Hey @everyone,
it was quite silent past couple weeks. Not only alpha 7 EXP hit the day but the preparation for HWS 7 is hard and even more if you decide to redesign a whole website.
After 2 weeks I’m proud to present my current work. Not yet 100% finished but good enough for public release I hope.
Redesign of HWS
Choose your favorite theme from the sidebar (top right)
Two themes - Dark
Two themes - Light
Of course mobile ready
The old website / design was done by a kind of need for the first presence on the web. But it was more harder to maintain the structure and the code over time.
I tried to simplify things and only focus on important stuff.
With that in mind you can discover the
HWS 7 Teasers
If you are a good observer you will find couple of spoilers for HWS 7 around the pages (home and donation page hint).
Have fun in finding them but of course some key points will be highlighted here
Offline Protection reincarnation
One of the biggest thing will be the comeback of OP. We skipped the OP quite early due high PvP gameplay and the discover of couple of exploits.
Now, as you can read, we have a delay time and turrets shooting again while OP is active while they don’t consume ammo doing that.
However, even though you maybe don’t have played the new OP in detail yet I will use this place to ask for your input!
OP Delay + Time + Rules
What OP Delay time should be used in HWS 7?
How it works: as soon as the last member of your faction logged out the Delay will activate. Example OP Delay = 30 seconds. Means after all members logged out the Base is 30 seconds destroyable and turrets consume ammo.
After 30 seconds the blue shield will be activated, the base is indestructible and turrets do not consume any ammo anymore
- OP DelayTime: less than 5 minutes
- OP DelayTime: 5-10 minutes
- OP DelayTime: 10-30 minutes
- OP DelayTime: more than 30 minutes
- Other times as comments
Remember that you see bases now 500m on planets in alpha 7!
What OP Time should be used in HWS 7?
How it works: set the duration of the blue shield. How long it should last after it’s activated
- OP Time: less than 12 hours
- OP Time: less than 1 day
- OP Time: 1-2 days
- OP Time: More than 3 days
- Other times as comment
OP Rule
I will be clear straight ahead: we will have a brutal OP rule in 7 which will be something like
Structures which belong not to the main faction / building and have OP built in will get instant destroyed if caught / reported!
3 Origins
Please have a closer look at the new start page to get some nice details but with HWS 7 we will change our very old Origin / Story system from 5 origins to 3.
- Freelancer
- Alliance
- Lawless
More information about balancements etc. will come.
Tax change
The taxes will change in alpha 7! We don’t want screw you away. The recent high one was need though die Inflation caused by interest. Economy is a living thing you know
Donator planets / orbits
As you can see on the new donation page. We will reimplement some donator planets into the main server and add new donator orbits into HWS!
We will also have a new donator planet option called “Event planet”.
More information will come but just so far:
The time previous active donator planet owner will not count of the “end of 2017” rule.
HWS Blueprint Class Size
With the implementation of good performance code, removing the core from target and possible good looking future setups we will increase the global blueprint class by a lot!
To be more specific:
HWS 7 Blueprint Class will be 7
Easy to remember, hm.
However, we will have dedicated arena playfields with tiny structures.
The main reason for that change is the struggle of people having fun with workshop blueprints or own migrated ships from singleplayer / creative game.
PvP on the other hand is the counter part but for that we have the possibility to downscale and more features we get (firepower hint).
HWS Connect Daily Loot
Last but not least I want to show you this brand new feature. It took me very long and is not 100% ready yet (the visual counter is not synced with the internal server time. However in the background the counter is ticking correctly - every 24 hours).
So as long as you don’t show me exploits with it I hope you enjoy the first step into HWS Connect 2.0
(still working on a smartphone app)
It is simple as that: claim your loot at HWS Connect and see it coming ingame after 1 second
More info about the loot system:
We hope you enjoy everything so far and trust me that it was and will be a lot of work.
More teaser will come and let the feedback for now begin
Your HWS Team