HWS 7 | Origins [POLL]

This point i like. Its honestly said, hope noone will get offended. Its so complicated do do something that I see not only me is not doing that :slight_smile: CV 1st class to access on Planets, this is most important. Should be allowed on all PvP, theres not chance PvP wil be overcrowded, we need landing ships. Even if this is offtopic.

Rexx problem is with distance, our weapons have higher range than is distance we can see tag. Belive me its a problem. I see TCH colegues as red when on private, it really is confusing. While DM sometimes mumbling by my opinion he has this right. I dont want to write common 4 pages post damn it :slight_smile:

Of course we can argue as you are right too, but what you say happends i would say too late, you see that a bit too late. Not game breking but really, its a problem. its 300m i think now, 500m or so would be better. Simply to have clear overview over battlefield as in good old times.

Because they took away that long distance view, you rember us complain so much we have to get under fire to see what kind of base we attacking to see its friendly.

TLDR: They promised radar, radar is as good as HV underwater thrusters. I understand that someone dont like this at all, i dont, but we can live with it until Eleon solves this

Again I needed to waste time on that.
But maybe you guys start to proof your complains with facts rather than words?
Ideally in a different topic rather than this is OFFTOPIC…

Distance when HUD is visible (enemy):

Distance when HUD is visible (enemy):

Distance when HUD is visible (enemy):

Distance when HUD is visible (your stuff):

Your weapons start shooting at 1k. Plenty of time checking your brain and color code meaning.

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And one more. I like some effort to create more diversity between origins, but personaly, I want that to be more like bonus not restriction, from PvP perspective having higher class SV, HV and enemy allows too much armor blocks difference.

Yup we should discus this on different place. Rexxx…we dont say it as we are bored and we dont have nothing else to do. Yes what you posted is right.

I still insist on what i said. But no im not going to argue about it. If I yell in combat fucking Eleon blind update be sure I have a reson for it.

You tired about salt, Im tired about this. Not going to spend hours making videos and take screenshots to prove everything whats wrong. Im really as tired of this as you are. No hard feelings, I hope you know I like you no matter different opinion but I think you are a bit in dev possition, just play it a bit more to get some better feel for it.

Example is when 2 HVs in terrain hole are shooting at me, that terrain change is not even loaded so i dont see bodies of those HVs, only fire and im 100% sure at this time i dont have a clue whos HVs are that. THis is few days ago on GG…or i might have been dreaming.

You can clear it from thread, when ill have a patience ill gather some evidence and show you, its possible we talk about 2 other things here, I talk about distance i see tag so im the one wrong or talking about different thing here, i admit.

sure here we go:

Yea, sorry. I thought fortresses for PvP areas for guardians and larger storages for PvE areas for traders. Or just builing for fun larger bases in PvE, because they spend their time here.

Who know’s maybe the terrain changes lighten the lag a bit more and this would be possible for now it’ll cuase a lot of lag 70% of people will go alliance to build big bases on pve then xD as people have already been saying they prefer a bigger base to cv and big hv / sv isn’t really needed as they are not stronger than class 1 becuase they move like snails and eat all the enemies ammo.

You mean fps lagg or network lagg? Dunno, a lot of player doesn’t like to use base.
I would only allow one faction base for origin planets and private bases in origin space.

Both tbh, when you fly to the next sector and terrain/structures/vehicles load its more to download from the server to client then more to keep in ram as well and each sector has to be loaded and unload separately as you fly so it could really add up, but with the new terrain changes to height maps i’m not so sure how it will work now, more than likely we will have the entire planet loaded as a single large height map and then all dug out areas will probably be overrides so those will have to only be loaded when you fly near them along with base’s / vehicles.

OP - offline protection will never be on HWS, until it is fixed.
rex, has already decided this along time ago, because it can be,
manipulated, glitched, etc.
The solution, is now … Stealth. Do your research before you mention OP people!!
It costs RP but does the same job!

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I just think we are now a server with too many laws, rules and limits. We will soon need to be sent on course to learn the these rules. Where did they all come from? Use to be so much more fun 2/3 seasons ago. yes we had lag and yes we had exploiters but it was still ok to pick up and play. Now you need to read a 56 page guide. Which we know wont be available at start of new season. All this work the admin have put in to keep everyone happy is great but I feel somewhere some time someone has lost the sense of fun.

I will be back for 7, I will still moan about things. Just hope the devs and admin throw away some of these rules. I mean one way systems wtf is that about? That will never happen in real life. You cannot use the same traits of a road system in a space game. Reduction is class size to the point cv’s just look shit, HV’s don’t die, SV’s are rubbish.

meh done moaning


While i agree with some points come to our moaning, casual talking thread Proof of being shot before seing what is shooting you topic was changed quickly so its such general thread :slight_smile:

Back to Origins.

It feels like we are ok with having 3, and we want them to have more diversity.
What are areas in which can we reach some diversity besides REP gain, to feel Origins are more unique?

Skulk mentioned different classes for Origins, i think its too hot, too sensitive to touch. Ppl will complain badly about classes thats something we do a lot :slight_smile:

Im for Origin planets, and their position and look should be different, being gates to PvP in middle.

