PVP Event Planets

same. there is no more point in continuing. i have tried. i give up. some souls just can’t be saved. i truly hope you don’t treat people u meet in real life this way. if so, i have sympathy for anyone who crosses your path. thankfully there are blocking tools available here.

We rich even when we’re not cause we’ll go get what we need in pvp… Rex has logs right?? So who’s doing what on the market? Who’s buying the most n selling? Is abn truly going in on collection n getting op? Are we not using the planet for events!? I can say most my m8s are lazy like me n just want pew pew… nobody is saying no to change but it needs to be done correctly not this bs drama over forums. With logical reasons that are backed by the community n are seen by Rex n logs to have factual details/info. If we have been poking with numbers it’s not accurate. We pull those numbers out of thin air to get ppl to organize n come out. So far newer players have been coming out n seeing similar names return into pvp is worth our time spent doing events… Oz has done great in that regard n it’s not something that is easy to do with new players. I thank oz n everyone else who helps… if y’all want true balance why not have a major wipe season? Like the end is truly here for everyone n wipe us clean to the bone. Rust style wipe n run to the hills as soon as a new season starts… if you want smaller/newer players to have a chance? Maybe just keep ocd lvls but wipe ocd as well. One massive wipe every few seasons??


that’s not it at all @Snowman. what your saying is borderline slander. I’m trying to give people the opportunity if they want to, not telling them they have to. as for the hijacked event. that was fine to, we just started fighting you instead, no hard feelings on my part. all I can say is just play the game. empyrion is fun…

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Hello rexxxus, I have not followed this topic very closely. I just wanted to say a few words because I don’t see many helpful feedbacks for you.

Firstly I like what you are doing with this planet event, I see the potential. It’s very much an attempt to capture the titan pvp warfare.

I just don’t think you’ll get any helpful feedback from the forums at the minute. As I’ve said in other posts it’s very crusady at the moment, with people posting in private areas & making threads whoses intention (like it or not) is to put down ABN.

Now that is not to say ABN themselves have been making things better, it’s very much been an us vs them movement on the forums lately, which I am very opposed to.

Problems like these are very real, yes… but don’t mistake some of this feedback for just hatred towards ABN. I do have some feedback (despite never personally going to the planet, admitably, but I hope to make it clear why not)

You mentioned earlier we could wipe weekly, I think this is a great idea as the planet is supposed to be an event rather than a continuous stronghold like GG. That’ll give the chance for the playfield to be refreshed and fix the commonly mentioned problem that one guy is holding all that stuff uncontested with too much lag.

You’ll have the chance at the end of the week just like everyone else to set down your own fortress, and in this case no one can really complain if it continues to be held by the same faction.

Getting rid of pvp events would be a mistake in my opinion. They are a good aspect of HWS.

I think the problem here is not the incentive but the difficulty and “grind” to get the position. When you allow one faction to fixate themselves on a singular planet it becomes near impossible to dig them out. Especially for planets without limits. This is fine for planets like GG because there are not (from what I understand) as many resources and are a main focus for the entire server. For planets like eton and zanzibar because it’s got so many it makes the inflation for that faction worse because they can afford to undercut everyone on the market. This I think is why @Snowman is upset, although he could be a little more helpful about it.

Eton is a self correcting problem because it resets every 18 hours or so when the event starts over, and everyone has a chance to capture it. With zanzibar once you are set up and entrenched it becomes a greater expense (short term I mean) to take the position then the initial gain.

Some people have talked about not doing pvp because of toxicity, I disagree that this is a problem. I have been in pvp recently, I have played under alts, and I have seen nothing terrible since the rules were enforced by you against the worst offenders. Reminders like the ones you dispensed to saul & F-V (I think that was their faction?) are enough to calm the situation.

I personally don’t want to come to zanzibar because I don’t want to fight against all those bases in the ring. I don’t want to excessively expend time and energy taking a position at very un-enjoyable framerates. The titan war was fun but not because of the framerate. It was fun because it was one faction whos back was against the wall and another who was on the doorstep. It created itself and was not forced.

You give the option of fighting over titan again to any player and if they seriously consider it they might just tell you it was too laggy, too big, too long. That’s how I personally feel. It was fun, but once was enough.

