HWS Supporter Playfields

To support and manage the monthly server cost of 1539+€ / $1697+ per month, we implemented Supporter Planets and Supporter Spaces to provide players with a helpful and meaningful way of saying “Thank You”.



Supporter Planets & Space playfields have several customizable options:

Players can determine:

  • Planet / Space Appearance
  • Who and what can enter their planet / space playfields
  • Other restrictions such as CV/SV access, what specific players, factions, Origins may & may not enter

It is mandatory to send me those templates, so I know what you want!

Example Template for a Planet

  • Name: YourPlanetName
  • Class Size: 2 (2 = max)
  • PvP: Yes / No (See options below)
  • Gravity: -5,43
  • Temperature: 5-20°C
  • Biome: Temperate, Desert,…
  • Resources: Iron + Copper (See options below)
  • POI: Drone Base + Village (See options below) (Name here the EXACT blueprint groupname AND blueprint file name)
  • Plants: Egg, CornDog
  • Animals: Raptors
  • Restricted to: HWS + HWP (Whatever YOUR faction abbrev is)
  • Weather: Clear + Rain
  • Water Color: Blue
  • Deposit wipe: Yes / No (every Friday 5pm?)
  • Drone Wave Attacks: Yes / No
  • HWS DNA PvE check: Yes / No (Connected to HWS XP gain of your Origin)
  • M Description: YourCustomTextGoesHere Players see when they press M
  • Other details? (You can also tell me a planet you saw / liked and I reproduce it)

Example Template for a Space

  • Name: YourSpaceName
  • PvP: No (See options below)
  • Temperature: 5-20°C
  • Asteroid Resources: Iron + Copper
  • POI: Drone Base + Village
  • Restricted to: HWS + HWP
  • HWS DNA PvE check: yes / no
  • M Description: YourCustomTextGoesHere

Own custom playfield

Option: Submit your own playfield.yaml file for review and we will check it and integrate it if approved! Be sure to read and understand the six playfield types and their accompanying restrictions listed far below.

In general please don’t create an overpowered playfield. That also counts for “decoration” objects like plants (keep it at 0.001 or less).

Contact @RexXxuS for further details / info / inquiries

3 Month Lifespan

The typical runtime of a Supporter Playfield is 3 months minimum. Regardless of seasons or wipes, we guarantee a 90-day lifespan of your Supporter Playfield.

A Full Wipe will result in your Supporter Playfield being wiped as well, so try to align the timing of your support with the season cycle to get most out of it. If a player acquires a Supporter Planet/Space with only one month remaining in the season, they would still enjoy 2 more months on their Supporter Planet/Space during the next season.

If a player wants to keep their Supporter Playfield after its usual lifespan, they must re-support. HWS needs to plan the next season well in advance, so whether you do or do not plan on keeping your Supporter planet / space, be sure to let @RexXxus know your plans for the next season.

Players who wish to support for a playfield to be spawned under special conditions such as obtaining a planet for a period less than 90 days or under other unique conditions, need to discuss their proposal privately with @RexXxus on a case-by-case basis.

Supporter Playfield Guidelines

  • You have one free Supporter Package included but must contact me to have it activated for you or someone you want to gift it to.
  • You have max. 1 video, max. 1 audio or/and max. 10 images (decals) free available you can use inside your Supporter Playfield(s) (or max. 20mb)
  • Each faction is allowed a maximum of 1 restricted Planet and / or 1 restricted Space (more is possible, must be unrestricted then)
  • Supporter Planet / Space for one person is only possible, if there are enough slots available.
  • You can have your planet(s) inside your own space. However you can’t request an unrestricted planet inside a restricted Space! (at least with the unrestricted bonus resources/pois)
  • You can request your own POI on the Planet / Space or Freighter / AI Vessels in Space if it doesn’t break normal gameplay (e.g. insane loot) - min. reset time is daily.
  • You can choose to have an indestructible surface on the planet (digging is not possible, but this is good for playfield performance)
  • Plant types, NPCs, and Drones can be requested in moderate quantity
  • You may request any type of weather, gravity strength, biome type, water color / sea level, etc.
  • Ingame NPC Trader / Trading Stations / EB or EGS Zones are not allowed if you have a restricted Planet / Space. If your planet allows player access, such requests for these types of POIs will be considered.
  • You can not change your Planet / Space type from unrestricted to restricted or vice versa during the season to prevent griefing
  • Supporter Playfields are subject to the same Wipe and Decay Times as all other playfields
  • Structures on restricted Supporter Playfields are not counted towards the global base limit
  • Class limit for ships is 7, but there is no limit for Bases restricted Supporter Playfields. The maximum size for a spawned base is Class 7. It can be enlarged beyond Class 7 after it is spawned.
  • If you chose to have an Event Planet or Event Space, please discuss your proposal with @RexXxuS first.
  • If you select a restricted Supporter Space playfield (not Planet), you can request your own Starbase be spawned. (no Class limit, etc.)
  • If you are guilty you can’t enter Supporter Playfields
  • Asteroids regenerate every 3 hours
  • Deposits can be reset once a week via a surface wipe. This means Autominers, Water Generators, etc. will be wiped.
  • The location of the Supporter Playfields is always fixed in the Sup System (Single Planets in the Donare Sector, Spaces around the Sun)

