Achilles for the last time we dont HATE you guys, for me personally i dont work, i have no real income, im poor, and me paying the donator package, then the unlimited gold was an investment as i see me playing here for a long time and obv dnating from time to time, but my investment has been reduced dramatically…for something i didnt want to pay for, its a game i payed for, then i in your words ‘donated’ others buy it for the lets say advantage, now you couble the price, reduce the benefuits and dare call us the greedy ones and constantly state we…I hate you is just completly retarded and un called for.
i voiced my oppinion and dislike for you changing the package i though would benefit me in a non pay to scenario, and like i stated im not rih, i barely have a pot to piss in and im called Greety, and i Hate you for voicing my opinion toy you, on your forums, and you talk to me like i have just punched your mum in the face…i dot get it, no ones stated we hate you for it, just our opinion…for instance…how am i EVER going to get 7 bil if i cant go over 70 mil for fear of it getting wiped when i explicitly bought that package for the future of me on tis server and you took that away from me and expect me to be ecstatic
over it?
Again, the job you guys do is amazing, but you cant call us greedy twats etc when its you asking for more money, again, we dont hate you, we love the job you do, but when you play with ppls cash like that its going to piss some ppl off, especially ppl like me who cant afford to donate but did.
I don’t mean for us, i mean hate for change. Always the hate for changes not us as people
I appreciate what you have said I have just taken this in a certain way. My nature is that every person should do more for others than they do for themselves…its not how everyone views things but is important to me. If I’m 100% honest I am the one that pushed these donation changes. I speak to Rex every day and genuinly he is one of the nicest people I’ve met in my life…i would hate for this HWS dream come to and end but reality is in real life this all. Costs unfortunately. I took it personally like you said my mum being hit in the face… Good sentence I have taken it that way tbh lol.
I apologise for the word greed and selfish maybe just… A little ignorant lol. I can take players hating on changes and features we add but guys donations is a subject we all hate, especially Rex he is that selfless as a person.
It just got up me because we don’t want a pay to win server but ofc just asking for money is wrong… But no one purchase anything and please just respect they can change. We I’ll update to make it 100% but we don’t sit here like… ‘how can we mess with the players’ it takes a lot of chat and comes down to the overall for the future of the sever… Old loyal players and new players balance.
So my last message I’ve allowed myself to get caught up here I apologise.
I and we appreciate every donation so much and wish we could make everyone happy…it’s not possible… If you want to fire hate aim it at the guy who speaks in the tutorial videos…he has it coming him
So much drama here today hehe… well i guess its time for you guys to live with it…i been promised more and more pvp, but what have i gotten? more pve… it all comes down to the admins to do as the ywishes we are just puppies, we cant do anything but play the game and follow their rules, and regarding when you make an donation for an service, you cant demand anything, the reward is just an gift for the donation, not required, since if Rexxus did sell this service he would need to have an legtimate and registred buisness…
single pplayer challanges aswell as faction ones it is fun and lots of team work involved.
pluse i have an idear that you may like for a challange thranir but need to speek to achillies about it 1st
Thanks for the discussion.
Maybe Jascha will implement a legacy change for the ones who already donated this package. So all old ones keep unlimited but new ones will cap at 70m. Same as for the donator planets. It is a gift from us for the long term supporters.
We keep you updated.
In general just keep in mind that changes can happen and we do our best to make / keep everyone happy. Trust me.
70 million? And it is not enought? How do you make this credits? You dupe and dupe this money or other stuff in the last versions - and sell it. But now you don’t know where to put it? Donation is voluntary. Do not like do not eat. And if you choke on don’t puke at all. I built the ship for more than a month on 30K blocks. What am I supposed to shout on the forum that Rex is such a radish, and has imposed restrictions on 20K blocks? This is Alpha and we don’t know what we have on release. Go to PVP and you forget this problem - where i put my gold??? One week and you OCD is empty.