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haha wow you get insulted quickly :] no fret, as I said just post change request + some type of video would be great becuase it would clearly highlight why you think it is so broken.

I have video for you to see, I wasn’t complaining about the flak because I want to arty snipe bases I was complaining about the flak because people are abusing it. sniping with flak at 600 meters. You say you know what Honest PvP needs… is that sniping bases with Flak cannons? lol get real man I am not some noob wanting to artillery snipe bases because that’s not my play style. I use SV/HV to kill bases like a real man. You don’t have to get so offensive because last I checked we were cool, now you rage on me because I make a complaint about some of the stuff you’ve changed and I want to see improvement with those changes. Don’t get so offensive, I am vet with 5k+ hours not noob with 100 hours … Just giving advice that should be taken into consideration. Here is video of enemy using Flak Turrets to snipe an entire 3-4 bases worth of turrets, out ranging artillery as well as every other turret. Taking a base has came down to who can have more people in a flak turret? wtf that’s not fun at all sorry many people will agree.


Yip that is definitely broken that’s what 450m? Would removing manual fire from flak/arty solve the problem or does the extra range of the auto firing flak make a difference. My concern is that if the flak range is nerfed to below arty range can sv’s sit outside gun range move in slightly fire off a salvo and retreat again, that’s pretty much the only reason why I feel flak having good range is a good thing, having 1 sv solo a base is not good for the game either. Then maybe if manual fire is removed arty range can be buffed to be slightly more than flak for law sake without breaking the game.

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I believe Colin’s videos more than prove his point. It’s clear proper testing wasn’t done before
the changes were implemented. These new changes broke the game. They should be removed until
properly testing can be done. Otherwise we will spend this entire season trying to fix the broken

You have a point but at the same time testing it with 1 person before hand is going to take a very long time to achieve balance, if its in the main file and everyone is testing it the time taken to get to a really good config for pvp will be a hell of a lot faster, in my opinion it is well worth the sacrifice of a few broken things every now and then.

I agree with the 1 SV soloing a base reply. That’s completely understandable. It’s the same right now with flak turrets, you can solo any base in the game with flak turrets now.

Tbh it shouldn’t take long to change its 2 options highlighted, so not really a long term problem luckily :]:

{ Block Id: 700, Name: TurretBaseFlak
Group: cpgTurret
Material: metalhard
WeaponItem: TurretBaseFlakWeapon
AllowPlacingAt: Base, display: true
IsActivateable: true
IsActivateableInCP: true
IsLockable: true
Info: bkiTurret, display: true
Category: Weapons/Items
BlockColor: "26,50,89"
SizeInBlocks: “3,2,3”, display: true
StackSize: 5
MaxCount: 6, type: int, display: true
BlastRadius: 3
BlastDamage: 80
EnergyIn: 5, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
Mass: 2000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
HitPoints: 8500, type: int, display: true
RotSpeed: 125, type: int, display: true
Range: 750, type: int, display: true
Damage: 120, display: true
AmmoCapacity: 150, display: true
AmmoType: FlakRocket, display: true
ReloadDelay: 5, display: true
ROF: 1.2, type: float, display: true, formatter: ROF
Zoom: 5, type: float
UnlockCost: 15
UnlockLevel: 15
TechTreeParent: TurretBaseRocket
TechTreeNames: Base

P.S. this is Eleon default config file. CP = control panel aka p menu

Make the server PVE


Bring back pyramids

Broken Empyrion!

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I’m sure most people would prefer proper testing before any alterations of the config file are implemented.
If you are not able to test the changes you make don’t make the changes.
If you don’t know what the player base wants, don’t make the changes.

I’d like to play Empyrion properly balanced before 20.0 thou xD If arty + flak is disabled for manual use could you really say that the old file is better?

I suggest stop players from being able to access turrets to stop any abuse or base drop bombing.

Job done!!!, ACP will cry but who cares really, unless they donate lots of money of course.


