PVP Event Planets

Well bloody blazes this is an interesting read. Funny fact I was the one that did the initial scouting before will and cyan. :slight_smile:

Reason I scouted was I was trying to figure out where ozi was taking all these autominers. I took him up on the trade and on average publicly around 10-20 players per day were taking him up on the autominer for rep and gold trade at eton. I eventually remembered zanzibar!!! I had actually with us being around 2 weeks into the season almost forgot about it. I was like OH hellz yea thats where I would take all those am3s, I didnā€™t need for a faction planet.

So what I thought zanzibar was before I scouted. I thought I was seeing the whole planet when it was announced. I will admit I gave myself a misconception, iā€™m obviously bad at reading the geography in the game atm lol. When I put my pictures in the OH discord we initially tried to figure out around how many they probably had placed and we figured around 40 per pile before allies. Sounds juicy right and then someone says in public chat that its getting around 1mil twice a day per resource sounds close to right. When I joined OH the planet Inner Heaven had around 15-20ish am3s depending on how many accidental pickups there were. In a 16ish hour period (when u initially fuel them up if u place another after it takes you should get a 16hour lifespan). In 16hours on average would have between 200-250k ore and thats with 2 types 3 piles each, very very nice right.

The initial idea I proposed was either a speedy land in something that can take a hit while using other stuff to distract as many nearby bases/turrets (didnā€™t realize those were hvs on the outer line i never came low enough I thought they were ridiculously tiny towers XD ) to try to take as many war/pvp mats as possible mainly the penta, mag, and erestrum. The other proposal was that we do a slash and burn and destroy every am3 possible.

Many plans were starting to get drawn up and a few people even drew out cv idea concepts that might have eventually been made. When will and cyan did their scouting run is when fps was taken into consideration. Also after there divebombing we were not sure where the am3s were, only to find out a bug had somehow destroyed them all and that they were inside the bases. Honestly, very good tactic for pvp. Why leave something that would cost folks that buy from the market or npcs around 100-200k per am3 out in the open for someone to shoot, especially even if its not, 40 per pile, if its 20 or more just sounds like bad juju beans to leaveā€™m out in the open. Since most of these were gotten through eton trades I figured either ABN would buy w/e is on the market, hit up npcs regularly, or continue the eton trade, why not right?

You might even wonder crazyfly why were you proposing speedy plans? ABN response times when I have joined in on attacks on them last season was between instant and 30/45minutesish. Sometimes its just one pilot till more can show up helping out there base defenses. So any plan to get resources had to take into account someone might show up to pick them up if the attackers are doing well. Also had to take into account ABN response times and when most of our pilots could actually participate. Timing completly and utterly crucial.

Now iā€™ve played this game off and on since prealpha 3.4 and in prealpha I used to solo fight bases that had 100s to 500+ turrets. My svs the gnats were really awesome around that time as nothing homed in on you so you could fly around making bases drain themselves. This base setup simply reminds me of some of the more extravagant bases I used to fight. It had tons of flak and for some reason this 500ish flak turret base wasnā€™t shooting me. Why? Because, if you know what the serve setup was at the time I was without knowing it hurting the server, all the processors are screaming at the others help me with all these tracking calculations so of course to much is being tied up for them to even begin shooting. I stopped to take a bong rip or a bite of something and since none of the turrets were firing, but, the base is obviously powered I wasnā€™t sure after all the factors, if, I was in range or not. Iā€™ve heard only 21 turrets can fire at a time not sure if thats accurate, but after that 30 secs it seemed to me like all 500 flak turrets fired at once since they no longer needed to track me.

This is relevant as it seemed like when they did there sv divebombs they should have been shredded by 30 basesish with hv support before they could pull out (I know they arenā€™t in range of all of them but seemed like they should have been in range of enough firepower). Now some of it might be graphical errors, just simply no visuals, but, did seem like not all turrets were firing that alone might be some worthwhile data if, true for the devs.

So knowing that fps is low and the fact that ABN and friends can bring on average 10-15 plus pilots in most reasonable, timeframes, it requires a large assault force and some of them dedicated to there tasks. 20-30 just for the bases and hvs with none of them breaking off to engage ABN pilots, the zone only told me when I was there ships class 7 so iā€™m not sure if a cv can be there or not other zones specify these separately. But, whether they could or not you would need some ships specialized for attracting those turrets possibly ships with an abundance of generators and thrusters to continue drawing fire as attack craft focus down hvs and bases. Then you need around 5-10 per abn pilot that shows up. I know those numbers sound totally ludicrous until you realize that most of your pilots even in low numbers are going to be faced with bugs and fps lockups in this big of a fight. From bugs and fps lockups alone you should expect a 75% casualty rate. On top of the fact that sometimes when someone crashes in a zone they continue to crash or just sit at a loading screen, until, the next server restart at times even after checking empyrion file integrity and restarting there computer.

