HWS Artificial Help Bot (discussion)

Well, maybe a “Show me how to (entersomethinghere)” with explanations or “Where is the ECC?” / “Where is the OCD Zone in ECC?”. But mostly…



I’ll probably do this, but first I’m gonna need some suggestions :slight_smile: What should I explain how to do??

This and similar I’ll do soon.

I can load u up with screen shots as well :wink:


I already added a couple screenshots including the one you posted above :slight_smile:
If you find any questions which might need a screenshot but doesn’t have one feel free to post it here, and I’ll update it :slight_smile:

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Answer: increase the 3 switches in Statistics or so


will be announced and here HWS Resets, Wipes & Settings


I actually answered both already, but just didn’t have the right words which you used :slight_smile:
Thanks, I’ll add your words soon.

Both are added now! Thanks again.


Where is the egs:spawn zone?
What is egs:stealth and where can I use it?
What are land claim and OLP properties here?

more to come…

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Added both (But havn’t updated it yet.), but what do you mean by:

I’m not sure how to answer this :stuck_out_tongue:
But thanks a lot for the help Bob! :slight_smile:

Mainly how they differ on our server from vanilla. OLP timer and what the requirements are for it to activate. Landclaim distance and which sectors ignore this.

If possible we can add more advanced answers like weapon damage, block HP, and such.

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Alright. I’ll see if I can find the answers to these, and then add them.

Added now.

On my end (almost) everything is possible.
The only question is what kind of questions I get suggested to add.

Edit 2:

Actually, I don’t think this is a good idea. Sure it’d be nice if it could answer that, BUT it would mean with every EWS update, I’d have to update the bot or it’d get outdated.
I prefer my answers being somewhat update neutral when possible.

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Forgot about this. Perhaps this may spark a dynamic section on the guide that reads the config file and displays the request settings. The file itself is public, just hard to search for certain info. That would be a topic for another post though. We could link to it from your new tool if it ever came to be .

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This I can do! Thanks for the suggest, will add it now.

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It can answer what is hwp, but not who is hwp… English is a minority in eu :wink:



I don’t understand what you need help with sadly. But try checking out the HWS Guide. There is TONS of useful information there about HWS. You can also ask me to help you make a ticket if you need admin help.

Maybe get in that the forum search bar can fix many many many problems… (would be great if more people used this small but genius feature)


Updated it so now you can ask it multiple questions at once.

But less questions, and short sentences is still better.

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This was a great idea actually! I added it now.

If you have spare time… How about Easter Eggs? :wink:


I hear there may be a couple already :wink:

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Not anymore no, removed them temporarily for “reasons”