If the EB didn’t wipe at the end of a season that would still not be true, but it would definitely help, exponentially in fact. But the fact is that EB is going to wipe at the end of the season, which completely destroys the profits.
Well its going to be a gamble none of us know exactly how long the season will last it could even be only 1 month long and then it wont even be worth getting eb 4, but I’m sure you can agree with me that 5% interest daily with another long delayed season will completely break the market.
Your calculations are a nice risk free way of getting the most out of eb without risking loosing anything if its a short season, mines kind of all in or loose everything type of thing.
EB4 isn’t even a viable option unless you put in 140mil for 45 days, and even then you only make 300k.
Please link your spreadsheet I don’t see it, and if you put in 140mil your getting (140 x 1.05 (5%interest)) 7million just from interest on the very first day don’t see how your only getting 300k I think your math is really off.
Just scroll up and you will see it, or go back to the main forum page and find Fancy Schmancy Spreadsheet for 6.0
Perhaps the fancy schmancy spreadsheet can also be turned into a suggestion for a better implementation.
Got better ideas? Share em!
It could definitely be used as a tool to help guide the numbers. I am in no position to make requests on this server as PvP holds little interest for me. I honestly don’t put much time in. I like to build ships and bases, do some trading, stack CR, and occasionally go shoot at somebody. Then you have @colin2cold who likes to shoot anything that moves.
The scrapyard/EG Recycle, credits/EB and AM all influence PvP and PvE. I can see how it’s tough to balance the system.
I hope that somebody w/ more insight than me can utilize the spreadsheet to benefit the server. It really helps one to see the minutia, and I have found some surprising stats by crunching the numbers.
I imagine Rex already has something similar.
Right now the biggest issue I see is trying to balance older and larger factions with new ones. Limiting CR carry over to 70 mil helps this. Large buy ins for the EB, Recycle, and AM help this. So once a faction overcomes all of the hurdles and gets all their ducks in a row, BOOM server wipe time. So all the time spent building the empire is thrown out the window. I know this is a beta, but it’s not much fun grinding the same thing over and over. At least to me. Either way I’m sure it will be fun. But I can honestly say that I wont be using the new EB, AM, or recycle (if the scrapyard is still around), in the current state. There is just not enough reward for the amount of time put in.
AM might be a nice way to store alil more than 70mil credits since I’m not really sure 1 core is worth the little bits of ore you get from the am’s maybe just gold and penta, although cores might be a lot more abundant than 5.0.
I believe it is going to be both in NA and , if the interest ive seen is real, possibly also run in EU. Reins for the NA Scrapyard will move to an in game player, TBA.
Will have a look at your spreadsheet. Ive built many for doing market analysis in my trader days, could probably dive right into this and see how to leverage it for balance discussions. Thanks for sharing.
No mention has been made about the DO:RE and DO:BP, currently they renew after each large patch, are they now going to renew every session, be Nerfed or just gotten rid off?
I’m gonna sell all my AOM now’s except for gold. I just upgraded them all back up again -.-. Because obviously the gold AOM pays for itself even when not in EGS and the 1 core for 3 days is okay. At least I’m glad I just bought a ton of autominers lol for my OCD.
The 5% interest is really really OP. Imagine someone having 5 accounts, all on 60mil credits. He then gets EB lvl5 on 1 account and lvl 2 on all other accs and puts all credits on that one account. (60x5-70) *0.05=11.5 MILLION interest per day so he gets back his investment in <7 days after which he is gonna be super super super rich.
Now imagine the above for an entire guild that thrusts each other (like PKA that knows their members for several major patches now). I smell infinite goldzzzz. Please fix this borderline-exploit before 6.0
Already fixed.
If we see a too massive abuse of any game aspect we ban people.
Alt accounts are never accepted in MP games!
We just tolerate them as long as they are solo players not damaging the overall MP gameplay.
But players doing this within a guild (no alt accounts involved), say, the top 10 most active members of PKA doing this, still means 3 million credits per member a day or a whopping 30 MILLION a day for the entire guild. Yes 30 million! (edit: sorry 27mil not 30mil but everyday thereafter it increases by 1.5mil)
Another thing: the 70mil cost is literally 0 when done with multiple players. Why? Because the interest is so high that the person paying for the EB upgrades get’s it back in interest so insanely fast.
Obviously this all only works for rich guilds. But I find it wrong that the rich get infinite money in 6.0. And again, even without alt accounts. So anykind of such ‘trading’ including between friends and guild members should be completely forbidden.
Sorry I only just read the EB part and this is what instantly came to mind. Or what I would do if it would not be forbidden. I might have missed some rules/replies regarding this.
We can’t prevent trading in any way. If we stop eb:send then you go ahead and drop 50k money cards all over the place.
You are humans and humans always seek leaks in a system.
That is the reason why we reset the EB levels for every season. That is why other prices are so high.
I calculated some thing roughly and see how it goes.
But especially you always try to challenge me.
So again - I keep my eyes open and adjust instant if it goes in a not good direction.
We implemented a lot of things where you have to spent money on it. But if we have just minecraft easy peasy people do nothing instead of afk farming credits well… of course there can be taxes for rich people or a Robin Hood Origin
We will see
Taxes for rich players… God no… Next thing would be taxes for every item in the OCD lol. I’m, sure all hunters will hunt the tax-collector then . In real life the super rich also only pay like 0% or 0.5% income taxes while normal people pay 30-72% taxes. So if we tax anyone, lets do it like in real life and heavily tax the poor and average players I’m just kidding of course.
I understand that it is very hard to balance these things and that players always find a way. I’m just giving you a heads up on a border-line exploit (which seems to be allowed) that can rack in crap loads of money. Even if you increase the cost on other things, you see how fast the makes money and the 70mil cost = joke when you make 30mil a day by doing absolutely nothing. I could give all my money to Zappe, go on a holiday, come back after 3 weeks and get 600.0521=63 million credits for free to spend on stuff before 70 wipe and 630 million for the entire faction together. That’s insane! 630 million for doing absolutely nothing… Zappe please take my money for a few weeks!
I know 100% sure that all major guilds who trust each other are gonna do this on day 1. There is no reason to ban the eb:send command but there could be rule to disallow this for the purpose of farming money. When players all send craptons of credits to 1 player with max eb, then this is an obvious case of exploiting.
I don’t know if I would go so far as to call teamwork “exploiting”.
That said, as Rex noted, we will be watching closely and taking action on anything that seems unfair.
That aside, all of these numbers are variables that can be shifted to improve balance. We will see and adjust accordingly. Baby steps.
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Guys, chill please.
Some of you proofed already that you are math jugglers and tryhard the shit out of the game by gray, purple and what not areas.
But blaming and never providing alternatives / suggestions / feedback etc. is just annoying.
This has nothing to do with my mood but really just doesn’t help at all.
The opposite - you are the first one on my list I will observe. Easy.
It’s cool if you think you can get 160 RP “on the first day” and travel every day easy to an EGS zone but not everyone will go this tryhard mode and as always I tried to find a balance for everyone and don’t think about you guys in first place.
If you love so much credits then you have to suffer other RP benefits.
Decisions - that was my main motive for 6.0.
My intention with EB Level 5 was teamwork in terms of money management, yes but not money abusement of course.
Since this a quite new and good gameplay I want to keep it.
However for the release I will increase the RP at least. Will think about it in a silent minute.