April 6, 2021, 9:40pm
the core universe has specific sector limits usually listed in their map descriptions (ie golden globe allows only 1 private SV and no CVs) the outer random generated “xmas lights” go by the global limits with no specific sector restrictions.
core universe:
Current Universe
With every new Season, the HWS Universe is created with appropriate consideration for the following:
Sector Location and Layout
Hidden Features & Treasure
Balance (e.g. PvP / PvE, Resources, etc.)
IN-GAME 2D Star Map Universal Icons & Color Codes
◯ GREEN CIRCLE: Space and Planet are PvE
◯ ORANGE CIRCLE: Space is PvP, but at least one planet is PvE
▲ RED TRIANGLE: Space and Planet are PvP
full limit information:
1. Structure Limits
Introduction: HWS has structure limits to grant a smooth game experience for thousands of players and to fix some gameplay-related problems not yet addressed.
1.1 Blueprint spawn restriction on HWS
Globally Class 7 for your F2 Blueprint Factory.
HWS RE: Globally Class 50 for your F2 Blueprint Factory.
There is also the Federation Origin bonus of +1 Class for Bases on their HQ planet.
(Click here to use the Empyrion Class Calculator to determine the class size of…