Changes to EGS Recycle and destroy ship ID commands

part of the risk,this is why i would suggest disabling recycle and destroy in pvp playfields


You can try Eleon but that is rather a Beta or full release question if I don’t have a clear vision and create a ticket for them. Too many opinions about it.

Disable it completely or for both a 200+m enemy check around?

Cause why bother with high EGS Recycle lvl 5 cost

i’ve played in pvp for years before moving on, and tbh i loved it despite the dc’s or lagg, lost ships due to it (own designs), one faction actually collected my ships :P, but i knew this was part of the pvp experience


ok so disable destroy completely, and keep recycle but only work if no-one is around 200m @ level 5

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I actually get egs recycle 5 specifically to recycle ships i capture, it is very nice to recycle other things but it used to be we spent many hours taking apart captured ships by hand to reclaim the resources (big ship graveyards)

been there and would take day’s :stuck_out_tongue: xD

Good afternoon everyone, seeing the discussion and being a player that was already damaged by disconnection and lost a ship without any damage, really was frustrating and disappointed and there was no time to use such a command, an idea that maybe possible would be the mixture of recycler with the destroy command, in which way: well it would work as the recycler but would not take the resources to the ocd or even trim the backpacker player and yes appear in the space, ie it would spill the serve in the playerfield, perhaps in the form of a A player’s backpack, such as when we died, could generate a sack between 30% and 50% of the ship that was destroyed and would remain inside this backpack for up to 20 minutes, Rexx I do not know if such a mechanic is possible, but that could be tried, this clear that if the scripts of the game allow …

RexXxuSHWS Owner


Neither disabling blueprinting, nor dropping a generic or percentage of inside loot is possible guys, sorry.

Any other ideas?

I don’t want to be so “soft” and hold the hands of PvP guys. If you enter PvP, it’s all or nothing - bugs + disconnects included.

But I want a big community feedback on that.
If I would run HWS as I would play PvP you all would be dead and sweating all over the place already :joy_cat:

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I read Rexx’s comment, I did not suggest playing in a floating box in space, but rather in a backpack, the recipe already does this, both for the ocd and for the inventory / backpack of the player, he cruised a random backpack in the spaço when typing the command and send part of the resource to it, I am not knowledgeable about the script, but the recycle already makes 90% percent of this command that I suggested, or not?

Bugs and disconnects happen we all play the same game. but because of those bugs and disconnect you are now removing all possibility of getting loot. How does this make any sense ?It’s like saying no one can drive because accidents happen.


There is no solution to satisfy both sides.

  1. PLayers who go in PvP acknowledge the risk of losing a ship in an instant. We all know this is an Alpha game, so everyone acknowledges disconnects are a part of daily life in Empyrion.

  2. You need to setup a reward system for us so that their is value to pvp other than just the ego of winning.

We have lost the chance to salvage 3 Class l 5-7 Combat CVs because of this. Inspite of that we used probably 200 - 300k in resources per fight… for nothing… not even RP.

PvP on NA is dying because of this and a few other features. We need to solve this ASAP or NA PvP will be very scarce indeed.


I agree with the no recycle and no destroy of CV/SV/HV/Base on Homeworld space and in Golden Globe space.I believe that if you come to these PvP areas you should be and are taking a big risk and the Pirates/Enemy Faction should be able to loot what they have captured.Don’t want to chance losing a Blue Print?Then stay out of PvP space.:space_invader::rocket::artificial_satellite::alien:


Couldn’t agree more Gaspra. I already lost a SV blueprint due to a lag shot (or me being careless… hard to tell these days).

First thing I did? Bitched about it in Discord. Second thing I did - redesigned the SV in creative.

Here are the challenges from the majority of PvPers perspective this season.

  1. Supergates allow you to warp out of “Hot” pvp zones, so unless you cockpit/lagshot or commit to the fight it is nigh impossible to get a kill or win.