Reason I did not propose any kind of small scale attack is the ABN response times I mentioned. Also if the attack got on the scale I proposed in the previous paragraph we would literally have to run our attack plan and ships by Rexxus to make sure its all legal. This is supposed to be an event that helps collect data, iā€™m not sure how much data one can get if we crash the zone before things even get interesting.

Now even if iā€™m slightly off on numbers, it still would take alot more effort than anyone wants to put forth. Iā€™m not sure about the other factions, but, we have had some setbacks in OH. Easiest one is if you had a screenshot of the OH roster at the end of last season and what it was for the first week or two of this season you would realize fast something was up. Alot of pilots did not like the bugs that came with 10.0 and others have taken a break till 11.0 anyway. Theres a few other factors but some may be more heresay than truth.

Now, I am sorry that for whatever reason my scouting run and intel gathering seems to have literally, not, only reminded people this place existed but, all the salt and vitriol thats been brought to the table.

The thing is its still an event planet maybe not the originally envisioned event planet but, ABN is still holding events here and with plans for more. I believe them when they say most of them donā€™t want to harvest there am3s, I have around 500 water gens I tend to them every 2-3 days takes me about 20-30 mins minimum based on if, iā€™m typing, voice chat, or munching breakfast/dinner (iā€™m a 3rd shifter lol). With 21 piles if, they all have 40 of just one factions am3s thats 840 am3s so with moving around from spot to spot at around 1-2 hours of harvesting and thats despite the fact of how close they are. Longer if they forget where they started and know they only harvested from x amount of am3s if, they still have power its gonna be hard to find the ones you havnā€™t looted.

So here are my thoughts on the matter, might be more enticing if, those resources were spread over more of the planet lets say since this a multi event planet atm, unless it were to go back to only one event, half the planet and spread out the penta, mag, and erestrum more. Another thing that might be done on the player side is ABN negotiate with other factions/alliances to be there before them. Giveā€™m like at least at the start of the season an agreed amount of days to try to setup bases etc on said planet (iā€™m thinking a week or less sounds reasonable). If it turned out the factions that were willing to participate escalated into war before said time ABN is more than welcome to join in as the planet is supposed to encourage lots of fighting. Since everything that uses a core effects the global limit it would make it a thinking game for anyone wanting to take these as this would effect there limits elsewhere (its a good thing mind you).

As for how it is iā€™m not sure how to make it enticing enough for an attacker, cause even after you have to take into consideration that ABN will attack one or more times a day and as we saw on Titan last season what I think would accurately be called eve style fanaticism during times of war (god 28 players on at the same time from one side and mostly one faction to fight outstanding bravo bravo). Anyone who takes this and wanted it for resources would need almost all there pilots and friendly factions to have a similar eve style determination.

Now I canā€™t speak for the other factions but, as previously stated OH had some setbacks at the beginning of this season. So the chances of us attacking this isnā€™t nonexistant but, is definitely extremely doubtful. I do look forward to our battles elsewhere across the server.

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what bothers me the most is the demand for changing a planet that has not even been contested. we donā€™t ā€œknowā€ what will work best until itā€™s tried. speculation can only get u so far. i honestly feel the planet should stay as it is untill attempts to take it over have been made. not just a small squad of scouts, an actual invasion force dedicated to taking over at any cost. that was the dream we envisioned for zanzabar. gather the troops and make an assault to see how it performs. then we can see what needs to be changedā€¦


BoB, if ABN hasnā€™t realized it yet, then I hate to break it to you, but theres a reason that - out of a dozen PvP factions - none of them have even spawned an HV in on Zanzibar, I know why I havenā€™t and I canā€™t speak for every other faction, but 9 fps standing still 2 km away looking at a base is completely unreasonable, I think I would have a negative number of frames per second if I attempted to attack it, lol.

Essentially, quit using benchmarking as an excuse, this is the same excuse every time, no, it doesnā€™t need to be benchmarked, because everyone already knows it will be a crappy lag infested fight that isnā€™t enjoyable to be a part of.

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the game is still alphaā€¦we understand this. 8fps doesnā€™t stop us from going launching an assault on Eton in EU. constant playfield crashes are very common. this should not stop u from attempting an assault. and benchmark IS important. how else are we able to push the limits of the engine? this is not a finished/polished game by any stretch of the term. we are not playing something that is complete. this is what we are trying to do, push the envelope to make a better gaming experience. dominating the universe is not the goal. please try to see past the faction political drama and letā€™s push this bar.

