Community Project | New Feature: EGS Recycle!

I spend over $2M a year paying people to ewaste my IT gear. Scrap ain’t cheap. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This seems like a fair start and can be adjusted to fit the meta as it evolves in 6.

in my opinion, just follow interstellar rift… give back 100% of the mats, and maybe put some considerable cost.

When we were having large fights on Armageddon, or on other planets for that matter, the scrap ships would really add up and tended to just sit around until folks had time to tear them down. These ships contributed to the lag as they had to be rendered in and their individual block damage had to be calculated, etc.

In having this service, I imagine that minimizing the cost will allow players to take advantage of the service more frequently, clear scrap off the battlefield, and lessen lag. It appears to me that it would be more efficient for all involved to keep the cost down and the battlefield cleared of scrap.


I like the idea of levels. I think credit wise it is ok (probably even a bit on the cheap side for 70% return), RP is a lot if you consider the (I think too) short season. By the time you have 70 RPs to spend, you are probably already halfway through the season.

So, either make a persistent system, where you can grow you skills over seasons (make the last levels extremely expensive like OCD) or I would lower the RP cost for a non-persistant system. And yes, create a higher granularity (more levels). I would say 5 (10% increase of returns per level) in a non-persistent solution or 7-10 with a persistent system

Warning: Long post ahead!

Really excited to see the possibility of the scrapping service coming to HWS and the excitement level from everyone on it!
I dropped an opinionated suggestion on another thread:

After reading through this thread, i find myself starting to sway towards having it as a EGS server command over having a physical Scrapyard/Shipyard.

The drawback I feel however would be that the service inevitably be much harder for the newer / smaller factions if terms of use is set specifically in a currency only usage case (only RP/only CR/combination of both). Therefore part of me still feels like a set physical location/structure is the only way to cater to our younger and smaller factions.

I am also really loving the level breakdown systems into tiers.

The following suggestions will be slightly outlandish opinions and also based on having 2 options:
1. EGS SaaS (Player Command)
2. EGS SaaS (Server owned Location/Structure)

Basing some suggestions off @TheRaven 's point 5# where there is a difference in returns using EGS Player (Scrappers) vs using EGS Server SaaS. Although my opinions are somwhat flipped from his where there is a balance on Risk:

  • Player scrap SaaS has lesser returns but based off their EGSR levels but safer.
  • Server scrap SaaS has higher returns and speed but Dangerous due to being ambushed and Mugged at transit locations.
    With these considerations, it is actually also viable if it is flipped either way.

    —Some duplicate opinions from my other post—

1. EGS recycle brief breakdown

Some suggestions based off @RexXxuS & @Kogami

EGS Recycle SaaS (Player Command) EGS Recycle SaaS (server/location/structure)
Existence Anywhere the player is EGS structures or locations in certain locations
Usage EGS service command to be used anywhere. (Cross-hair on said structure) EGS server command to be used when ship is parked within Admin scrapyard structure
Cost of Use Based on 1st release feature set by Rex or pay per use suggestion by Kogami 1. X Credits per use
Based on 1st release feature set by Rex or pay per use suggestion by Kogami 2. X Credits for time used
Based on 1st release feature set by Rex or pay per use suggestion by Kogami 3. Drill charges/ MT charges per use
Based on 1st release feature set by Rex or pay per use suggestion by Kogamil 4. General "take off your pants" servitude to the server.
Deconstruction Time HV Class 1 1min HV Class 1 1min / Diff times for diff structures
Ref Below for suggested breakdown Ref Below for suggested breakdown
SV Class 1 3min SV Class 1 2min / Diff times for diff structures
Ref Below for suggested breakdown Ref Below for suggested breakdown
CV Class 1 12min CV Class 1 10min / Diff times for diff structures
Ref Below for suggested breakdown Ref Below for suggested breakdown
Resource reimbursement 1. Player inventory ONLY (keep your inventory EMPTY!) 1. Server depositing into player inventory (if its full, you lose the excess!)
2. OCD Only (your responsibility for space in OCD) 2. Server creating a shipyard package which players retrieve akin to fa:supply or am:getall
3. --- out of ideas --- 3. Orbital Shipyard Account which has to be retrieved in 7 days of first usage. Does not survive wipes.
Resource reimbursement Calculation 1. A flat X% of each resource (based on EGSR level) 1. A flat X% of each resource (based on Scrapyard/EGSR level)
2. X% of each resource based on pre determined % for each ore. (Eg: 50% returns on FE, 10% returns on Sath) 2. X% of each resource based on pre determined % for each ore. (based on EGSR level/Scrapyard)
3. Credits. (Awesome but a headache because it encompasses the above pointers and HWS team needs to have another % table created and maintained for each ingot type for this. ahem economics). 3. Credits. (Same issue for calculations. Based on EGSR level/Scrapyard).
4. 0 reimbursement for on-board fuel, ammo and any other non ship parts. 4. 0 reimbursement for on-board fuel, ammo and any other non ship parts.