So you agree testing is needed. So basically you’re just trolling.

I already stated that I believe the players should be testing now instead of offsite so my argument is still congruent :] no I don’t troll its a waste of time. Also i’m implying that why would you want to use something that is old and broken rather than something that is a lot better after slight adjustments.

how about inviting OP4, ACP and other key factions to actually help pave the way the game moves.

Saying that I do still think the game is fun to play and we do appreciate the time that goes into keeping it
going however just the little things keep letting it down.

another suggestion is instead of relying on AFT to guess what we want, put out a survey and I guarantee
all OP4 members will fill it in.


The problem with removing manual fire from turrets is that the old bug where turrets never load themselves after placing still happens. What I mean is 90% of all the turrets I place don’t work until AFTER you manually control them and reload.

Eleon just really needs to change the code so manual fire turrets have exact same range as auto fire. It’s stupid that it can magically shoot further just because someone is in it.

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I have to step in to this bully ego party.

We announced HUNDREDS of times to PLEASE test our Config on EXP server. And did YOU do it? Who knows, probably not. Did you ask for the Config for private testing? No. Others did.
A.F.T is one of the best PvP player in the whole game and knows the game for sure better than 80% of people here. We did test together and most importantly
WE made hundreds of time sure that this is an iteration process. Until we find the “perfect” Config it will cost time and testing and time over and over again. If you can’t handle it and blame instead, there is the door.

A.F.T spend hundreds of hours in trying to figuring out so much. It is a much better PvP than before by tons of percent. But all I see are unthankful people, crying because they lost stuff because of the oldest game mechanic in the game: manual shooting has always a higher range than automatic fire. No crap Sherlock.
And by it’s nature it is a good gameplay because it encourages two players to play together. One is scoping / scouting, the other is adjusting the long range shot. The common disadvantage: you can harass them in their “bunker”. Common war strategy and weak spot of artillery.

If you feel better by mention this bullshit, please go ahead. Or maybe you can just create your own server and try to establish a PvP community out of nothing?
Have fun.

I won’t write anything further here, I just hope if AFT wakes up he won’t see this mess and instead constructive feedback in which line of the Config.ecf he needs to adjust what numbers to have a better gameplay. Oh wait…

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Nobody here has cried about losing anything, we are explaining the turret ranges etc. I am posting video’s clearly showing what is happening. Did you take the time to watch that? Is that how you want bases to be taken? I am trying to help just as much as others, including A.F.T I understand he is helping improve the PvP experience for all of us but isn’t this the place where we give examples of bad gameplay or footage of broken mechanics? I am not trying to “troll” this post or anything related to that.

I am here to help! I enjoy playing on HWS and always have. I want to see improvements just as bad as everyone else. You saying “A.F.T Knows the game for sure better than 80% of the people here” really… I can sit in a flak turret and snipe bases alone but that is not what the community wants I’m 90% sure. I would use the config file and test etc but I personally do not know what I am doing so I haven’t tried. I offered to help somebody that does know a little more about it. I personally have nothing against A.F.T or his movement to help improve the PvP experience. I appreciate all the time he spends on it and all the time you guys spend on the server. We all just want a balanced PvP environment!

Rex I am sorry it was badly received, true I probably overstepped the mark saying

“unless they donate lots of money of course” apologies’

AFTs ability in PVP is not in question, all I am saying now as I was in my post is that if u support a community
it is important to get customer feed back. I know this role out has been not to fun for us all but we really do enjoy supporting u and HWS.

all we ask in return is listen/read our feedback. clearly there are a few questions that people have, all that is needed is a clear answer and no more.

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Small unofficial survey to help A.F.T get a feel of what everyone is thinking about game balance here chaz what you requested hope it helps A.F.T in some way.

Thanks Androniko1 OP4 filling it in now I would suggest posting it in multiple threads so it has a larger footprint.