Good fight on GG, for the most part!

For HVs, granted the old style thrusters out perform the 1×1×3 jets.

But, in the case of HV builds, I build with the jets to reduce device count when building up to max in class.

HV thrusters need balanced. But, BUT please dont copy eleons over used approach to “fixing” things by nerfing. (Making this statement in general - not, directed to Elfias). Just my major complaint about eleon when it comes to finding solutions.

SV are still so tanky that HV are not even a threat to an sv. Sv can simply run up and macro fire the tank to death with huge dps advantage. Not sure how hv being used in EU but we only use them in combined arms fighting due to their weakness.

HVs on EU based on my observations are often used in conjunction with SVs. And, they seem to be creating a circular problem related to lag.

HVs (and bases) turrets seem to be major contributor to lag. As lag goes up, more players resort to HVs because lag makes landing a shot with SV more and more difficult.

Therefore, the more lag goes up, the more lag producing machines appear on the playfield.

When there is heavy lag, the HV appears to have the advantage – able to land more shots than SV.

Honest question, is this even remotely on Eleon’s to add an option to disable the OLP shooting for 8.0?

Yes, for the next season I want to get rid of craftable Epic Weapons and the Offline Protection device also.

But instead as you said making them as special loot from POIs, PDA or other HWS gain system.

That should not only seen as “OP nerf” but in general my intention to have more reasons for players to go for POI hunt and trading!
Since we can’t add our own items to the game yet we want to make some more unique and special.

Yeah, we have to adjust the OCD and recycle too of course.

Not as far as I know.
The feedback was massive to implement it back to the game in first place and I hope everyone knows why it needs to stay.

I have the other line of thinking…I think it is more of a problem of HVs being fundamentally underpowered. Whenever you rush a base with several HVs, the turret targeting often gets confused, or tries to shoot at stuff under the ground, or doesn’t shoot at all due to turret cap. If you nerf SVs, that will not fix the underlying combat issues with HVs, their targeting will still be dumb and limited especially against BA.

I think a HV combat revamp would entail giving HVs an additional toggable fire mode that behaves just like SV manual gun targeting. Maybe alt camera mode allows you to target manually in HVs and your HV just keeps moving in its current heading while you fire off ‘drivebys’. It also might add a nice little meta of having a 2 man team with a dedicated gunner and pilot more effective. You could still switch to auto targeting for those 1v1s, 2v2s, etc. not involving bases. I also think HVs need access to 400 hp combat steel so they are more durable than SV.

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I do not want OLP to go away just the offline firing. I thought there were plans in the near future to allow AG zones to be extended out to like 500-600m in pvp playfields, then OLP wouldn’t need infinite firing as no BA could be placed within firing range.

I would keep OP, but deactivate base spawning once that option becomes available for PVP playfields.

@A.F.T Negotiations would be excellent! Weve had more fun in this last week on GG than we have had in a LOOOOONG time! :slight_smile: . Agreeing to remove those bloody annoying attack towers would be great for all factions! In return, how about next season Rex wipes turrets of all kinds from EVERYONES OCDS? To reflect the fact that turrets are more powerful.

Best regards, and once again great fight! :slight_smile:slight_smile:


Yes, that approach for the moment would be the worst I think and in general the big fishes are always eating the small ones.

But for the next season see my other reply. Equal for everyone

True that the range is planned to increase but I don’t know if that far is possible since turrets still shooting at 500m. And that is the reason why offline firing is important.

But overall Alpha 7 was a good lesson and we have to see how the new AG is working in 8. Even though, I really don’t know the exact specs of alpha 8 at the moment…

The ability to spawn OLP devices in BPs (unlike epics) will also need to be addressed somehow.

Also, if wiping OCD of OLP devices, consider some (not me) may be storing them as good resource components to use in factory. Maybe advance warning to give time for them to be used up before 8.0.


Thats sounds like work… I have 210 Million right now and get 5 Million per day. I havent farm at any time. Thats to hard. So much work…

Yeah it was a long long time! But i’m happy i reached my goal of just under $60! :slight_smile:

why 60 $?

Err $60 million seemed to be a good goal as it’s just under the $70 mil donation crossover cap. So I have some disposable income, as well as being closer to getting EB bank where i want it :slight_smile:
Best regards

ah ok

Ive Got a Idea Just get rid of Online Protection, Its Fantastic just its stupidly easy to exsploit and we will all probably get on better removing each other from Golden Globe without it

Like this post if you agree please!!.

Best Regards.



I’m with Chaz. Just get rid of OP all together if people are going to moan about it. I’ve had 2 faction members leave the game until OP is no longer a mechanic, as before. It’s more trouble than its worth. Defend your PvP bases with online activity… or lose them. This is how it was in the past, and it was simply better.


I’m fine with that on major playfields only. GG/Homeworld and other high resource planets shouldn’t have Offline. Minor pvp playfields should so that smaller factions don’t get wiped out while they are sleeping.

Though if we remove offline protection, we’d have to up the total number of allowable bases - since one semi-smart pvper can take down 2 bases in less than a hour.