HWS Patch - RP and Tax

I didn’t see that. Thanks for the info.

I have no idea what the taxes for donator planets look like as we don’t live on ours.

Because, seriously, who wants to live on Detroit?

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I wrote it to KLear but welcome on the forum.

  1. make a suggestion or you are free to go
  2. make a suggestion or move with your 0-20+ ships out of the faction planet

I mean I know that understanding it why we doing it might be hard. And spamming structures on a planet without thinking of performance or other people who wanna live on that planet too is also maybe hard to get.

But just throwing this into the forum is wasted time for you and me.

All this whining about tax.

We are one of the largest faction on the server…and yet:

Not a single thing in PvE. Nothing. Nothing on our planet either.

If we can live 100% in PvP so can you.

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Great point you got there ! (liked ur post)
As This Additional paying purpose focus on having a room on faction planets for new people be able to base and play the game as well, donators planets by reason should be exceptions from this additional tax.

Having 1 base and 1 CV and 1 SV for a small trader is not spamming and seeing a tax hike from 4k to 435k wipes out everything I have achieved in two tax cycles.

This system makes people like me dead, be it in space or on planet, it also kills ALL chance for a new player getting a foot hold in any faction.

Not everyone wants to be part of a large group, there is no trust in these large groups and items or ships are quickly borrowed and never returned.

This system needs to be sure to account as fair for the small guy just trying to do his job, so how am I now to get RP?

Well I cant even fly around the planet, SV had to go, cant warp, CV had to go or the Base did, and either way I have to cut down even more.

As I said before, I don’t mind paying tax and having a minimal footprint, but when your minimal footprint costs 435k a day and I can just about make 35k a day it makes me wonder, why does this server want a trader faction?

If you want PvP only, scrap trader faction and just have alliance vs pirates v hunters

Looks good mate

I am just a poor Trader and the taxes are eating me:

Wonna say, only: U KIDDING ME??? And after such madness, we look on over crowded Homeworld. Looking again. And than got more and more overcrowded system… Go more bugs and looses.

Your total tax you have to pay per day is: 1231200 credits! gg wp

It provides yet another advantage over non-paying players. This combined with the extra ore and an extra place of safety (can shave off 1 jump and allows you to split your faction presence slightly better over the universe) is completely pay2win. Then combine this with the other donation packages and then you will see a clear pay2win scenario.

Remember that for a game to be pay2win it does not have to mean that you will ‘win’ or that is must be possible to win. It’s about getting unfair advantages over non-paying-players or getting stuff that impacts gameplay (not purely cosmetic) that can only be obtained through real money or trading with players who bought it with real money, no matter how small the advantage.

Playfields must be kept usable and restrictions (especially on BA’s I believe to stop spamming them in Homeworld) must be applied. But giving paying players less restrictions… No way! I already believe that the server is slightly pay2win but so far I have no big issues with it. But this could be the one.

@dukesatan: The new meta is that you gotta recycle your SV/warp-ship and spawn a new one. Also traders are still best for PVP I’m sorry but I still believe that this is true.

But I do find the new way of gaining RP unfair indeed. People with busy lives can maybe get 4 RP a day if they do not die while others or people who macro can get the full whopping 48 RP / day and combine this with hunter/alliance perks and the balance is out the window 50 floors down.

Thus, the negative comment is a waste of your time, at least you see that the players are unhappy.
But it is obviously also a waste of your time.

Yes my faction has 14 structures on the planet (most spawned in space so it does not occupy structure limit), because it has 10 players. With the new settings, we can barely afford 3 sv + ba sorry im not happy with that.

You’ve got lots of solutions here and a lot reasons why is it for players and especially for larger fraction liquidation
just think about it.

You can try to keep the original version of the tax, for a lot of players even this will be pretty hard.

I don’t understand this. Please elaborate.

Ore is essentially meaningless. Common ore is trivial to get. Nobody cares.

You cannot get Sathium there so THAT is the bottle neck. The Promethium deposits are of poor quality and are essentially not worth looting at 70prom/hour.

What? I don’t even know what you mean. Nobody hangs out in Donator worlds. We park nothing in space there because if we leave, the playfield goes down and the constructor stops running - it’s that empty.

