PVP Event Planets

Ooohhh I got an even better idea!!! @RexXxuS should switch base ownership to Alien faction and have ABN reclaim it while He defends it :joy:


yes agreed the discussion that has come from this has strayed far from what was intended. my apologies for being so passionate on this. we all spent time and effort to come up with an idea that has mainly been shat on by others rather than attempted and given constructive feedback. we wanted to come up with an idea that would try promote some type of action and help the developers in the process. not cause a debate on ruining the economy.

Was there active collaboration between you and the developers? Did they have any knowledge of this beforehand?

this was put to rex and rex works with the devsā€¦plz stop trying to over earn your title :frowning:

Ok so this was worked out with Rexxx. Did he say this would be collaborating discussion with the developers? Iā€™m sure you have a message history of it somewhere.

wow. you really donā€™t get it. i have much better things to do with my time then record every conversation in the event i needed to provide proof of anything. please stop trying to derail the discussion with a pointless argument. we are not in trial for anything.

I am just getting some facts straight. Your post above says itā€™s also about helping the developers.

What help exactly? That PvP is still broken? Maybe help them make higher resolution holes in walls? The trees are too pixelated to be considered a non-game breaking issue? Or how about if anybody cares to attack that rubber banding will be far worse with 30 bases potentially firing on one person?

All your arguments-> out the window.

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Actually my career is holding quite well. One of the best aspects of my job are pointing out the obvious to those that play Captain Stupid.

So about the ā€˜eventā€™ planet, was there any in-game advertisement about said ā€˜eventā€™? I havenā€™t see one message yet for said event. Itā€™s almost as if it has been disregarded as an ā€˜eventā€™ planet and rather repurposed as an armored resource grab. @RexXxuS I thought there was a rule regarding building bases above or around ore deposits? Last time I checked that was also the case on all other PvP planets. Seems it would be more intuitive that with as many miners as placed those ore deposits would deplete.


Would it be more helpful if we just turn Zanzibar land into PvE? Might as well, seems anybody not ABN has wrote it off.


Hmm thats a good point Taco. :thinking: But then again money talks so yeah. :nauseated_face: :money_mouth_face: :grimacing: :face_vomiting: :face_with_monocle: :money_mouth_face: :sneezing_face: :moneybag: :lying_face::moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :face_vomiting:

Well soon you can buy your reputation, havenā€™t you heard? Iā€™m looking forward to some of that e-thug rep, dropping some fat wads oā€™ dollas!


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Would you quit? Every time you get tired of arguing you just post memes and try to anger others, this definitely is not helping the community.

Wow people, this conversation has gone on to far, its simple it was allowed, everyone knows that this was an option, anyone can do this, i knew this in season 8-9 when I bought my pvp unrestricted space although it wasnt an event it still allowed people to come to my space and destroy our stuff, and guess what, the strongest of them all came, it was ABN and they ripped us apart, at the time we didnt have the resources to build it up but we if we had, it would have been well defended. I know Im ABN now and I stand with my fellow teammates and I support the idea of what we made here, I was the original one who was suppose to buy it at first but instead I bought our pve restricted planet as the event planet was already bought.

Anyways we tried to do something good, we asked for permission, we wanted something that would bring pvp, and we would love someone to attack us, you all know this is true, all ABN has tried to do is encourage pvp, but ppl like yourselves are the ones that kill pvp with these darn replies, if you cant or will not be involved then dont reply and if you must, be constructive, if you dont know what that means, it means that you offer something that would make it better and not that its totally the wrong thing or bad idea and all you guys want is control.

None of us need the resources, and not sure if you all know this, we could control the most valuable resources anywhere if we wanted to, even with a few bases, for example homeworld, with the amount there we would almost have the same thing we have at zanzibar.

