Lost CV on ECC

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: I logged out for the night on the ECC planet with the intent to give flying city puzzles another crack in the morning, I log back in and the craft is gone
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): 10pm-10am GMT +10
Playfield: ECC HQ
Structure Name(s): Fun Bus and SV_Prefab_Tier1d
Structure ID(s): 2119344, 1290571
How can we help you now: To undlete them as the CV was a home base and I am now stuck on ECC with a inv of items I don’t want to loose to restart

This is announced to you via alert when you enter both orbit and planet. Be very, very nice and promise that you will properly read the alerts you get next time and RexXxus might restore them.



I wish I could say there was an alert, but there was not other than the welcome to/see you next times whispers, followed by freelancer over limit and new player sever alerts, if I had known that I would of jumped back to HQ

However if I can get my ship and stuff back I will certainly keep an eye out on the tax system more closely so it does not happen again, its not fun being stuck on a planet with no resources.

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I’m on it


To integrate the EGS Flying City properly we had to wipe ECC yesterday.
But since we have backups, it’s no problem. I just had to wait until now, otherwise you would have got taxed.
Have fun