PKA is breaking alliance with FST

when did they declare war? sorry if i missed this!
all i can say to this is dont shoot the messanger! Ipassed everything on to zappie. let me post our conversation hear for all to see
and liek i said i dont really play and so im on discord with my faction and thats it.
[11:58 AM] Silmerias: Hello Andrea, it’s seems you had an issue with us (FST) about the farm in armageddon.
[11:58 AM] andrea2741: yea we did its all headet and all pka can talk / fight about
[11:59 AM] andrea2741: its needs sorting its stupid and childish on both our factions to be honest
[11:59 AM] Silmerias: Who is the PKA leader ?
[12:00 PM] andrea2741: we have been playing since 2.0 patch and have always played in the same faction and makde the decissions together and as a faction
[12:00 PM] Silmerias: So let’s talk, you have min in vocal ?
[12:01 PM] andrea2741: yea but its kind of broken
[12:01 PM] andrea2741: look i cant really sort this out now as i need to speek to zappie and arch who is also a min person in our faction even though he flotes in and out lol
[12:02 PM] Silmerias: If you aren’t able to talk, then ask zappie to contact me when he have free time. We will talk.[12:02 PM] andrea2741: lets just say nothing will happen to the alliance now
[12:03 PM] andrea2741: and if pka members shoot at you plz let me know
[12:03 PM] Silmerias: IF PKA shoot at us, things will goes wrong I can tell you :smiley:
[12:03 PM] andrea2741: yea i know and i dont really want that
[12:04 PM] andrea2741: we are guardians at the end of the day and we protect traders even if they are not plesent to play with
[12:05 PM] andrea2741: all this has gone out of hande and silly just cuase some ppl want action and somone prevokes them
[12:05 PM] andrea2741: i was relaing messages from pka members last night once i slept on it then i thought that something neede to be done
[12:06 PM] andrea2741: inc adding you on to our discord
[12:08 PM] Silmerias: I’m waiting the invitation.
[12:09 PM] andrea2741: give me a secone to sort a mic out okay
[12:13 PM] andrea2741: speekign to arch now can you give me 10 min/
[12:15 PM] Silmerias: Contact me when you want if I’m available.
[12:15 PM] andrea2741: okay thanks for your patients
[12:18 PM] Silmerias: Oh by the way, I want to be sure you guys are fully aware about who we are then it will probably help the understanding, do please read this before anything else : [FST] FrogSwarm (French)
Forum HWS | Homeworld Server
[FST] FrogSwarm (French)
[image] WHO ARE WE ? Forged in the EVE-Online’s flames, scattering tears and white flags across the universe, we were known as the mighty French Alliance T C F - Tau Ceti Federation in EvE Online from 2006 to 2010. Former of the RSF - RedSwarm Federation coalition composed of GOON - GoonSwarm Americans well known group from the Something Awfull community also called Goon Squad and RED - Red Alliance Russians bears with big ships and big guns. We, RSF, were the actors behind the well known 'Gr…
[12:27 PM] andrea2741: to be honest eve on line means nothing to me and is tatally a different game and the servr play is dirrerent dut the the power and lack of shoudl i sy
[12:27 PM] andrea2741: say
[12:28 PM] andrea2741: so it means nothing to me all i know is this game and we have been in it since the 2nd patch and have been mad mda mra we are the oldest faction on the server and rex has even said that he needs us to stay good cause if we go bad we will tip the server balance within the factions seeing as we are the biggest factions [12:29 PM] andrea2741: along with swp as the oldest factions and along with suudge aven older that achillies
(i ststed this soyou know who we are)
[12:30 PM] andrea2741: and that all i know as for our members only me gareth zappie and arch are the oldest the rest are new kind of to pka
[12:30 PM] andrea2741: i have run thinsg by arch i just need to speek to zappie and he’s in work now but will probably be on tonight
[12:30 PM] Silmerias: Are you on the defensive ? I told you to read to learn our goal and understand we are a PvP group, not just some random traders since you clearly think it is :smiley:
[12:31 PM] andrea2741: so for now i think the allaince is safe!
[12:32 PM] andrea2741: we are not on efencive or offencive at the moment we are justas we are we are also pvp experienced so stop tryng to rub that its not scaring me or impressing me!
[12:32 PM] andrea2741: defencive*
[12:32 PM] andrea2741: liek i said everythng it just as it should be untill i speek to zappie
[12:32 PM] andrea2741: then the rest of pka
[12:33 PM] Silmerias: With kind of answer I’m afraid we unfortunately can’t sort anyhting right now.
[12:33 PM] andrea2741: i know and im sorry for that but i cant make any dissisions without askign zappie 1s
[12:33 PM] andrea2741: but we are still allaince with you
[12:35 PM] Silmerias: We still are also, but be sure zappie contact me for fixing the issue, we will not change anything until then.
[12:38 PM] Silmerias: Cya later o7
SO you can see from our conversation i was trying my best to get into contact with zappie and archangel the older players in pka as i knew what majority of pka thoughts on the matter was.
it was not my decission what happend after.
so have fun!