So that means that literally nobody is in those playfields - because the donator planets are essentially useless.

Fact is that right now if we were actually going to build a structure - we would build it on Pirateworld. It has a moon full of sathium which is a critical bottle neck. It is an active playfield meaning the constructors would run 24/7. The only thing in Detroit are autominers that we loot irregularly as they do not produce anything we actually need.

Fact is - taxes mean nothing to a large faction and there is no reason to build more than 1 structure full of your cargo and constructors. If you have a bunch of structures - I really really do not understand why.

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Don’t park your ships on the planet overnight. Build 1 big base. How hard is that?

And you are the same as people in EvE Online, the biggest faction always has someone on to defend there turf, but when its one little guy trying to run a small PvP base, your WHOLE faction will steam roller that poor guy to hell.

So you pay no tax, is it no surprise WHY you don’t pay it? its bloody obvious to me, big fish eat little fish, little fish want a safe home and get to pay extortion for it, new players cant even get off starter world properly to a safe place, cant buy gold miner 10 which only gives about 30k a day itself and for me is sometimes my only income because the market is already flooded.

Losing 10% tax placing a sell order for someone to put up more at 2credits lower kills traders just as bad as tax, and no traders are NOT the best PvPers, they are traders because they like to contribute in a constructive way, not a destructive way.

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No…just no.

You hide your CVs in deep space. Nobody is there to protect them. We have jobs. We sleep. Nobody is guarding our crap 24/7.

Nobody is going to look for a CV 35K out. It’s just not worth it. Hiding CVs is something we have been doing even before LBP.

I get ~100k a day by being hunter and by doing nothing. Like I said/hinted before, go alliance or hunter if you want credits. They are the OP factions for PVE and they just got way way more op by this change. It’s not trader. If you chose to play trader for the roleplay/pve and all I respect that but you must know that it is by far not the most effective way to make credits.

Even going naked to gold planet with just a drill and some charges = more money than through (Eleon-)trading. Trading is something you do for fun in this game not for profit (yeah it’s wrong I know).

This is also PvE server and we want to live like PvE even with taxes but not with /quit taxes,

PvP players have a lot action every day why to push every one peron to PvP space and sorry dont have time/will to move 3times a week every faction ship to another PvE rotation.

And no 50k of the planet is not safe, i see how safe is space ba on homeworld :slight_smile:

OK…that must be why we’ve been living in space all this time and never had the fleet found.

Also why in the world would you build a space BA that is anything more than a repair pad on a stick.

We need more of this.

Atm the server is very popular and Rex can only do so much to keep the server hamsters running.

He is in a tough spot. I am sure if he could he would love for everyone to be able to have as many ships / bases as they wanted but THE GAME WILL NOT ALLOW HIM …

We build , We die We build more again.
We break the server , We send in logs , Devs fix the game better.
Early Access Game at its best , try to understand this. Not many other Early Access Games have the Devs , Server Admins working harder than Empyrion Galactic Survival

“Your total tax you have to pay per day is: 507500 credits!”

So for a Three member Trader Faction with 2 buildings, 1 CV, and 2 SV, we get to pay half a million credits a day each per the HWS Connect tax list?!?!

YET: “Example: you have 5 structures in one faction on Trader Planet. This would mean you have to pay 150% (30*5) taxes for every structure on top of its total cost. So 5 structures would cost you before 5k because you have a lot of RP. Now it would cost you 30% * 5 * 5000 * 5 = 37500 credits.”

The correct figure for that example is actually… 37500-5000=[32500 extra tax] Then to figure the increase percent in taxes you use (32500/5000)=6.5 times base tax
OR in other words 650% extra tax

THAT would be damn hard for us, but acceptable, I guess… HOWEVER, the listed taxes, nope.

I understand what you are trying to do, sincerely, but this method will just allow the people with “millions already” to PvE and the newbies turn to PvP or quit.
Having 2 Bases, 2 SV, and 1 CV to get around worked ok for us. We Dirtbabies were doing ok with the last system you had. We “held our own” with some work and taking a few risks in PvP and were slowly gaining ground in Trade.

THIS?, no way.