HWS 7 Teaser / Alpha 7 EXP | Redesign of HWS | HWS 7 Teasers | OP | HWS Connect Daily Loot

Yea the timing is very tricky everyone builds BA’s differently for your base maybe 30min or more for a beginer maybe 5 - 10minutes, but then swiss also brings up a good point:

Maybe I guess start at 30 like you say and then we see what happens, and can adjust from there.

yup most real bases take hours to raid

I took something on middle. 30 min would be fair for all.

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Hadnt see nab-BA in PvP-world already for 2 versions.

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May need to also consider the new in 7 armored concrete. Bases will be even tougher - but, there may also be a new weapon hinted at.

True they did say a weapon pass is coming too but that feels months away.

@everyone update regarding HWS Connect Daily Loot!

  • You have now a real server <> client countdown to see when your next package is ready to loot!
  • You can now get your loot PER server (choose wisely where you want the loot)
  • It supports now offline jobs. So if you are not logged in to the game, for example chillin on HWS Connect via smartphone and click on get loot, it is waiting for you to login. As soon as you join the server after 30 seconds you get your loot (watch out for long loading playfields)

Remember to clear your browser cache! (CTRL + R and CTRL + SHIFT + F5 and/or CTRL + SHIFT + DEL


Everything ok but the blueprint size 7.

Took me a lot of work bringing my SV NoSkillDeathCube to size 4+ to grief down everybody in HWS6… now i need a lot of more work in creative bringing it to size7+ !!!

Wondering how many 1-Zas-bar Railgun shots you will need to take me out. But its ok, good for the economy and all Zas miners in HWS :-))

The next problem will be a size7+ HV. Oh my god ! My current one is size 2 and HUGE ! Nearly impossible to navigate through all the rocks and trees on homeworld :-((( But i am a good constructor, stay exited to meet my size 7+ HV on Golden Globe !

Also for CV size 7 is a very good thing, i have some ideas how to downsize my death star to 7+… cant wait to see how you try to prevent that 50-layers-around-warp-core monster from escaping :-))

Yes Yes i bring it to the point, as always :-))

Dark Miracle you play on EU or NA?

Europe, you can meet me on Golden Globe, or Homeworld or PVP space above. If you find my HQ… good luck with the defences :-))

Great work @RexXxuS, the new website looks very sexy and I like it a lot! :heart_eyes:

There is much positive feedback I would like to give you on the other changes, but I am a bit short in time, because we are moving to a new apartment soon.

One semi-important thing I have to tell you:

The new design is not yet optimized for Google Chrome. I am using Version 61.0.3163.100, Official, 64-Bit
There are a few problems:
Some graphics don’t show, containers have wrong size, buttons have wrong colors, HWS Conect keeps “fetching data” all the time, the daily loot option shows 3 buttons to retrieve it and does not work and some other issues…

I tested it with Edge and Firefox and all looks as it should and works as it should.

I was working as a freelancer in webdesign some years ago and I know how much work it is to optimize designs for all the browsers - which is simply not possible. But Google Chrome is a “big” one and the design should be optimized for it.

Also, I suggest to remove the pictures in HWS Connect when the website is shown on a smartphone, that would increase usabilty a lot for smartphones. Maybe this will be obsolete, once you release the smartphone app. My android smartphone (which is not the fastest) starts lagging when scrolling down in HWS Connect.

Screenshots regarding Google Chrome design incompatibilities:

Strange I’m using chrome and every thing is appearing properly, maybe you have something blocking the content, java restriction or something.

Finally a very good feedback after working my ass off for two weeks on it :wink:
But I already guessed that most people don’t care…

Regarding the images and Chrome please listen:

Chrome is my #1 browser to surf and code. All others are - to be honest - just shit. Even Firefox 57 is atm shit (at least for coding, better for surfing now).

HOWEVER Chrome on mobile is a pain. It uses an aggressive cache policy (of course of speed). But that means you have to go to settings > privacy and clear every cache for HWS.

Same goes to the Desktop Chrome if you don’t use some crazy shortcuts like ctrl+r, ctrl+f5, ctrl+shift+f5, ctrl+shift+del.

Because the bottom line of all your image and glitches is really:

Clear your cache, localstorage, cookies aggressively in chrome and co.

The combination of my nginx cache system + Cloudflare + Google packages are very hardcore optimized for speed which means caching +++ as sideeffect.

If you spam the hotkeys above couple of times you will see better things :slight_smile:

Good point! Will try some things out here.

Indeed I hope to boost my Android HWS Connect App asap after 7 :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

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Clearing my browser cache on my desktop PC fixed it! Sorry for my false alert then and not trying this before I posted.

i hope they dont change damage outputs, thats always out of balance. If something then maybe weapons count little more to all structures.

Cannot clear cache or will lose all my pr0n I have visited!

I got needs dammit!

testing experimental branch 7.0 and it seems everything is going to need many MANY times more stuff / resources to build than before. Also many ammo, is now super expensive. Also allmost all need rare materials and much of it.

So a toilet for instance needs a power coil for a solid promethium deuce?

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Can you add cursor:pointer on table’s th:hover under hws connect pls? It isn’t shows there is a shorting function

If my base goes out of ammo before offline protection turns on, will the towers shoot after shield is activated?