That’s my feedback, and I hope it helps. We don’t seem to be very productive on the forums of late, I myself have been guilty of this. Good intentions or not it has been a bad week.


i just want to point one thing out. this entire post was built on assumptions. “i assume they are going to collect millions of resources every day” “i assume they are going to flood the market with prices lower than mine” “i assume they want to kill PVP entirely” “i assume they are just trying to kill the server” i know this will be ignored but zero of this is true. i feel like im talking to brick walls. zanzabar is a huge drain on time for maintenance. the task of keeping everything fueled and loaded with ammo is atrocious. collecting and fueling autominers is horrible past the 1st 3. everyone is assuming what’s going on there but nobody has even shown aside from minor scouting parties and a suicidal duck. we are not collecting millions to kill the market. we most certainly not trying to kill PVP. just sick of hearing all the complaints about something new we are promoting. all these complaints are assumptions. that is all. yes the planet has the possibility of abuse…but tell me which aspect of the game does not? im hearing screams of change that shit now because it is unfair to whatever. so are we to immediately dismiss every idea that is on the table or just the ones that don’t benefit the marketeers? so done with this nonsense. i prefer adult conversations.

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What assumption? Your faction mate told us.

No one gives a crap about under cutting, it flooding the market and ruining it for EVERYONE as a vendetta with res from the planet which is the issue,

Based of your actions, yes that would be a fair assumption due to the fact you have no enemies attacking you planet and that you have to hold events to get pvp.

Thats how people feel yes. The don’t assume it that’s what they are experiencing.

Once again you show how naive you are to your own actions while just trying to make yourself look good. You have had nothing to contribute to the original post, actually no one has and many answers remain unanswered but you just keep mouthing off Bob as i going to talk to others as

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ok so i get it now. i honestly think i can see ur point and where it is coming from. u take a statement and try to interpret the meaning of it. then react accordingly.



this is a statement not a fact. take a look at the exact wording of the comment. does not state “we are collecting millions a day.” anywhere in it. the statement simply says the planet yeilds a million a day. it doesn’t say we are collecting it. it has that possibility. this im an not disagreeing with. what i am disagreeing with is accusations of trying to get kill the server by flooding the market. also take a look at the source of the statement. to me this is just fluffed boasting. as i have said repeatedly but it keeps getting ignored. (u seem to have a tendency to read something to don’t like and stop acknowledging the rest) none of us enjoy chores in this game and have no desire to collect the “millions a day” this planet has the potential to produce. we want action on the planet. the set-up is to make wanting to control the planet a high desire across the board. it was meant to be a constant battlefield where u actually don’t have time to collect the full potential yeild. if this is the “fact” of ur entire argument, i can say that u are way off base and need to think before releasing any accusations. come take the planet from us and see how long members will enjoy the monotonous task gathering resources. we are a PVP fighting faction with no desire to become resource farmers.

Perception is reality to the holder.

Snowman has articulated the perception he and others may also hold.

Bob, you may be legit and honest in your words. I dont know.

However, the ability/opportunity of gathering ores in excess quantity, the gathering of autominers from eton as oz did early in the season by offering access to personal lockers in return for the autominers, leaves it very hard to believe abn and f-v are not doing as snowman suspects.

If abn wants to change the perception, more needs to be done. Something(s) tangible and believable.


There are plenty of reasons we could wipe the planet every day, but I have another idea.

What if we just stopped the passive resource gathering? That seems to be literally everyone’s biggest complaint, aside from lag. Instead, leave the resources there and have all of them as very large deposits, with seventy or eighty thousand resources in each, someone has to sit there and mine all day if they want the resources, and the resources reset daily. Still incites violence to hold it because if a faction was low on… say cobalt, say OH is out of cobalt. If we hold Zanzibar we can just go mine the cobalt deposit until we have enough, then go back to ammo production :smiley:

Just an idea, feel free to pick it apart - that’s why we’re here!



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Is passive resource gathering really the concern? Has everyone really thought about that?

Golden Globe: We own that, wipe anyone who tries to take it over. If everyone in my faction mined gold for just 1 hour a day on GG, we would make enough creds to buy 6.7 Million Ore @ 50 creds a unit, and ore is much cheaper than that a lot of the time. So GG is at least 6.7 times as lucrative as your claiming Zanzibar is for a minimal effort (I have been to Zanzibar twice, I want to fight not mine) and with zero set up. Whats next, nerf GG because ABN mines too much gold?