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I would agree I had several 0fps lockups on GG and was happy to be in a hv just cause it could still fire and still wanted to join in more fights. Iā€™ve mostly used svs before shields and cvs. I would like to start fighting more in those.

I think to some extent a big battle there definitely would be very beneficial possibly even help increase fps overtime with higher class sizes. Unfortunately, I donā€™t think the carrot is enough. My question on top of Rexxusā€™s set of questions for possible changes in the future. Would be what kind of carrot is worth it? Under the current conditions?

Weā€™ve been pushing the envelope for ten seasons, it hasnā€™t helped much, in fact I liked it better four seasons ago, Iā€™m not going to force someone into a fight they donā€™t want to join, I personally spoke with five pvp factions, three of them told me they discussed with their members and none of them even wanted to fight there, the other two just said they didnā€™t want to fight there.

Personally, thatā€™s what it took for me to realize - I donā€™t want to fight there. Iā€™m not going to try and force others out there, most of my faction doesnā€™t want to fight there either, if someone was to take every volunteer who PvPā€™s out to Zanzibar for a fight, they may get two people, (not including defenders) I am sure it would be fun for all the defenders because all they need to do is AFK in a tank somewhere and itā€™s free kills!

Thanks, but no thanks



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Donā€™t take this rudely, but you are the only person I have ever heard say they want to attack it. Is there someone else with you? ABN can bring 10-15 players in under an hour (unless you offline them) so do you know of nineteen other players to come join you?

(nineteen would be an absolute minimum with a ton of luck, the casualty rate will be MASSIVE, many people will be kicked and some wonā€™t be able to return.)

Also, my bet is they will bring in class 7 CVs to tank, weā€™ve seen them bring in CVs to tank all the time on other planets, especially Titan where they rammed a CV into three towers even though they had over double the attackers than we had defenders. I just donā€™t think anyone could get enough numbers out there to support a large fight like this.



Before we had most of the factors on the table if, you remember in discord I was the one who at first wanted to attack it the most. In the previous posts at no point do I really say I want to attack it.

There were several times at the end of the last season where they encouraged massive battles on EU for testing purposes. Its also a rarity for the devs to be interested in pvp from what iā€™ve noticed and understand but, they always appreciate more pvp data.

I donā€™t tend to do the server hop thing. Iā€™m the dude that half the time is half awake playing and wondering how i got off GG with 10 stacks of gold on multiple occasions when iā€™m passing out at the computer. I would more than likely lose an epic armor piece everytime I go to EU lol. Thats not lucrative.

I personally like to do lucrative things and to me the gains of victory pale when you know what you must contend with after the victory. Unless npc cores are being used. Which unless they just have an abundance would be ludacris they have to be going through tons of prom fuel. Which means if they arnā€™t mining prom and making there own fuel they are probably buying it by the cargoload. Thats before the ammunition and concrete needed for the class 7 bases/hvs that the conquerers will need to put up if they want to hold it. If holdn it was even the attackers objective.

If the current carrot being dangled doesnā€™t seem lucrative on top of the low fps and high expectations of lag/bugs. Then what kind of carrot is?

If, I thought I knew the answer to the carrot ? I would have proposed it. But, iā€™m unsure what would have to be offered to peak my interest. I am also trying to be constructive in this topic.

i disagree, while there have been good and bad changes there is one thing that i feel nearly everyone is overlooking or just not aware of. games used to go through rigorous testing and tweaking before finally being released. this required gaming developers to shell out tons of money for beta testers. people basically paid to test video games. the reason was the testers (not players) were trying to find as many exploits and game breaking situations as possible.

the word ā€œAlphaā€ is still in the game title. this was a term used by developers when they tested before sending to a beta team. in this game, we are non paid game testers. that is the whole misconception here. we are gamers being force to beta test but expecting a finished game.

if u think of urself as a tester rather than a gamer, u may understand what we are trying to accomplish hereā€¦

You completely misquoted me, I am assuming it was by accident, but you ignored the next 6 words which clear up all your confusion.

