HWS pre 7th July update!

He just points at the same issue I have. Maybe it’s a bit convoluted but I was asking if it was non transferable as in a server/CSW limitation and not if it currently doesn’t transfer with CSW.

ah, gotcha - i think. it isnt listed that ive seen - just being pointed out as a shortcoming by those who have used csw.

Do hope they can make this work better and remove some of the “speedbumps” using csw.

Also, moba hv should be made similar to desertworld of V5. Speedbumps (tanktrap) terrain of the current planet takes all the shine off moba hv.


All good :slight_smile:

Thing is, if the CSW is a fully functional, (all current status transferred on warp) reliable bridge between servers, making this a major element of the HWS universe not only makes performance sense, it defines the server from others, so much more than currently.

Taking it further, if HWS leads the way with a fully developed reliable CSW tool, this opens up amazing possibilities for Empyrion at large. Perhaps imagine, a (trusted?) network of independently owned and operated server systems/galaxies, that explorers could CSW between - then we have the giant universe to explore - driven by endless community content creation.

OK it is a bit blue sky - but it doesn’t hurt to dream every once in a while!


lol I couldn’t agree more it’s like they thought “how can we make the most Cancerous HV map possible” and I guess they decided on a topographical equivalent of Deadpools face. That place needs to be smoothed out so it’s actually enjoyable to use HVs on them.


I agree with you but in its current iteration I worry that with what few issues there are will be exacerbated when CSW use goes up by increased orders of magnitude. But on the whole, yes, I see CSW as an amazing core component of HWS after the bugs are ironed out.

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@hopskotch @Jascha
Yes it’s reproducible. Every time you use CSW it resets everything about the ship. I just tested again.

I had custom switches and signals on the main tab along with groupings. As you can see everything resets to ungrouped and you lose all signal logic.

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Is there a reason we don’t have 1 universal account that can swap between all servers btw? I don’t really see the reason anymore since we don’t have a seperate pve server, maybe i can understand if logging onto na server while your account is set for EU might cuase problems but maybe an error messege can pop up saying you are currently on eu server please log on and CSW first before logging into NA or something like that.

It’s old to those that need it or wanted it. Never have I CSW. I get pings of almost 300 at times. This means for stability mind you I can’t donate for things like a penthouse. I mean lets be honest. Can’t build there unless you are deleting what you came in, no atm, can make no changes to the area or planet. No repair bay to service ships. You don’t build faster there or anything and now you have to jump to get there? If you are actually going to do this then just instance them or put a teleport to a no ship planet. Now previously you state it’s been discussed but zero people spoke to me. All I did was post to a site where I got zero response and feel I have zero impact. It seems the wipe caters to some and the idea you said you get to keep it all only applies if you have the ocd space which means I must pay donation or credits to get something you said I could have. There are many things that should be addressed such as the live turret problem. Nobody in creation drives a navel ship around with their weapons unpowered. In the navy you are loaded for bear and finger on the trigger 24/7 so to penalize me because some ass refuses to talk or sign a alliance is horse crap and don’t say go pirate, FIX IT! Simple lines of code really. Now back to the penthouse and I will say it right out in the open. Placement of it and other planets around it made it a worth wild thing to spend real money on. This has changed and readers should be aware and you should disclose 100% of what they are spending their money on. No more it’s part of the mystery crap. It’s just simply not worth it. Great I got a place nobody can get to so I can process ore and stair at the wall.

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Hop I told yall about this when you were working on it early 6.0. Its the main reason I decided to just fight with the ship I warped in, then break it down. Woulda taken hours to relabel everything correctly. And forget about the signal logic re-adds.

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Thanks for hard work HWS Team, as usuall :slight_smile: . I like many of those changes, class 3, kinda like Sanctuary if CSW is 200% secure, like how you make wipe friendly.

What i worry about is gameplay becoming too complicated, usuall common tasks being to complicated to do. What do i mean by that:

CSW and no OCD, while i partialy like it, i know that ill forget to load up my ship with something, warp to Sanctuary, go to planet, land, discover i missed something, ill leave planet, warp, load up something, warp again, land, discover i missed one more thing. time spent 1 hour instead of 1 minute. I should write a list of what to load and double check, i get it but you know what i mean, we are getting older :slight_smile: Of course im ok with it, i understand why thats done that way.

