Changes to EGS Recycle and destroy ship ID commands

So if you would lose your ship you made in creative with 100+ hours by a disconnect to an enemy this should be part of PvP (which isn’t I know)?

Any suggestion towards that?

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I think it is fair because both people risk their loss. Going into PVP is a mutual consent to risk.


Disabling the ability to blueprint a ship you didnt create (within the live game client) would be a thing that would improve it. Because the reward is not the blueprint it is the resources and loot. (though we have caught a lot of people with hacked ships by bluprinting them)

I for one also delete my ship on defeat. This is not to deny the winners mats, my reason is for keeping the bp out of enemy hands as it is not my bp.

Could it be set so if you use the eb destroy command with enemies around that a small base with cargo boxes is spawned with the mats from the structure in them?

I feel like that could be a win win.

Ps I am willing to meet anyone who has taken me out in ECC and give them the mats they would have received had I not deleted.

Thats actually a good idea Im not sure how easy that would be to achieve though.

Neither disabling blueprinting, nor dropping a generic or percentage of inside loot is possible guys, sorry.

Any other ideas?

I don’t want to be so “soft” and hold the hands of PvP guys. If you enter PvP, it’s all or nothing - bugs + disconnects included.

But I want a big community feedback on that.
If I would run HWS as I would play PvP you all would be dead and sweating all over the place already :joy_cat:

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well from day 1 there will be lagg and dc’s in fights… in pvp u risk loosing all and that it how it should be… your own bp or not, besides it would be shot up to hell, if someone wants to save the shot up to hell bp’s yeh go for it, part of the risk,this is why i would suggest disabling recycle and destroy in pvp playfields


I actually think its a fair discussion to bring up with Eleon, if people are mostly concerned with their intellectual property rights then the ability for someone else to copy it “In game” would have to be addressed to keep that camp happy. Because any bug that would let someone steal a clean blueprint will not be prevented with cb:destroy. What happens often in practice is people cb:destroy their ship or base even after a long fair battle and then the person who “won” gets nothing. The ship is gone and they cb:gohome or combat log so no RP either. What is your average lawless space pirate to do? Stop wasting their time most likely. (Not ranting or mad just want to help HWS improve with constructive criticism)

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part of the risk,this is why i would suggest disabling recycle and destroy in pvp playfields


You can try Eleon but that is rather a Beta or full release question if I don’t have a clear vision and create a ticket for them. Too many opinions about it.

Disable it completely or for both a 200+m enemy check around?

Cause why bother with high EGS Recycle lvl 5 cost

i’ve played in pvp for years before moving on, and tbh i loved it despite the dc’s or lagg, lost ships due to it (own designs), one faction actually collected my ships :P, but i knew this was part of the pvp experience


ok so disable destroy completely, and keep recycle but only work if no-one is around 200m @ level 5

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I actually get egs recycle 5 specifically to recycle ships i capture, it is very nice to recycle other things but it used to be we spent many hours taking apart captured ships by hand to reclaim the resources (big ship graveyards)

been there and would take day’s :stuck_out_tongue: xD

Good afternoon everyone, seeing the discussion and being a player that was already damaged by disconnection and lost a ship without any damage, really was frustrating and disappointed and there was no time to use such a command, an idea that maybe possible would be the mixture of recycler with the destroy command, in which way: well it would work as the recycler but would not take the resources to the ocd or even trim the backpacker player and yes appear in the space, ie it would spill the serve in the playerfield, perhaps in the form of a A player’s backpack, such as when we died, could generate a sack between 30% and 50% of the ship that was destroyed and would remain inside this backpack for up to 20 minutes, Rexx I do not know if such a mechanic is possible, but that could be tried, this clear that if the scripts of the game allow …

RexXxuSHWS Owner


Neither disabling blueprinting, nor dropping a generic or percentage of inside loot is possible guys, sorry.

Any other ideas?

I don’t want to be so “soft” and hold the hands of PvP guys. If you enter PvP, it’s all or nothing - bugs + disconnects included.

But I want a big community feedback on that.
If I would run HWS as I would play PvP you all would be dead and sweating all over the place already :joy_cat:

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I read Rexx’s comment, I did not suggest playing in a floating box in space, but rather in a backpack, the recipe already does this, both for the ocd and for the inventory / backpack of the player, he cruised a random backpack in the spaço when typing the command and send part of the resource to it, I am not knowledgeable about the script, but the recycle already makes 90% percent of this command that I suggested, or not?

Bugs and disconnects happen we all play the same game. but because of those bugs and disconnect you are now removing all possibility of getting loot. How does this make any sense ?It’s like saying no one can drive because accidents happen.


There is no solution to satisfy both sides.

  1. PLayers who go in PvP acknowledge the risk of losing a ship in an instant. We all know this is an Alpha game, so everyone acknowledges disconnects are a part of daily life in Empyrion.

  2. You need to setup a reward system for us so that their is value to pvp other than just the ego of winning.

We have lost the chance to salvage 3 Class l 5-7 Combat CVs because of this. Inspite of that we used probably 200 - 300k in resources per fight… for nothing… not even RP.

PvP on NA is dying because of this and a few other features. We need to solve this ASAP or NA PvP will be very scarce indeed.


I agree with the no recycle and no destroy of CV/SV/HV/Base on Homeworld space and in Golden Globe space.I believe that if you come to these PvP areas you should be and are taking a big risk and the Pirates/Enemy Faction should be able to loot what they have captured.Don’t want to chance losing a Blue Print?Then stay out of PvP space.:space_invader::rocket::artificial_satellite::alien: