I don’t have the time to explain and compare shooting miners to shooting AMs, ways to protect Autominers, etc. just because this topic is basic pvp knowledge and not the theme of discussion.
Yet there is the most obvious comparison. Effort vs Outcome. And this is where the planet is ruining server economy and resource balance.
Might be a communication breakdown here, you were talking about what kind of image ABN wants to portray, I was saying that there is no ambiguity for me, I am just a pirate and not to be confused with a friendly in PVP.
I apologize if that came off any other way, no threat intended
The perception I’m referring to is desire for server to believe zanzibar is only about encouraging pvp and benefiting the server, and therefore the same perception of abn and f-v desire of themselves.
I want to believe this, but it is a bit of a struggle accepting it as so in this case.
Assuming it is so, then please accept my feedback regarding the pizza pie of resources event.
While admirable to make the attempt at another pvp event, this one does not appear to be balanced enough to give attackers a reasonable chance for success sufficient enough to be willing to make the mass assault attempt you seek.
Similar to our (dwarven alliance) error we made with our event planet a few seasons ago.
I apologize ahead of time for derailing the conversation a little with a novel
there is a common theme here in this topic, perception. there is a perception difference on many sides as to our intent. i have been playing in HWS since around last November and was under the complete wrong impression for some time as to the intent of other players. i was in a small faction having fun exploring the vast options the community has to offer. at first i got the mining bug and looked for all i could do to find and mine all the resources available. my impression of the PVP zone was basically PVE with the ability for people to get together and shoot each other and have fun battles. there were also rich rare resources there to mine. so i expected to go and mine the rich resources and maybe see some battles along the way and maybe one in the distance to watch and enjoy while i mine. immediately found out how wrong i was the 1st time i was blown apart by another player. don’t even remember the faction or player but that is not the point. it was not the “Disney Mining Adventure” i was expecting. i quickly learned that the PVP zones are meant to be a place to bring only what you are prepared to lose. i would get very upset that other players would come and disturb my mining fun in PVP zones. but i really wanted the resources. i changed my tactics and eventually learned how to ninja mine in the end (which i am currently in the process of creating a guide for.) the whole time i hated the PVP factions in power thinking they wanted nothing more than to keep people out of PVP space. this was the perception i had through 3 different factions and ended up taking a season without one. my goal was to stay under the radar while i ninja mine the resources i wanted. i heard many sparks going off from all sides and stayed out of the crossfire the best i could. my perception of what the PVP factions were in regards to PVP zones was quickly changed when i joined ABN and was able to actually see behind the curtain. no longer do i feel that we are about stomping the opposition into never wanting to enter PVP zones. or the idea that the evil superpower hold all the rich zones to abuse and pillage the resources they provide. i found out we are just a bunch of players that really love this game and want to see it grow. the idea behind PVP is that it has the potential of great reward but requires great sacrifice to maintain and collect from. think of it this way, we see something can be abused and take over control to prevent the abuse. does this mean we are not to use it? no, just not abuse it. we completely understand (and welcome the action) that someone can contest and hopefully overthrow us. then use it to do whatever they wish. we would constantly try to retake control simply for the action on the battlefield. i have learned that battles are our primary driving goal. yes the resources are nice but there isn’t one member that is using the areas we control for a nefarious objective. we see rex adding new content all the time and wanted to come up with something ourselves. it was suggested that there be a place that would be capable if massive return but require a ton effort the keep controlled. it’s intention was to be the place to always expect a battle in progress on arrival. forces constantly trying to overthrow the power in charge to get as many riches as you can before another force comes to take the throne. we all worked hard to present our dream of a true PVP utopia that would provide all the action a PVP player would need at any time. so far this idea has been shat on by many. this brings up very strong feelings that cannot be held back by most and has just been escalating way out of control in all aspects. i am very guilty of words spoken that are not on record and would like to try and stop this before it destroys the reason we all come here. to have fun and be part of a community that has so much to offer.
since i have joined, the perception i now have of ABN is a group of players that really enjoy a broken game and have made every effort to try and fix it so nobody has to deal with the frustrations we have all been through. nothing more, nothing less.