Same its with SV/HV/CV/BA limits. I perfectly understand while they are present, but…hell i hate it it complicates my life so much, and its creates huge timesink. Example…I get disconected, bug happends, whatever, i cant access my former transport. I spawn in BA spawn other transport and now problem starts. If i had SV and HV in base i can use them to get to my stranded transport but it will be hard to deconstruct, its usually bigger, i can spawn new small easy to deconstruct, but I already have to set one to private and one to faction to avoid warning. Blabla…logistic behind this is jsut boring, crazy, anoying. even me, 1 person has problems with limit when i need to solve bug situations.
Now imagine someone from faction enters planet wants to mine. I experienced this, no way how to solve it without flying around, transporting ppl, borrowing vessels, its crazy.
Its definitely not user friendly, like i do my stuff on planet and someone will jump into system and descend to planet to do his stuff, mining…

Some ppl wont like it but for me its better to have same class3 for whole server. And ability to land CVs (Class1?) on planet, at least to load them up. On Trinity, i have to fly to CV deep in space, return all that way if forget something, i cant load HV…I have very small CVs always, I want to land with my 50 device CV on planet, at least for a few minutes, not spend hour on solving this unability to land.

Before its get too long…if you can please try to simplify rules/limits/logistic, make it as straight as possible without need to do all kind of stuff around, without need for a lawyer :slight_smile:

And last thing, i dont think Germans are bad with sarcasm :smiley:

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Just some info bases on what I read

POI: I am currently re working every poi in what will be the new home world system.

This means rewards and more ‘relivent’ to multiplayer… No more 4 metal components or 6 gold bars after hours of taking it on… Also I have made some single player poi.

There is an issue with the alien shotguns but I do like they can 1 shot kill… But of course having more than a couple Is just annoying.

Ill be honest I don’t have the time to make loads of poi… They take a lot of time… So I’m going to re-configire some popular ones that are default… Just make them better for multiplayer and less exploitable.

Please let me know of any poi you like on the normal game.

If any of you have any awesome poi you’d like in the universe send me the BP and I’ll check it out. It has to look nice and tbh not just filled with enemies. We have so much signal logic something that will mentally challenge as well as pew pew.


The whole reason we are making changes is because the current situation isn’t managable. For those that are expressing their dissatisfaction here’s a few things to consider

  1. Csw is reliable but has some minor annoyances… So maybe don’t go back and forth in your prized horse… Have a pure ‘cargo’ carrier.

No Ocd on the sanctuary server… Well this is easy… You have a peaceful universe that is all yours, load the hell out of your cargo ship and then warp to Eu/na and hoard it in your Ocd… Why do you need another? Ocd is amazing but wanting it in a basically VIP universe and on the main sever is too much for me… Why, really why!! Its just greedy and unfair to those that don’t have their own planet.

Not interested in having a donator planet on a different server? Well that’s tough luck guys… We cant have it in the main universe because again it effects so much in terms of performance for all. Players.

My view is this…

I player hws eu and that’s where I fight, explore etc etc… Then when I’m done I warp back to sanctuary which takes make 5 mins. I park up on my planet and live my life of peace… The next day get all my auto miner resources and load the ship, pack it with the ammo that was producing overnight and warp my cargo ship over to EU. I Ocd everything when I’m there and fly to my offensive Base. Park the cargo ship and continue life in the harsh universe of EU… I fight… I lose some and win some…then again at the end of the day I take 5 mins to warp back to my lovely home planet on sanctuary where everyone loves one another.

We will discuss Ocd and oam because as an ex player who would donate for a planet right now I belive it is too overpowered and unfair…

People crying that the only reason people play Hws is Ocd and oam… Get out of here I love those features but come on… You have Ocd on the 2 main servers…the game was designed to have NO Ocd… And every other server has nothing like this but they do well.

We will be offering balance… Best of both…a universe with out all the help and 2 that have it all there for you. If that isn’t good enough for you and you don’t want to donate to be in a universe all to yourself that doesn’t… Then don’t donate for the planets etc.

Some players are just too greedy and want it all to fit their play.

