Good Morning all,
We have foreseen this one month ago and disallowed Guilty people to enter, even if they have a PvP restricted planet. All good.
I tried to fix it for now… but it was an unknown variable, yes.
You can. Use the fa:scanorigin command! HWS PvP Radar Scan / Capture Point Zones
Already available! Visit the EGS Star: EGS Star
It is not glitchy. It is calculated math. -900 to 900, 1 to 150 and -900 to 900 are the bounding box in which you become guilty. Very clear. With the command “di” you see your coordinates all the time.
If you mean again the teleporter, which Empyrion ports a player first to 0 0 0 and THEN to the destination I think I fixed it by setting the height of the zone to 1+.
You never tried it yet but everyone who reads the Ninja Mission carefully before doing will see it isn’t that hard. The hard part is rather the time management.
And your question implies you never did all the other HWS POIs… sad but my short answer is: yes.
I will do my test as mentioned above about the height: 1. Otherwise moving it would require a planet wipe.
The “questions about my vision”: my vision is immersion — giving Empyrion late game content and have decisions! In the end, it’s always about decisions, I really like them.
Hence I really don’t like complains where you complain about a decision you made. I couldn’t care less.
I don’t want to “kill PvP” as some claim, not at all, but I want you to do decisions and work legit ways around the Red Gold I have integrated you better find before complaining.
Anyways, thanks to all. Maybe we can stop the complains now and move forward because now is the state you should experienced months before.
So @Fallen_Angel has good points and @Dreadstar and some others.
We can cap the egs:noguilty cumulative values at some point. We can reset them either time based like the Votes or by certain activities like “do the EGS Prison Breakout Mission and steal “your documents” out of the office to become no guilty”. Just as an example.
Or we do the immersion road and say “only guilty player can trade at XY location”. Only guilty player can get this super HWS Garage ship with even more modified weapons. etc
Everything like that sounds great and will come. No worry.