I have learned that you cannot change the perception of any other player without showing them. words and actions are very powerful and can be taken in so many ways when it comes to perception. we are all different. we all come from different backgrounds and have our own various issues and concerns. what is done by another for a good intent can be perceived as a deception by another simply because they have been wronged in the past. be it by the same individual or another associated. i truly believe we as a human race will one day set aside the things that hold us back and grow to make our dreams a reality together.
heh that’s interesting to know…
i started myself on hws maybe 3 seasons ago or so… and two things from that season pushed me to help rexxxus with hws connect as best I could … first one was all the hard work i saw rex & co put into the game… I enjoyed the PvE side immensely…
secondly, I was blown away by how patient ABN were hosting all those events… I went a couple of times on the Oz bus tour events and all I could think was why the fuck do these guys do that? how can they tolerate sitting there for hours on end doing nothing but police the event… that is dull as fuck to me and I’m amazed they did that…
all to encourage PvP play…
if you like any of the new aspects I helped add to connect… you should probably be thanking rexxxus & ABN for their dedication to HWS…
My post has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the original vendetta to remove it entirely.
As I have stated across multiple different posts on multiple different occasions, I could care less what happens to that planet.
Abuse or no abuse, those who exploit a system eventually get bored with that system, and seeing how most claim it’s resource based… well that’ll be self-resolving in a couple of seasons when they all burn out from lack of things to do
As I said in my original post - I do not appreciate the us vs them mentality going on in the forums right now. Please try to keep discussion (and this is pointed at all parties) purely on the feedback aspect. Removing things is not an option, only changing them for the better. I posted what I feel would be “better”
I can’t speak for everyone here, but my perspective really has nothing to do with who owns the planet -
To all your points in this post, if something is unbalanced, yes it should be adjusted. This is the case with ALL things regardless of faction lines.
Lobbying to stop that is only natural from the concerned parties, but eventually we all must agree that balance must take place for the majority.
Again, this pattern of us vs them has repeated itself. There is no defense for that type of behaviour. I expect better from everyone in this post! You are community members, respected and cherished by HWS.
Calling any party naive is not a good idea. I would expect better from not just you but everyone in this post. Can we refrain from talking about how terrible ABN is and simply ask the question “what must be balanced?”
I appreciate your words on this topic but perhaps you are looking too hard from a purely market perspective? Can you detail what the long term impact on the market is from this passive-income you claim ABN is purposefully exploiting? Perhaps if we had a greater insight into how this all comes together, some of the options proposed by rexxxus would make more sense.
As I have said in other posts, please dont get into us vs them. I only want the feedback about the planet itself.
Tbh honest so far i see us (fu abn taw, and a few others) vs them - bob. We have had some great responses but still too many are not addressing the questions i first asked in my first post. Maybe once we talk about abn a little less and talk about the planet a little more the discussion can be profitable for everyone. I havent read most of bobs posts at this point due to the fact he cant use the ‘enter’ button to make paragraphs. I don’t do blobs of text.
Lol, I’ll be honest - I kinda pride myself on how well I read the forums. I read literally every post, day or night, usually within an hour. When I see a couple thousand words posted without spaces I usually slap myself in the face because I end up reading every line two or three times and getting lost in it. Paragraphs are suuuper helpful, no offence, it just helps me a lot.
In my humble opinion: Clearly money talks on this server. You got the money? Here you go sir your own event planet with an almost unlimited amount of resource of every kind, and all concentrated in one place; right where you want to put your 35 bases on. And if anyone says anything, oh well, we will come up with some bullshit or make up some excuses and tell happy stories, or just ignore the issue to begin with so we don’t have to pay the money back! …
Remember, ABN members designed this planet for themselves, so who do you think is going to benefit? If these guys had actually made this planet an a level playing field it could have been a hit, but no, their too dam greedy and on a power trip.
A level playing field would have been if those resources were equally distributed around the planet, and if structure limits were implanted so as to make it a more playable place then an almost unlimited amount of structures.
I think my bunker idea for three alliances in one class 5 planet is still the most, equal, fair, and balanced idea to date. But hey money talks so don’t mind me.
The other problem is when you have developers who don’t actively pvp trying to make changes for pvp. I think thats a perfect storm for making uneducated changes that cause unbalances to pvp. And some weird overpowered blocks and pve shields used for pvp. A ships shield in pvp are the layers upon layers of blocks protecting it. Shields are made strictly for pve. Pve ships have exposed cockpits which tells you right there in no uncertain terms that shields are made for pve only. Pvp cockpits are covered by layers upon layers of strong blocks and these are their shields!
Have to disagree with this premise. I’m not seeing it this way. I’m going with good intentions not going as intended.
