Yes, I checked myself too.
Yextor is officially dead and couldn’t be helped anymore.
Zirax HQ was almost dead and Xiva the next one. These two could be saved though.
Surface wipe.
Due some… code… the Drones and Deposits were bugged by this action.
Even though we have a Drone.dat file for exactly that, some guy did still stored Drone stuff in the World.dat, which got daily deleted for new deposits.
Overall a mess and I have to do lot of tests in Alpha 8 before I touch surface wipes at all again in combination with SSOR deposits and Drones.
With some handy command I removed all deposits now, bringing the planet entity count from 2000 down to < 100 again. Smooth.
Yextor should be accessible with the next restart again.
Surface wipe on these three planets are turned off until HWS 8