I’m going to keep pushing no Ocd and am on the sanctuary server to rex so if it turns out that way blame me lol

The people that hate it and moan…just don’t donate for the planet again, I’m sure some one else will be greatful for it :wink:


Guy in my faction absolutely refuses to use CSW for this reason alone. I don’t blame him one bit.

Ya, I would say I will just use a warp sled, but my warp sled blueprint relies on signals to not cook you when you are in it. Signals get wiped, it turns into an oven.

I don’t mind either way. Yes it be nice to have OCD and AM on donator server but if we don’t have it its not game breaking.

I hate to bitch because I hate being the person eternally ungrateful about people trying to make compromises but this setup for Donor planets/server makes it wholly unappealing.

I realize this would hurt your revenue stream but in my mind I thought you were setting up for basically one big universe with two mirrored servers. People who wanted to be on EU could be there or NA players could stay there if they wanted. People who wanted to go back and forth would be able to do so while being able to access OCD/donor benefits on whichever server they were on.

I don’t know the logistics behind that but it would certainly carve out a bigger niche for HWS.

[quote=“RexXxuS, post:1, topic:6238”]
That means CSW will be your best friend soon.
[/quote]I don’t think so. I’m not going to my donator planet with all of these drawbacks:

  • I have to CSW for it
  • Can’t use OCD. I use it all the time in my house I don’t want to CSW forth and back just for OCD
  • Will be stuck there if tool crashes (sometimes it takes hours before admin comes online). Unacceptable in this particular case if my teammates die and I can’t join battle or rescue them because tool is down.
  • I don’t trust CSW 100%.
  • I can’t respawn on my donator planet after dying because it’s on another server now.

I’m gonna join the peeps who have no donator planet on PVP server. Gonna park and live there. If all of the donator factions however would follow me, those playfields would die. And imagine a hundred+ cores moving from donators --> regular playfields…
Well… Maybe donator planets are still nice for having a cool class 10 BA to live in. But not having OCD outweights that big time for me.

Also be aware that if you had an upgraded EGS recycle that you will lose it after the wipe. Same with armor boosts so unequip them and put them into OCD! And use all your DO:RE packages before wipe. No reason to save them up anymore for emergency situations (because you can use them in PVP zones). And you lose factory resources as well if you don’t have the donator package.

And another tip: multitool components out of your ship and only recycle the blocks (because you only get 70% back). Also I noticed that it now works on BA’s. Does this mean we can now farm those huge alien POI and use recycle command to get insane amounts of combat armor for almost nothing? Seems OP.
Haha imagine dozens of aliens falling out of the sky after you recycle it lol. Better run for your life :smiley:

Also perhaps I should just get OCD lvl5 on NA and just store my stuff there for double the storage and to make room for recycling. Recycling really needs a separate storage…

I was hoping for a better alternative but okay this was apparently the best choice so we have to roll with it. I understand, this is apparently what needs to be done to keep the server running. So thank you for keeping the server running and performing.

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No having a huge cargo ship on Sanctuary is no option. What if it goes ‘poof’ with millions of ores? No thank you! And there are other reasons not to want this (like the 50k limit so you can’t put them back into OCD again just to name one)

Structures have been going “poof” in every major patch so far, including 6.x.

[quote=“Achilles, post:56, topic:6238”]
the game was designed to have NO Ocd.
[/quote]I would not be playing anymore without an OCD. Eleon should add it to the base game with all those wipes. It’s what makes HWS a better server!

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Like… how much smaller is the universe?
Because I feel likes it small as it is, especially considering past seasons.

When moba hv was teesed out, in my mind i saw it as being made to encourage hv action. Desertworld was image i had - Afrika Corps anyone? Ideal tank terrain, surely it would be something along those lines.

Sadly, the decision that was made discourages using moba hv for what seemed to be the original intent. Hopefully this is included in the upcoming changes.

Adding to your response to achilles - when the game is released, than maybe an ocd is no longer needed. A day we long for when the game is no longer alpha and functions in all aspects as designed.

It is needed now and is vital to alpha game due to frequent wipes and short seasons.

With no ocd, consider that some (many perhaps) would struggle, and perhaps give up or never try to resource to bring in end game level cv’s, etc.

Then what’s left - constant mining and resourcing? I easily imagine many moving on to something else at that point.