Appears to me it is a genuine attempt to create a setpiece pvp battle. A few shortcomings in how it was setup, overly optimistic assumptions about what the rest of the server can bring together to attack it, and the lag/disconnect factor — has caused it to not go as intended.
In addition to what I previously mentioned (150 block cv limit, or no CV and a limit on bases — maybe 3-6 total for defenders), will add (whether self imposed or setup by Rex, if possible) a limit on HVs — say defenders can only have 5 HVs, attackers up to 10 (would need to be higher if CV bombing is factored in). Perhaps similar on SV’s (not sure about this). In addition, better to use something other than server provided resources as the carrot to encourage battle.
Should be necessary for abn/f-v to rely more heavily on their active skills (many of the most skilled and experienced players are members of these factions) as active defenders — much, much less so on passive, lag inducing defensives (bases and HVs).
Reward wise for success? — would have been more enticing for abn/f-v to put some of their wealth on the line. Perhaps 100-200 million or more of abn/f-v credits in gold bars divided to the team performing a successful assault and holding the position for 6 hrs. Same limits as defenders now applying to those who took it over.
Opportunity to ‘take’ something significant (large quantity of gold) from the purported king-of-the-hill alliance ---- priceless.
Imo, would be a greater enticement to battle ---- would provide objective of taking something tangible from abn/f-v that they already possess. Bonus, no drama over the resources, and materially backs up words the primary driver for this event is about pvp, not about easy resource accumulation.
Just throwing these thoughts on the wall to see if anything sticks.
I wanted to take the time to firstly listen to players concerns “without prejudice to ABN or F-U” and then to go visit the planet taking a look from a neutral point of view :-
• Looking at how you would go about attacking the area
• The AM ore harvesting/any evidence to show abuse of the markets ect
• The fps counter strike event and again any potential exploits
Looking at how you would go about attacking the area
So first impressions was of a tight cluster of bases with over lapping gun fire “the classic layers of an onion defence” on closer inspection on the outer layer I see many blind spots that can be exploited by just a single sv pilot. Once over the ridge you get hit by the lag wall which will make things a little tougher to get close but the planet hosts have given the class 7 limit option meaning a well-designed heavy weight sv could sponge some of the damage giving the attacker “as part of a team” a way in. getting Hv’s in to the fight would be more of a challenge due to the high ridge around the crater, when climbing the outer stone wall and as you reach the top you are met by a mix of lag and heavy fire often meaning it will be hard to stop the hv from flying up over the defence towers rather than dropping down in to the crater.
Over all analogy:- yes the base can be taken with a team of around 7 players taking around 1h to destroy the structures without any player opposition. With opposing players for me more players on both sides = more lag making the playfield unplayable for all sides but being worse for the attacker.
• Suggestion would be for a limit/reduction on how many bases can be placed on the playfield this would reduce lag making it more fun fall all.
The AM ore harvesting/any evidence to show abuse of the markets ect
Many of the deposits can be harvested in pve play fields so I’m mainly looking at Magnesium, erestrum, pentaxid and neodymium. So the key question is how many am’s can you place and has the market been flooded with these resources. So with the am’s it looks like judging by the buzzing sound many have been placed under ground so I have no way of confirming just how many are being used. So I look to both EU and NA markets to see if it has loads of ABN players selling large amounts, I see 2 main sellers from ABN nether seem to be selling large amounts and the prices are set at a mid-level “not the cheapest or the most expensive” but certainly not flooding the market. If you look at the top buyers and sellers on Market stats on HWS connect I only see 1 ABN player in the top 5 for sellers “4th”
I could see a potential exploit where a faction or player could just drive the price up my buying all the low priced ore then putting it on at a higher price with a second player under cutting “being the main seller” but still driving the overall price up.
• The potential for abuse on any planet by a large faction having many members placing 2 or 3 am’s on each deposit “above and below ground” would give a massive yield with little effort certainly when done in combination of a base and land claim.
The fps counter strike event and again any potential exploits
I am unable to attend this event due to its time “would be around 4am for me” the players that I have spoken to that have participated said they had a lot of fun and it’s an overall success.
• Trying to look for potential exploits which could be looked at by rex, the base setup has a few sniping points overlooking kill zones so when held by a player they are in affect farming RP now again whether this is open to or has been abused only Rex can look at the logs to see if this is the case but as it stands players are saying they are having fun.