With all that said, insted of trying to tear us down on what were doing, take a moment and think about it first, is it allowed? is there something that can improve? The faction that owns it, what are they trying to accomplish is it truly pvp or is it control, and take in mind history in this game has proven its about PVP for ABN. YES were a bunch of pirates and we play that card hard, thats the whole point of PVP so come and bring us down and stop trying to control us by the forums and grow a pair


yes because arguing with children is just as pointless as memes. i choose memes.


Actually if anybody actually bothered reading the first post and responding to it like i intended the name of abn would have barely come up, instead of talking about abn the community was supposed to talk about acceptable pvp planet templates either for zanibar to be reworked or to set a standard for the future pvp planet templates, so long as the second one happened i was content. Except too many have have focused on who owns the planet (which doesnt matter as another faction could do the same thing next season), posting memes, testing the planet, or if it should even be attacked.

Lets be clear here, if eleon would fix the pvp issues they caused then quite a few people would be happy to attack a lag fest, but crappy pvp mixed with a lag fest? Not many are willing to try.

Personally i think the planet should have been removed once pvp was seen as unplayable and the 90 day counter for the planet stopped until eleon had fixed things on their side. Then reinstate the planet when it can actually be contested with only the lag as the main problem and could be tested under playable pvp conditions.

So far out of those who have contributed to this forum i think @Aphetto @Zackey_TNT @Israel_T-C @Paxxo1985 @SwissSteel1 @WillEatsPie @TacoIsland have been the closest on replying to the original purpose of this post. I would like to see more focused opinions on the issue at hand, ā€˜What is the acceptable template for pvp planets?ā€™. Once we have this worked out it can act as the guideline for future planets.
Very little is questioned until it become a problem or is tried, ABN tried it now lets discuss it and set the standard for those to come.


yep, I highlighted my issues with the planet in my original post. They are still problems. Like it or not, the planet is effectively a massive resource farm for the owners. There are issues I mentioned in my original post that prevent people from taking it or having interest in it. See that post for my stance.


actually we did read it. there is something else behind your actions. since i have known you @Snowman you have had a strange vendetta against ABN. i have no idea where this is coming from but it really needs to stop. i was clouded by ur propaganda until i actually started talking to them. i am completely sick of hearing you try to tear down every idea that has come from us.

it feels as if someone does something you canā€™t, or donā€™t agree wiit, you complain and constantly try to ruin their experience. THIS IS NOT BARRYā€™S MARKET PLAYLAND. i get that you donā€™t like how most everyone else plays but honestly, too effin bad. you do not own this server, nor do you have a right to dictate what anyone else does here.

we have answered your concerns in this post with the reasoning behind what are doing. it is your problem that you do not believe it. im done trying to show you that you are way off basis. it just seems like you have nothing better to do then try and ruin other peopleā€™s fun. itā€™s really sad when a faction leader chastises one of their members for talking to an ABN member. even worse when they buy a garage ship made by one of us. i really feel sorry for the faction members that are afraid to stand up to you. get off your bullshit propaganda horse and just play the damn game. otherwise leave, we donā€™t need the salt you bring to the table. we have plenty.

side note to those that didnā€™t notice. he is mostly acknowledging the ones that agree with tearing us down and gave a pitty call out to @Aphetto for ā€œcontributingā€ to the postā€¦ completely ignoring Big Redā€™s assessment that answers every concernā€¦Bob out


I said what I had to say, if you didnt get it, or care to understand or downgrade what I said, then theres no working with you, I hoped we could have come to a conclusion but its above you.

Im done with you, your not worth my time

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I HAVE THE SOLUTION!!! now hear me out guys. If this planet is causing soooo much issue and drama for the whole server, We (ABN) will gladly take a FULL refund on this planet. (I can buy more pot with it). if you guys need the paypal accnt number just ask an ABN member for itā€¦ OR STFU and just play the game. I see more enemies in this forum that I wish would be out in the field instead. If you guys pvpā€™ed as hard as you guys post on the forums, HWS would be lit AF. drops mic


Buy a planet n do the same!! Abn will be there to take it from you without question or a forum topic. And for solutions as stated above. Refund n weā€™ll have more room to throw up bases else where.