ā€œI liked it better four seasons agoā€ Assuming we are all free beta testers, my opinion is still obviously the same, I liked it better how it was.

i did read and understand all to well. what is not usually understood is we can only move forward. comparing current versions to old is not a fair comparison at all. many things have changed in each season. while i feel windows 98SE was by far the best version, it fails to even come close to the ability windows 10 has. we can look at past versions as lessons, not regressions. saying an older version was better really has no basis because of the amount of things that are different. my point is we are trying to improve a broken game. the only way to efficiently do that is to break it more and more so it can be fine tuned. look at the game Rust and how many evolutions it has been through including moving to an entirely new engine. the game performance is really the only thing that matters. pushing itā€™s limits will help us surpass them.

I think this is the one forum I am a member in, that has long, thoughtful and meaningful replies, that is not a flyfishing community.



just want to say i really enjoy ur randomness dQ :wink:

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Iā€™m pretty sure most of us know the limits of this game engine haha. You got too many in one place and boom crash or the whole playfield crashes or the whole server crashes.

Alot of people are not attacking because they know what will happen. Crash and crash. Thats not fun and sure doesnā€™t help to have a fun gaming experience. But money talks so keep your pay to win planet sense thats what is really going on here.

And keep your almost unlimited amount of resources of every kind right were you want it on your bases. And keep your unlimited structure limit restrictions which donā€™t help the gaming experience. And if you think it does then your badly mistaken.

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proof of limited thinking. think what you like. no sense in trying to show sincerity to deaf ears. sad that we cannot get over the politics and just enjoy the game :frowning:

I donā€™t see the point of attacking. The very few skirmishes on GG this season I have been involved in were nothing short of disappointment. Horrible rubber banding would be a complement. I have been in massive battles for a long time, and this season has been a far cry from the amount of people attacking between 2 opposing sides, and it was WORSE in gameplay. Eleon talks about it being smoother. It is. On single player. This is the first alpha that I have played that seems to be stuck in a backwards development cycle. I really donā€™t care how many pixels are in the planet to give the 3D look. I honestly give 2 shits less about new looks and shapes of blocks. If the core network support of the game cannot handle multiplayer support for a large community is it a logical reasoning instead to fix what has slowly gotten worse with each progressive patch instead of focusing on making the constructor look like a commercial washing machine?


still missing the point of pushing the limits. yes itā€™s nice when everything works smoothly but this game is far from smooth. but it is evolving. what most donā€™t understand is how software works. if everything is running under normal situations, the program does what it is supposed to. when crap happens there is a scramble for what caused the issue. the more crashes and problems, the more samples the developers have to look through and correct the issues.

yes it will suck to have constant crashes but the more it does, the better chance of fixing those issues. we are forgetting this game is still incomplete and needs a lot of work. itā€™s up to us as a community to put aside our differences and test the hell out of this game. once it is more stable we can have our PVP utopia. this is not a ploy to make ungodly amounts of money or resources, not a trick to dominate the server, its a plan to push the engine to itā€™s limits so it can be evolved.

the younger generation just doesnā€™t see it that way but hopefully one day u will. we are not the evil galactic empire everyone seems to portray us as. we just really love this game and want to see it grow. very sad that some cannot see past their own biased opinions or fall victim to the political agendas of specific individuals. either way i have tried to explain the idea and motives behind this project but sadly some will believe what they choose toā€¦very sad :frowning:


hmm got an idea for a Zanzibar ABN eventā€¦
host an event and provide ships & ammo for all to attack that damn base :stuck_out_tongue:


hmmmmā€¦ not bad ideaā€¦im willing to donate personal stock for this. anyone else?

I see an awful lot of the exact same reply defending this planet. ā€œYou havenā€™t even tried to attack it, so we canā€™t change it! It must not be broken if no one has even tried!ā€

Exceptā€¦ thatā€™s not really correct, is it? Here is an event planet that no one wants to attack. Its not a matter of ā€œtesting the game engineā€ here. Its about fun.

This planet is a (mini)game that no one wants to play, and if people look at your game (whether they try it or not) and refuse to play it, can you really say your game is a success? I would say no. I would think that the fact no one even wants to Try to attack Zanzibar is its own answer. It means this event planet has failed, in a fundamental way.

We can all speculate about why no one wants to attack Zanzibar, and ABNā€™s motives in building it, and the fact that they are profiting from the fact that no one wants to attack it, but thatā€™s all really beside the point. The resources and auto-miners and what they are or are not doing to the economy are another discussion.

The key point here, is if you build an event for people and no one shows up, then you should probably start thinking about what needs to change in that event. This holds true in all aspects of commercial life; not just video games. A movie that no one watches is not a success; a product that no one buys is a failure and taken off the shelves. And likewise, an event that no one wants to play, needs to be re-thought.

Holding on to the failed event with cries of ā€œbut no one has even tried itā€ is kind of missing the pointā€¦