Planet / Space Types

  • Common resources are: Iron, Copper, Cobalt, Silicon, Promethium, Titanium, Ice, Carbon
  • Rare resources are: Gold, Magnesium, Erestrum, Zascosium, Pentaxid, Aluminium, Platinum, Neodymium*, Sathium* (* can be also used in unrestricted PvE)
  • Not available: Any type of Elements. For now: Coltan, Bismuth, Tungsten, Chromite

1. PvE Restricted (only your faction, individual players or origins can enter)

  • Choose 2 common resource types: deposits / or meteorites
    (maximum ~50k deposit amount & maximum of 3 ore nodes / asteroids per type)

    Example 1: 3 Iron and 3 Titanium each up to 50k ore per deposit
    Example 2: 7 Copper and 7 Cobalt Asteroids in Space
    *see common and rare types above

  • You can have 3 POIs with infinite drone waves on the Planet / Space. There will be an endless stream of drones attacking player bases providing limited loot. Structures will need to be protected. This is optional and the alternative is NO POI’s.

2. PvE unrestricted (every player can enter)

  • Choose 5 common resource deposit / or meteorites types
    (maximum ~50k deposit amount & maximum 3 ore nodes / asteroids per type)

    Example 1: 3 Iron, 3 Titanium, 3 Copper, 3 Cobalt, 3 Prom each up to 50k ore per deposit
    Example 2: 7 Copper, 7 Cobalt, 7 Prom, 7 Silicon, 7 Iron Asteroids in Space
    *see common and rare types above

  • Only Global limits are active to give everyone a chance to enjoy the playfield.

  • You can have up to 7 POIs with infinite drone waves on the Planet / Space. There will be an endless stream of drones attacking player bases providing limited loot. Structures will need to be protected. This is optional and the alternative is NO POI’s.

3. PvP restricted

  • Choose 2 common resource types: deposits / or meteorites
    (maximum ~50k deposit amount & maximum of 3 ore nodes / asteroids per type)

    Example 1: 3 Iron and 3 Titanium each up to 50k ore per deposit
    Example 2: 7 Copper and 3 Cobalt Asteroids in Space
    *see common and rare types above

  • You can have up to 3 POIs with infinite drone waves on the Planet / Space. There will be an endless stream of drones attacking player bases providing limited loot. Structures will need to be protected. This is optional and the alternative is NO POI’s.

4. PvP unrestricted

  • Choose up to 7 total common and rare resource types (all except Gold)
    (maximum ~50k deposit amount - maximum 3 ore nodes / asteroids per type)

    Example 1: 3 Iron, 3 Pent, 3 Cobalt, 3 Prom, 3 Neo, 3 Eres, 3 Zasc each up to 50k ore per deposit
    Example 2: 7 Iron, 7 Pent, 7 Cobalt, 7 Prom, 7 Neo, 7 Eres, 7 Zasc Asteroids in Space
    *see common and rare types above

  • Only Global limits are active to give everyone a chance to enjoy the playfield.

  • You can have up to 15 POIs with infinite drone waves on the Planet / Space. There will be an endless stream of drones attacking player bases providing limited loot. Structures will need to be protected. This is optional and the alternative is NO POI’s.

5. PvPvE rotation (unrestricted)

  • Choose up to 6 common resources (+ pentaxid) for the Supporter planet / space
    (maximum ~50k deposit amount - maximum 3 ore nodes / asteroids per type)

    Example 1: 3 Iron, 3 Sathium, 3 Cobalt, 3 Prom, 3 Silicon, 3 Copper each up to 50k ore per deposit
    Example 2: 7 Iron, 7 Sathium, 7 Cobalt, 7 Prom, 7 Silicon, 7 Copper Asteroids in Space
    *see common and rare types above

  • Only Global limits are active to give everyone a chance to enjoy the playfield.

  • You can have up to 15 POIs with infinite drone waves on the Planet / Space. There will be an endless stream of drones attacking player bases providing limited loot. Structures will need to be protected. This is optional and the alternative is NO POI’s.


The spirit of supporting is to help with server costs and thereby enhance gameplay for all players. HWS is intent on not being a ‘pay-to-win’ server. Therefore, the owner/admins will ensure that the current meta fits this goal and they reserve the right to adjust support packages if necessary.

Disclaimer: since Supporter Planets / Spaces can have a massive impact on the overall universe / gameplay for all players, they are subject to possible changes to their conditions and content. This is also true for every other support package. That being said, we try our best to provide a balanced and unique experience.

Thank you so much for supporting us. It is truly appreciated!