HWS 6 | Big changes coming! Update!

Pls not… I spent so much Time to get 200 RP. I shit on Credits. my time is more worth :smiley: unregular wipe = pls keep RP.

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Hmm Start with Class 4 only. When it dont work, reduce it while Season is runnig (Best way for the actual ship builders). Only on that way you know if it could work. Dont try class 5 :smiley: And everyone know that Class could be reduced to 3. So everyone knows its and could not flame when it comes.

How on earth do you have 200 rp by now ?!

Solidly in favour of Class 3 as maximum, with a limit on turrets.

For the rest, superb work and thanks for the heads up.

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The issue is that TTK is way too high at the moment. Restricting the number of turrets beyond the current limitations completely ruins any pvp benefit that decreases class size offers.


Reverting ocd back to how it was isn’t nessessary you can just build tons of large generators and turrets and store those in ocd, if you shove them in factory you get all your stuff back anyways.

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It’s well past time that Eleon gives server owners a simple XML file where they could adjust the turret performance values.

Boost the damage, cripple the ROF.

Keep rest same. Easy.


Yip all balancing should be done server side. To each server their own.

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Killing Killing Killing everyday 20 RP as hunter.

But Im not the first on the 200 RP Planet. Two other faction are there

And let factions submit their design for it, since some spawn much larger ships on average :wink:

Why would anyone donate for something they can already do? What difference between this and building ones own cv to live in space or a space station base?

Say goodbye to donations with this idea.

You don’t seem to understand one of the largest benefits of a planet. Nobody can kill it and steal your stuff. It’s the ultimate saftey net. We literally never built anything on Detroit in 4.0 and 5.0 we plopped down 1 BA that we later smashed anyway.

You replying to me or Matt?

Im saying Matts idea of replacing donator planet with donator space stations is very bad idea.

Ive donated for a planet, but i will not donate for a space station. Not even close to the same.

Ok. I would. Soooo…

Then, should not be either or. Make both options available. “Customers” will decide.

Sure - doesn’t make it a bad idea though.

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It does as he suggested a replacement - thereby eliminating donator planets altogether.

Compromises are fine. One of the current struggles is the BA cap so yeah an indestructible admin base in many ways is superior asset to a faction that is extremely well stocked with resources.

Havent experienced any problem with landing ships on planet. Quite the opposite, atm is much safer compared to the shake n bake to shreds bug in space.

In any case, starting to off track. Will leave it here.

I’m literally the only person in LBP who built ships that could land on a planet without rolling around like a log.

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