Suggested Fix is to remove Supergates from Homeworld and Black Hole or make them unusable while their is an enemy player (not structure just player) within the Supergate zone

  1. Cockpitting/Lagshot out of cockpit.

Get rid of hitscan weapons. It sucks that it messes with pulse weapons and will make fights last longer, but such is life I guess

  1. PvE areas are rich in resources.

*Remove Gold from all PvE zones, and put it only in Black Hole and GG. This should improve server performance as each area will be smaller. Also, make deposits smaller in every playfield except Homeworld Space/Planets/Black Hole/Golden Globe

  1. Get rid of Armageddon (it has not seen almost any use on NA (I think according to Global scan, strucutre count has remained stable all season).

Turn Jupidor and Sathon into PvE/PvP rotation planets with indestructible terrain. You put down auto miners in PvE and pick them up before the flip… or defend them. That said - autominer drop rate in PvE zones has to increase dramatically! I have looted maybe 3 autominers all season. (Then again I don’t do many POIs).

  1. Increase base limit on GG to 3.

  2. Disable Elite Builders League on Homeworld.

I perosnally love EBL, but I think that it’s proving too challenging for the majority of factions visiting.


Just a side note EBL hasn’t been active on HW all season. Atleast it wasn’t on the 2 or 3 bases we put down so far.

Agree with all Ranzeths points.

Have had lots of enemies limp to an SG and manage to sneak out from under me.

Would also add - if you do get rid of cb:destroy please make the cost to use egs recycle 5 lower. I currently strip by hand rather than use it on larger ships due to the cred cost.

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I agree, even though it won’t be perfect disabling recycle and destroy in pvp is more fair then allowing someone to destroy and recycle a ship because they lost the fight. The risk of losing our ships in pvp and even to disconnects are the risks we all take when going into pvp.

I also agree that when you enter a PVP space, you are taking the risk, knowing what could happen when you step across that line.

As far as your “self destruction timer” what about the explosive blocks in creative? Wouldn’t having to incorporate them into your ship, having a self destruct lever next to you, and Create signal logic with them being part of the ship suffice? Putting time into keeping your secrets safe but still allowing loot for the winner. As far as someone firing on them they should explode like any other explosive in real life. However, I am unsure as to why they are not implemented in the game, I’ve never seen them until now.

I would also like it to where you could not blueprint enemy ships that you capture and would have to reverse engineer it on the server if you wanted to reproduce it rather than just taking a copy of it into creative.

I am a big fan of repairing PVP Bp just for collection purpose. Cb:destroy is just making pvp no more worth. Is just a waste of ammo without reward.
If you got disconnect out of the game you are not able to destroy your ship anyway before reconnecting again. So actually cb:destroy is being abused by who are defeated in a legit way.
If something is shot down means is not a good ship, so if enemy has my bp who cares. I will take out a new improved version as usual.


That is actually a very important and killer argument I did not fully realized.

I think it is needed that we implement the enemy detection for cb:destroy and egs:recycle now.
Preventing them completely in PvP damage those who have a base far in space etc. It’s also good for performance to keep the playfields clean of legit wrecks.


There are many ways one can reply to this discussion.

Here is mine…

I agree, that if you choose to PVP, you risk all. Knowing that, you engage, you’ve accepted the possibility of loss of ship, bp, resources, all of it. My concern is that when you decide to engage or participate in a battle, the chance of being dc’d during your encounter is a whole different circumstance. The loss of connection is not what any player would agree to, and until that part of the game is stable, it opens the door for reasons why players will choose to Recycle or Destroy.

I personally would not want to risk all. And believe me, I’ve lost ships because of DC’s. It sucks, period. The opponent didn’t win the ship in this regard, the server let my connection go and I lost without the equal opportunity to defend and attack.

However, I do have a suggestion, and it keeps PVP alive and for the most part fair (minus the disconnects) whereas, if a player chooses to try and warp out of the SG, it becomes disabled if an enemy (non faction or allied) ship is in the same space (ie 1km), in this instance, both ships are considered engaged and there could still be a winner. There needs to be a perimeter where no object can be spawned in for any reason, or be allowed to be there, legit or exploited. This way the SG can be used properly if no ship is engaged.

Another option is to remove the SG and only allow warps like last season.

With regard to Recycle and Destroy, either allow or disallow. Keep it simple and it can work. Begin to include different factors and it won’t work.