New Year - New Thoughts? HWS PvPvE [POLL]

As you can see on the picture… new resource asteorids… we will implement them but of course not like lazy gummybears in the space… they are hidden… protected… random placed

The reward is that you stayed alive. Period.

Bugs and exploits need to take into account still.

We have a new concept regarding this but needs more time.


[quote=“Thranir, post:60, topic:3261”]
where is my bonus for defending against waves of waves of big factions trying to take it out.
[/quote]Honor, Glory, Bigger balls, Reknown and 0 RP :wink:
If it’s too much for you Thranir, come join me on the PVE server. I am expecting you.

[quote=“RexXxuS, post:63, topic:3261”]
if you do now make an full pve server
[/quote]There is no CSW between PVE and PVP server. And there probably shouldn’t be any indeed.

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or what about a full pvp only server and see which ones actually fill up…

Full PVP does imo not work anyway as long as people can hide out 500.000m in space.

That’s actually the only reason that it does work.

Being able to hide is the best thing about Empyrion. Being unable to hide is pretty much why I’m never playing ARK again.


thats kind of my point. thats where it would head if the server steers to cater to full pvp. I’m fairly new to the server, but came for the option to do both and the community was solid. i see all this talk about 90% of the people living in PVE starters (no way we could afford a taxed pve yet) – where do we think we will go once we cant safely get to a place where we could hope to survive <20k, let alone planetside. If the 90% doesnt leave the server as instructed by so many (“go find a PVE server”), those of us who WANT to be able to do PVP, but cant afford to throw 100’s of k of resources at a CV yet.

I have no issues doing the work or even putting myself at risk to get at resources, but we newbies cant survive out there to compete for the good stuff; and based on the relative age and wealth of some of the veterans, and the learning curve of HWS, some newbies can be a long long time in before they rate.

Just some feedback from a 2 week old HWS donating player. I find it fun, and really appreciate what the Rex and team are doing here in a constantly changing game. But i do find balance to be an issue.

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We’ll build a GIANT base on the TOP OF A MOUNTAIN but don’t worry because it will have like FOUR WHOLE TURRETS.

lol i abandoned my own rented server on Ark for similar reasons

as someone thats probably 70% pve and 30% pvp this is what i think so far. i think its pretty good as it is with exception that the starter planets (uranus) for me is an issue with the alliances. we start on the starter and its dificult to get resources as most are underwater and a real pain to mine and then you finally get enough to jump out and start to join the universe jump to uranus and get popped by your own origin people. now you are litterally stuck and have to find away back to the pve starter agian. in the worst case you loose your RP as well and any epic you might have gotten. so its even harder to make it back.

i think origin members should not be able to kill same origin members and it would allow some sense of security for people to exapnd and take chances with their limited resources when you are not wasting them on defending yourself agiansst your own origin.

The alliances system is not very good for this people are not online at same time etc. i spent a week trying to get all parties to accept alliance and only got about half the factions. i jump to uranus and get popped within mins of being there, so start over agian. if you put up a base with turrets to defend yourself agianst your own origin you end up getting wiped.

in summery: i want to pvp for my origin but i cant seem to get to that point because i have to fight my own origin members and cant seem to be able to get built up to go agianst the other origins.

imo change the starter planet so not so much water to help in resource gathering or make it so same origin members cannot kill each other. i think this would take some of the grind out and at least allow you away to start over and come back without having to grind for a week to risk loosing it all in mins.



@RexXxuS All making the Origin planets PvE will do is to give the crybabies another planet to run around and complain abut not having resources. You already know this ofc. We already have Origin PvP planets, and it is creating a GREAT dynamic where Origins are forced to team up for safety and mutual security. Making organization, team work, communication, key to survival.

If people want to build safely, just add another planet to STARTER orbits, that is taxed, and has limits.

Another way to solve a rather obvious problem is by placing more minerals in belts in space, but anyway. ’

Most of the problems i see with people is that they dont go to your website and read, and they dont seem to know this is a survival game, and that they will have to try to play, not be handed WoW Cookies and Pandas.


