Will 5.1 be a wipe?

I’ll get back to you once we get our server to 5.1 and spend the evening getting drunk and shooting eachother to figure out if lag shots are still a thing or not.

With that said - what I’d REALLY like would be being allowed 1 CV of class 5 and the rest class 2 for a faction.

Would that be possible?

The logic behind that is that we like having our “base ship” where we live out of, and 500 devices is rough as well - it’s all cargo boxes, lcd panels and constructors. It’ll never be willingly brought into combat - but getting the device count to even 500 was tough. The ship used to be 990 devices in 4.0


Ah yes that is a great idea. You only need 1 combat CV per player anyway. Unless you are pirate and need 10 backup CV’s in deep space…
I have this problem that I must farm rep and such with my combat CV due to the 1-CV limit per player on planets. Which really blows. Can’t even have a mini 20 block CV for warping…

I was actually about to type this in response to tiny’s statement that 20k blocks and 500 devices is too much. I only have one ship that comes close, but I had to scrape off 5k blocks and ~300 devices to make it actually spawnable in 5.0. It is meant to be the flagship of a migrant fleet, can arm and fuel other cv’s, and hold the sv’s needed for operations. In order to keep that functionality with 20k blocks, I had to kill over half of the armor protecting it, and now it is basically tissue paper with the core targetting. I would love to fix that, but I am literally less than 500 blocks from max, and 20ish devices. I think the idea of a true “capital” vessel is a solid one, and is a little more in keeping with the concept of having a fleet for protection, and when that juggernaught is rarely if ever in combat, who does it hurt? We have seen time and again a thousand times more performance hits from turrets firing than from ship size. So do we really want to push people more towards having many small max turret cv’s? I dunno, just kinda brainstorming.


no, no, no… wait for my announcement first :stuck_out_tongue:

This is something I have long in my head and it was sad for me to deleted one ship one guy spawned yesterday with >65k blocks.
Since these big ship wouldn’t participate in fights I guess this a nice idea.

My other idea about bases coming soon too.

For CVs yes, we can say 250 devices but this would mean you can spawn 500er ships but the tool will warn you to reduce it which most people don’t give a heck on (till the devs fix the device output bug).
So difficult. And SVs and HVs are not implemented at all yet.

Why change ? 20k 500 devices is good at it is

Dunno yet but please read and use the exp and tell me again if your blueprints are red or not

500 devices for 20k it is one to one (if you build ship like ship not just Tiny Timber or PKA shoes box) . I have 490 and i remove all external lights. And i make this ship simple - like a spartan.

So give us 500 devices and 30k blocks for CV (i dont belive that lag shoot is fixed)

But i think the real wayout it is TAX. Standard 500\20k if you want more please pay! For example 50k per day for one CV if it have 21-30k blocks.

And Fat “traiders” (PVE maniacs) and other planet-living rabbits - make the TAX for they - 100k per day If they not take off from planet every hour:grinning:. Because when you fly and fly over 2-3 hours - jump - jump and nothing. Where are you all? 70-90 online. They afraid loose they ships but have bank vallets with 9-digits and full OCD (be careful it is may blow up).

Also personally one of our big sticking points has been the 20k blocks for bases. If you want a cv landing pad of all solid blocks, it will easily take atleast 2k per moderate cv parking space. We have had to resort to terrain flattening, and since this is pretty much by hand only, is very slow going, and has trees respawn in mid air, throwing our ships around

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Horrible lag in large CV fights.

Have you been in a fight with 6+ 20k CVs? It just doesn’t work.


Why? Why 30k blocks?

I get the lag shot issue, but fact is that everyone has to deal with it. Even if we were limited to 5k blocks and lagshots were not fixed, we’d still have a level playing field. In fact I think it’d possibly be better as losing a 5k block ship is far less frustrating than a 30k block one.


Because if you have 30k blocks you ahve the opportunity reduce chance of the lag shot to minimum. And i want to have one of my combat Titan. I like live in it.:slight_smile:

with the 20k limit the game is unplayable in space with more then 2,3 lagships.

Oh I see. You want a 30k titan to slaughter 10k newbies with. Carry on.

Ring Thing was 15k blocks and lag shots were not an issue.

You and I know full well that more than 2 layers of white space do not help with lagshots. If you don’t know that. you do now.

A 30k ship is no more immune to lagshots than a 15k one.

I say this: You dont like cats only because you don’t know how they to cook? :slight_smile: This is only saying. But you have theme for mind

P.S. Strange but on my combat corvette-interceptor CV with only 3k blocks i NEVER take the lag shot even in fight with massive CV’s in 4.0 And now in 5.0. Big size - big calcalations. And for now our game have big problems with calculations and network perfomance. But maybe it is just luck.

And lastly - I can’t stand restrictions on the count of weapons, etc. Before the game was like the flight of thought. Now the terms of some limitations. But we will have a reload animation in first person - WIN! :joy: If I had the power to influence developers I would have done so: (regarding CV classes and weapons)

  1. 100dev 2.5k blocks - cannon and minigun turrets - max 4 laser
    2 150 dev 5k - 4laser 2 missile launcher - flack turrets pulse turrets
    3 250 - 7.5k - 6 laser 2 ml + rocket turrets
  2. 350 - 12.5k - 8 laser 4 ml + plasma turrets + 1max artillery turret
    5 500 - 20k - 10 laser 6 ml + 3max artillery + 6max rocket turrets +8max pulse or flack turrets
    6 750 - 30k - 10 laser 8 ml + 4max artillery +6max plasma turret
    7 1000 - 30>k - 12 laser 10 ml +6max artillery +10max rocker turrets +8max plasma turret

Based on now blocks HP and weapon damage. Becuse now it is NOT logical. 2.5k blocks CV and 20k blocks Cv have the same weapons count.

I’m also in favor of reducing turret limits (for CV). Even on larger ships it’s a pain to fit all turrets. There are too many. 6 cannon+minigun = good in case of planetary combat but the others should be reduced a bit.

The new restrictions are great dont listen to the one giant cv stuff people will just have 1 giant battleship and put their deep space base on multiple smaller cv

Yeah it is greate build ship like no soul shit-cube. Or maybe you hands grove from wrong place?

So make it defenseless. Or cap speed at 60m/s. I couldn’t care less. I am just talking about the flow of the game, and the common concept of having one ship be the mother ship, and the rest of the fleet as support.

I understand McP but all I see is how it will be abused