PVP Event Planets

I like where this is going.

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Taco why does it show Troll beside your name? I hope thats not a hws ranktroll

It is 100% an HWS Rank for him. Heā€™s special :wink:



And itā€™s only for me. Cause I am that damn good!


Considering every one of your large post is aimed at ā€˜calling me outā€™ your the one with the problem.

My problem is with the planet itself and the template of how it differs from the regular template. The fact that it is owned by abn is a shame as im sure if it was owned by someone else this would have been better received.

You made this whole thing personal because you donā€™t like me as you made very clear by the fact you only called me out though several people have said they have an issue with the planet.

Aphetto has contributed to this post more then you ever will, because of his response my perception on that whole planet has changed, however the questions remain, as for big red answering them, its great that you got your ally to agree with you and build you up, funny as thats what you just called me out for, and he still didnt answer the original questions.

You need to calm your farm and take a step back from this. The sheer hate that comes from you is ridiculous. If i have to put up with this every time i make a forum post (something we are told to do by rex) the issue is with you, not me.

You bought your planet to promote pvp and because of eleon no one can make full use of it yet. In the mean time i see monsterice making the most of it anyhow. Congrats for the effort for the server and the community, i honestly hope it is a success.

Iā€™ve always heard from a wise old manā€¦ if everyone around you is an ass-hole, maybe youā€™re the ass-hole.


I think weā€™ve gotten all the useful information weā€™re gonna get from this post.
I Vote to lock this topic!


You say ā€œAphetto has contributed to this post more then you ever will, because of his response my perceptionā€ but the question is still (HAVE YOU PERSONALY BEEN TO ZANZIBAR)

I made an unbiased post about what I can see but you call me out and accuse me of being influenced in my post ā€œI ask you now what evidence do you have to make a statement like thatā€ (how dare you sir) Again have you been to the planet, have you assessed how you would attack it, have you taken part in any of the events held there?

Your original post about planet templates seems to not take in to account that HWS has many times allowed players to try something different ie: The faction LOT in seasons 5,6,and 7 ran event planets with many of the same mix of resources and yes they sold many of them on the market. LOT also tried a thunder dome poi 1v1 which was a bit of fun ā€œall of these are not following a basic templateā€ and if you donā€™t like it or wish to not participate simply donā€™t go there.


Unfortunately this topic is filled with too many personal insults, too many assumptions, too many misunderstanding. Time to close it.

I for one made a big mistake and assumed it was an Event planet. The planet owner and I were talking ā€œsidewaysā€ or how to call it.

After 1+ week I see the planet was still not attacked in a large scale as known from glorious Titan (Crash) battles, or Golden Globe 6 hour fights. That is what bothers me and do not justify any words against it for now. If you did it on Titan and Golden Globe, why not hereā€¦
Either the reward of the crater is still too low or the personal political conflicts are in the way.

The planet itself is a precedent. While the idea is not new (Red Gold in a crater on GG), the way the limits work on Zanzibar are unique, yes.
The ā€œrulesā€ of the planet were all fit so for future itā€™s a legit ā€œtemplateā€ for everyone to request, if this was the main question here.
After careful considerations such planet wonā€™t exist in the future anymore.