Rex, don’t forget the “Back to roots” you had in mind for 5.0.

I don’t really see why it’s so hard, starter planets are PVE, and on this awesome server you have all the tools like OCD to stock up before going to PVP. In fact, it’s easier than the base game where you have no admins tools, only your factory to stock some ressources.

I think it’s good as it’s is now, and the Origin planets can help in rolepaly, factions have to organize to protect etc…that’s actually something good. If those planets take the PVE direction, we will end up with 5 overcrowed planets (even with rules), taking server ressources, crashing everyone / bugs / errors like we had on previous versions of HWS…then back to dramas / complains threads spam.


you cannot use ocd in pvp. otherwise what you say would be true.

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Read again, did i say you can use OCD in PVP ?

You have to warp to pve like everyone, and best part ? you can earn reputation by doing that if you met the right conditions.


it was this part that gave me the impression. stocked up ocd really dosent do anything for you in pvp thats why i was clarifying.

“You have to warp to pve like everyone, and best part ? you can earn reputation by doing that if you met the right conditions.”
This works two ways, i have been there done that lost two epics and lost more RP getting ganked in uranus orbit theb gained and only being able to get supply package once a week causes a great deal of grinding.

for the record i am not defending PVE or carebareing the system i am just pointing out some grindy points that slow down progression to getting yourself into being able to pvp for your origin.

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As some have recognized abovce, the amount of PvP you will get out of players who are not specifically interested in PvP is inversely proportional to the difficulty in acquiring resources. If a player has had to mine three weeks to get a ship he uses as his home, do you really think he will go risk it for at most ten minutes of PvP “fun?”

Relatedly, the system that of low resources that has been set up also disproportionately affects and discourages new players. I have heard new players sigh and quit when they realize how pathetic the resource nodes really are relative to what they need to build a remotely passable CV. Where are any future PvPer’s going to come from in such an environment?

It should also be mentioned that, with the recent changes, the server has become much more pay to win. Donator planets are havens where it is much less likely that an attack will occur, making them a much more reliable source of resources, particularly with autominers. This advantage will only increase as greater restrictions are imposed on others.

As far as roleplaying is concerned, I believe the present structure of the game prohibits it, other than giving us a banner to rally around. As a trader, for example, there is really nothing for me to trade. Usually the solution would be to source certain rare but important items only in certain space, thus requiring convoys. However, exactly what might be transported in this fashion is an open question, as I as only a semi-veteran player have as many “rare” ingots Z and E as I could consume in a lifetime.

To conclude, the only logical solution if more PvP is desired is to make resources more plentiful and safely available. Further, given the abundance of most “rare” ores among veteran players, the only real answer is to recreate the gold planet, something that has historically been fought over quite frequently. Maybe disallow bases on it to prevent all the hidden turret issues.

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Keep in mind I only want this for “basic” resources - primarily Iron. I do not have a problem with Sathium being PvP only meteorites as they are fairly quick to mine. But the fact that some factions are rushing to starter planets to drive around in HV mining Iron while factions with donator planets send a guy out there every 14h to come back with 2+ large crates full of ore is a little silly.

It was just fine in 4.0 as everyone had autominers - our donator world was great and all but really it just meant it was easier to find our autominers there than on Pirate world. Beyond that it was nothing special - I hated that we were taxed on it and I’m very glad that’s gone.

Maybe once RP is easier to get and Eden worlds open up these problems will solve themselves - but it’s a chicken and egg problem. I am not sure how many will endure the grind to get the RP.

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What about Uranus Orbit? If Uranus itself is PvE, will the Orbit Stay PvP and not have the Base/CV limit?

I think perhaps one of the simplest changes would to remove most water on the starting planets so HV mining is fast and effective there. Finding meteorites can be annoying enough but then if they are in deep water you can’t HV mine. The problem is all the starting planets are mostly water.


That’s a good point - the water world is a bit much.

I see I see… just let’s ignore global warming… yeah yeah… may the sun burn you all and dry out all your plants and fridges and weapons and generators and… HVs, yes!