Fa supply packages might be adjusted a bit maybe with Pirates getting more “mobility” kind of stuff (that means thingies to build mobile stuff as they assault) and Alliance having more stationary, bases staff as they are more settling down, creating civilisation.
While some may say, yes supply package…not a big deal, it might be turrets and stuff like that, and it can get usefull in combat situation.
On GG i would very welcome getting BA or HV turrets in reasonable amount when i use FASUPPLY. I dont appriciate getting growing lights and sprouts as PvP is not place to grow plants. If our asses are being kicked and HVs are still operational but without turrets where im supposed to get turrets for HVs in no time, to make HVs dangerous again? From FA SUPPLY.
What we get now is PvE package, not PvP package. And im not talking about 5 turrets here, more like 20 at least of all. At least. ANd ammuniton too.
It should be Origin supply, I call to Origin HQ, hey guys, im fucked, i need support, and they send me something with which i can imediatly solve our trouble in battle. Not sprouts, it like in RL military, you need ammo you get sprouts :slight_smile:
Also, depending on reputation im going to spend package will be more rich, with chepest PvE origin package for those sprouts. It also emphasize need for REP.
Also amount of stuff in package can be randomised a bit, just a little > Oh damn it i got awsome package this time, so many HV missile turrets, or damn, what are they doing on HQ, we got only 10 missile turrets this time.

What else can be done to bring in more difference?

Why do you think I invented this one way warp system?
Inspired by real life!

Or do you think nomads in the desert come back to a nice green meadow after all of their animals ate it to dust? Yeah, maybe if it rains again… next year.
So it is here: starters raid everything, get everything to leave and so be it - leave!

Everything else, abusing our refresh system, cb:reset system or worse is just the sneaky way.

Anyways we try our best to make HWS 7 ready before it hits the day this time. It’s even harder doing all alone now but hope never dies.

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Oh yes I understand it from starters. I mean look at the current system I have to fly all the way around the system. From Penthouse West to GG to mine gold then I have to go all the way around to get back to Penthouse West. Its not like I will bump into anyone and if I did that means someone is warp camping.

I just found the new HWS Guide its good it even has pics.

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Its ok Rexx from starters, thats really good and was needed for long time, i remeber idea was born around 2.0 where there was need to separate SWP from Mars as they was camping there killing newbs.

Whats Gunslinger is refering to is PvE one way highway. YOu jump to Ju and thats it, make a round, just be carefull to not forget about something from OCD this time or you will go again.

I dont understand reason for this, I think it was done after complains of players not able to follow, chase ppl trying to warp from PvP space.
Yeah space above PvE is PvP so if you see someone in Ju space, you can follow him, but…its more pain than working.

Real problem here is no cooldown on warp jump, you are trying to fix Eleons unability to add it. I think some of their stuff is not up to you to try to safe. Dont see any idea you can get to suplement this imediate warp problem. SOrry offtopic again :relaxed:

But i like my ideas about FA SUPPLY for Origins.

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Hmm I’v always seen the 1 way jump as something that adds more risk to any pvp travel, more fuel more jumps more chance of bumping into someone, more stops to refuel if you run out of fuel you have to go to the nearby asteroid belt to mine Pentaxid leaving you vulnerable to attack, I dont believe gold planet should only be 2 jumps from pve space else it would be too Ez and combine that with the server not being able to have too many play fields the most logical solution to increase distance from pve - gold is with a one-way jump, other option I guess would be like 2.0 spiral where gold is at the end and you have to go back the way you came visiting each planet - the last twice which ends more jumps than a 1 way-jump, but current universe takes from pve about 5 jumps if i’m not mistaken so about 100 -125 Pentaxid and then another 50 Pentaxid to get back to pve and another 25 to get back to market to unload more from ocd, it really isn’t too bad as a round trip takes about 40 seconds, and Pentaxid level 10 orbital auto-miner gives huge amounts of Pentaxid. I think the only people who should be complaining about 1 way jump are new people who don’t have access to level 10 Pentaxid orbital auto-miner, but then again that could be remedied by having a high level 1 Pentaxid payout and the gains get smaller as you get to 10 so level 1 is 300 Pentaxid a day and level 10 is 600 Pentaxid a day or something, or people could just mine the astroid belts when they run out and take a bit longer ^_^.

Haha so many topics to talk about, I see what you mean. I just find it anoying from some reason, maybe its freedom to move. Pentax is not an issue, making more than i can spend. Its more like i never saw anyone in there, I should probably wait on ECC for someone to jump and follow him.
I loved 3.0 i think, first with peacekeepers, that was huge and full of jump to some systems stuff. Sadly too big, performance issues.
Lol Rexx msut be liek what the hell im supposed to do with these guys, how to force them to not keep opening this in Origins topic :smiley:

O I see I think your un-happiness with it is too little links to each system then as 3.0 had multiple paths to get to a point, and now its linear.

I think he has just stopped reading our stuff as it would stress him too much xD, we are high maintenance I wont lie.

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I would be happy with line only if one origin is on one side and other one on other side, each with their own ECC. Like Dota. Well not exactly happy as theres not much left to exploration, but for PvP only to push the line it would fit me.