For rule enforcement in the forum

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> good day, I would like to complain about the behavior of some members here at hws who want to contribute to forensic contributions only and do not want to contribute to the disskusion. I know the contribution > was closed but that the misconduct will not be punished here and means that other contributions are just as sabutted/trolled/poisoned and covered with hypocrisy and since I refer to these rules of hws here > this insults members of the community and no longer encourages disskusions of this.
especially since the mr. ICE was brought into Play > and there were clear comments from Rexxxus that he acts immediately when the name is brought into the conversation. it is not an argument between factions when a faction deliberately condescends, insulting and trolling in disskusions.

I use google translate ger>eng


guten tag, ich möchte mich über das verhalten mancher mitgliedern hier bei hws beschweren die zu forenbeiträgen nur getrolle und nicht in die disskusion einbringen wollen. ich weiss der beitrag > wurde geschlossen doch das das fehlverhalten wird hier nicht gahndet wird und bedeutet das andere beiträge genauso sabutiert/getrollt/vergiftet und mit scheinheiligkeit überzogen werden und da verweise ich auf diese regeln von hws hier >. das beleidigt mitglieder der community und regt nicht mehr zu disskusionen dieser an.
zumal auch noch der herr ICE ins spiel gebracht wurde und da klare anmerkungen zu gebracht wurden von Rexxxus das er da sofort handelt wenn der name ins gespräch gebracht wird. es ist keine auseinandersetzung zwischen fraktionen wenn sich eine fraktion bewusst herablassend, beleidigend und trollend in disskusionen einbringt.

Player(s) with issue:



How can we help you now:
=> I ask for justice

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Thanks for your concern.

We will talk about it and close this topic until then, so that this does not end in another ugly forum post (and I hope no one dares to create another public one to “answer”). Enough is enough!

That should only prevent others to comment on this and is not to close the request!
But if you are really concerned about a healthy forum, you should not even start such a topic in public but send it to us as pm.

If you have more information you want to add, let us know via pm.


So we discussed the matter and the verdict is the following:

@Pestboy will be banned from forum / discord / game until Monday and will lose his RP for

  • his non stopping accusations without proof, connected with lies and accusations / ridicule of admins
  • contributing and heating up the whole situation with toxic remarks
  • not following rules, even those he wants to enforce on others
  • continues his bad behavior even though he got warned before a number of times.

Just a few tips for the future:

  • if you want laws being enforced, stick to them yourself
  • if you want to see changes, talk to an admin without accusations, without making a public discussion out of it where the goal clearly is just to put heat into the situation and get a revolution started. That whole post could have been done nicely from the start with an objective to get answers
  • keep your emotions out of your writings or don’t write at all

@marius1 will be also punished / baned and lose RP for:

  • unnecessary toxic comments in forum to heat up the situation without any points related to the topic

This is not tolerated and Pestboy is right that this should be punished, no matter how much you guys hate each other