2. EGS Deconstruction Time

(suggestion to up to class 4)
–Suggested for players to BE ONLINE–

Do note that I have not thought about the deconstruction times for EGSR levels.

EGS Recycle SaaS (Player Command) EGS Recycle SaaS (server/location/structure)
HV Class 1 2mins 1min
HV Class 2 8mins 5mins
HV Class 3 15mins 10mins
HV Class 4 28mins 20mins
SV Class 1 2mins 1min
SV Class 2 8mins 5mins
SV Class 3 18mins 14mins
SV Class 4 29mins 24mins
CV Class 1 15mins 10mins
CV Class 2 25mins 21mins
CV Class 3 35mins 30mins
CV Class 4 50mins 40mins

3. Resource reimbursement calculation

Opinion: I am in favor of @The_Godchild 's opinion on resource returns in form of Ingots
Opinion: I am in favor of @Stunner666 's opinion on resource returns and usage not using RP
Opinion: As per previous pointer @TheRaven on resource returns player VS server, it is viable to be flipped either way.

Option 1: Flat X% for each Ingot Type and/or Flat XCR for each Ingot Type (choosing allowed if it can be added to the EGS recycle command) For example: egs:recycle:resingot or egs:recycle:rescr.
Maybe even to the extent of giving +1 RP per CV recycle. (Maybe not just kidding here)

Ingot % EGSR(1) Ingot % EGSR(2) Ingot % EGSR(3) Ingot % Server EGSR CR EGSR(1) CR EGSR(2) CR EGSR(3) CR Server EGSR
Iron 50% 60% 75% 60% 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.2
Copper 55% 65% 85% 65% 0.3 0.25 0.5 0.3
Cobalt 55% 65% 85% 65% 0.3 0.25 0.5 0.3
Silicon 55% 65% 85% 65% 0.3 0.25 0.5 0.3
Neodymium 45% 55% 70% 55% 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.55
Sathium 45% 55% 70% 55% 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.55
Erestrum 40% 50% 70% 55% 0.5 0.7 1 0.6
Zascosium 40% 50% 70% 55% 0.5 0.7 1 0.6
Plastic Raw Mat 60% 70% 80% 70% 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.4
Cement 60% 70% 80% 70% 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.4

Option 2: X% of each resource based on pre determined % for each ore. With fluctuations on a global resource table available via HWS Connect (aka fake economy). Table can exist if further down the road there is a “SELL BACK to Server” Function.
“Mother Earth & The Universe created Humans because they couldn’t create plastic by themselves. She’ll wipe them off when there is enough.” - UnagiKing

Ingot % EGSR(1) Ingot % EGSR(2) Ingot % EGSR(3) Ingot % Server EGSR CR EGSR(1) CR EGSR(2) CR EGSR(3) CR Server EGSR
Iron 50% 60% 75% 60% + ≤20% 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.2 + ≤0.3
Copper 55% 65% 85% 65% + ≤20% 0.3 0.25 0.5 0.3 + ≤0.4
Cobalt 55% 65% 85% 65% + ≤20% 0.3 0.25 0.5 0.3 + ≤0.4
Silicon 65% 75% 95% 75% + ≤20% 0.3 0.25 0.5 0.3 + ≤0.5
Neodymium 45% 55% 70% 55% + ≤30% 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.55 + ≤0.45
Sathium 45% 55% 70% 55% + ≤30% 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.55 + ≤0.45
Erestrum 40% 50% 70% 55% + ≤40% 0.5 0.7 1 0.6 + ≤0.4
Zascosium 40% 50% 70% 55% + ≤40% 0.5 0.7 1 0.6 + ≤0.4
Plastic Raw Mat 60% 70% 100% 70% + ≤30% 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.4 + ≤0.3
Cement 60% 70% 100% 70% + ≤30% 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.4 + ≤0.3

4. Others

Shipyard should also hopefully aid in helping create a start point for the creation of Player Ship Auctions (with web function to upload images/desc via HWS Connect. Ouch), Player Ship Sell-back (GG $ table in point E3) or even a Player Ship Insurance (this one’s probably too silly) system!

5. Shipyard/Scrapyard Existence (My wishful thinking)

SaaS = Service as a Solution
EGSR = Elemental Galactic Service Recycle

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