Titan: Has resources, could only really be assaulted on the weekend, TAWFU locked that down in a previous season, huge fight to take it. Titan was worse than Zanzibar to take, because it was locked 5 days a week. Sure, you could spawnscum your way in through the monilith, at the cost of K/D and huge amounts of time, not a practical attack. Do we get rid of Titan because its too hard to take?

POIs: There are POI’s with high value return, if everyone in my faction ran just one of those POIs a day, we would make 210 Million Creds a day, enough to buy 4.2 Million ore @50 creds (We don’t, most of us don’t do PVE at all). Should we nerf those POIs because ABN controls the PVP space around them?

Private PVE/PVP Planets: Well people can’t attack these at all, did you know you can autominer the deposits? Jeez, should we nerf these too, since ABN has a private planet too that no one get attack them on?

This is not about resources, it can’t be, there are so many other ways to make so much more loot. This is forum PVP. You guys have not even tried to assault Zanzibar. Sure, Cyan has done some dive bombs more or less solo (Will was there I think) but no one has actually tried to remove the bases or place their own. All the concerns raised have counterparts in the rest of the HWS universe that have never been an issue, but because it’s an ABN planet everyone is freaking out. We have held GG every season I have played other than my first (I know, TAWFU had it the season I was gone, I wish I got some of that action) I think we have amassed enough wealth that any new gains are just a drop in a very large bucket. Resource gains stopped being a concern a long time ago, but people seem very stuck on “How rich we are getting”. We have been rich for seasons, Zanzibar was supposed to be an attractive target for PVP, but all everyone seems to do is take it to the forums.


Doubt it. You are aware Oz was gathering up every autominer he could by offering access to the personal lockers on eton for the price of giving him all autominers from the lockers?

Wonder where those autominers went?

Pick one:

  1. Everyone from ABN (30 members) mining gold for 1 hour every day
  2. Everyone from ABN placing T3 Autominer on several deposits once per season, then one member spends 20 minutes daily to gather and fuel them up.

Have you tried blowing those autominers up, given that you are so concerned by them?

*Fun fact, they are in PVP

Not about resources from my perspective. As I said in another thread “who cares?”

For me, it’s about discerning whether or not abn, f-v live up to the perception of themselves they want the server to have, or is it all “smoke and mirrors”.

So far what I’m seeing is primarily a disconnect between abn and f-v actions vs. what I see and hear abn saying how they want to be perceived.

I’m talking about resource gain, don’t derail conversation to countermeasure topic.

The attempt and possible outcome must be worth the effort.

This is not.

Your desire to generate pvp has been voided by creating a nearly no successful outcome possible situation for the attackers.

It’s too big, too much. As a pvp generating idea — it may be a “bust”.

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Ok, so to answer SwissSteel: We are a loose collection of pirates. I don’t think there is any one image people are trying to build. If I see you in PVP I will kill you (Unless its event time), I probably wont touch your backpack out of laziness, but I might just take everything I find. I am a pirate 100%. Not sure there should be any confusion about that. I am here for the killboard. But thats just me, we are not a TAW style faction, we don’t have that level of structure.

And for Politary: Your talking about risk+time vs. reward at the core of your argument. They are in PVP. They are immobile. Have you tried taking them down (The risk portion of having AMs in PVP)? How do you think talking about destroying the autominers is derailing the conversation about autominers?

" 1. Everyone from ABN (30 members) mining gold for 1 hour every day
2. Everyone from ABN placing T3 Autominer on several deposits once per season, then one member spends 20 minutes daily to gather and fuel them up."

The important bit there is the autominers your talking about placing

And to Swiss’s new post:

You have not tried, your literally giving up and claiming its not worth it without ever trying. You have to see the fallacy in that right?

You said how much resources your faction can make from mining GG. I said how much resources your faction can make from Zanzibar without any sort of effort. This is effort vs outcome topic, not risk vs outcome.

Oh man, your in this way too deep. Clearly your not looking for a logical discussion, this is where I step out of here until someone actually want to discuss things.

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