cost alot of people alot of time.

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Or we could have a cost associated with spawning a bp. Time is relative, and hiring 200 hobo midgets is expensive slave labor to make your ship.


Agree with all! I waste fucking tons of hours to build and upgrade my ships and what i have? These noobs not only steal most of my ideas in building (and like i say sometime ago - if they give me one euro for every steal idea - in BP, in tackicts and etc - then i already can buy a new S-klasse).

yeah im board with no bp option, take screenshots and dissect it manually.

compromise for recycle 5…put a 200m range on it so the person can’t just sit 4k away on the playfield and recycle everything from a safe area, but allow the person to do it if others are around, friend or foe as long as they are in the 200m range of the entity.

recycle 5 might need the price to go up for hws 8

I asked Eleon about that prevent bp topic. We will see / I’ll let you know.

A compromise within a compromise

But yeah, that is what I’m thinking about.

Haha, so it’ll take me 25 mins instead of 20 now? :stuck_out_tongue:
While I agree it’d make sense that you can’t leave the starter too fast, this won’t work except for total newbies, who are pretty likely to be unaware of the blueprint possibility anyway.

Anyway, I agree with the direction of the idea of no BP (even spawning) for PvP, possibly the whole server even. It’s a handy tool but perhaps too handy. However, completely disallowing them is a little harsh. I’m sure there are ways to make them less handy without completely disabling them. For instance, it’s way too handy that the BP building process takes place somewhere unavailable to players and then you can just keep it there until you want to instant teleport the thing into existence almost anywhere and whenever you please.

So, my suggestion is: Make it more limited where the BPs can be spawned and make it cost something more than just the materials to build a BP. Perhaps also require you to choose the place to spawn it at before you can start the production.

I mean, do we really need a feature available for every player that will instantly teleport them a new ship or base on demand? In most PvP games that would be considered cheating.

I kind of like the idea that when you start the BP building process, your drone would start building it at the place you choose on autopilot and the process would be visible and you could even interefere with it (in PvP). Perhaps have a device you can spawn that will do it. BP materials would need to be placed into that device and it would begin immediately when it has enough materials to get started on some part of the structure. In PvP that device would represent a high value target as you could potentially get lots of resources by looting it.

I don’t remember any real world scenario where a pilot would be pulled out of his cockpit for a minute or more before being placed back in the world where his cockpit was only to see his vehicle a mile or so ahead of him being destroyed by the enemy… Comparing this game to real life is about as useful as showing a starving man a picture of a burger.
Most of my losses in any fleet battles have been to lag issues or players exploiting or complete disconnects. All completely abstract to the real ‘physical’ world.
Making decisions about game play mechanics based around what would happen in the real world is utterly absurd.
TL:DR - leave them as they are, and bring in BP locking on playfields. Stop comparing this game to real life.

Plenty of gold sure but I would trade all my gold for an ocd full of cs and hs blocks

If it makes you feel better I send pictures of food to the homeless. But I only use glossy paper to print so it can’t easily be repurposed as make shift shit paper.

5 Million Blocks?! Give the UST a season and maybe we can arrange this :grin:

Guess that’s where the market comes into play.

If BP spawning can be limited/stopped, I suggest limited: Give the Traders to option to spawn from BP’s, but only ones they are the author of, or one that has been ‘signed’ somehow, like a PGP key.

or even spies taking pills to commit suicide

@Fulgrim I disagree with you this time, i dont think that disabling BP would cripple pvp, instead it will open a new part of the game, ship/base building (which is the core of the game) and trading.
I and ITA faction tryed the NO BP idea on a dedicated server hosted by Hobie(one of us) with only Prefab abilitated to be spawn. Prefab that we made ourself and then upped (because you can choose the Prefab BP and you are not bound to the Eleon ones).
I think BP spawn is not essential for PVP, as you cannot spawn BP so your enemy can’t, this would equilibrate everithing. If you speack of ppl fleeng fight because they worry about losing ships, well wipe will come early or later… you will loose the ship anyway.
I think that this way instead of spending TONS of hours in Creative building ships ALONE (or in dedicated coop section) you spent your time playing with others IN the game.
Another important part will take the Garage, where you will be able to buy even Normal Ships adding them to the Hybrid ships, but you need to go to the Garage and buy them and transport them to the fighting location, your fleet can be intercepted and you can loose those ships ecc (this is all NEW pvp) and a new use of a very lovelly HWS feature.
my 2 cents

I understand your point of view, however, i can’t see thr majority of players willing to spend dozens of hours on a ship everytime they lose one, given how easy it is to lose it.

Or to spend hours without. End making bases that can be demolished in 1/10th of the time.

Or making manually all the SV/HV used in recent pvp battles (are we talkinh not BP for all or…?)

Thats just too much time invested, and too heavily favorise tho with the time to build huge stuff. People would spend more time building than fighting and would be afraid of fighting cause they cpuld lose more stuff than now, ao yes, pvp dynamics would be hurt.

And about being solo in creative - creative with friends work well too.

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While the “Only stock Blueprint” setting is very interesting I think it will also screw some people off since they spent already thousands of hours in creative…

But he is right that we will soon have the possibility to prevent BAse spawn on certain playfields and you can probably guess on which planet I will disallow BA BP spawning :grimacing:


Well i have no problem with removing base blueprints. I would love that. No more attack bases and so on :slight_smile:

When we talk about SV / Hv´s its harder.

  • We can only have 15 Sv´s on planet. (That wont last long in a bigger fight.)
    *only 10 HV´s (Same as Sv´s)
  • CV´s arnt allowed from 17-09 so no carrier in space with tanks and Sv´s that can land.

We now have fights including 20-30 people. Not being able to spawn backup materials will kill the pvp.

Also i just want to say that it actualy works to have fights with 30 people… :slight_smile:

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