HWS Exploration Rewards

The HWS Universe offers many places to live - from easy to difficult, from PvE to PvP.
To not stop at being a sandbox game we offer you an incentive to explore and settle at special Planets or Orbits.

How do you get rewards?

There are certain criteria you have to fulfill:

  • Your structure needs to be a Base
  • Your structure needs to be set to your Faction
  • Your structure needs to have 1000 Blocks or more
  • Your structure needs to be above Bedrock (> 0 Y-coordinate)
  • Your structure needs to be powered
  • Your structure needs to survive at least for 24 hours

What locations give you rewards?

  • Golden Globe - PvP (Planet)
  • Homeworld - PvP (Planet)
  • Desertworld - PvP (Planet)
  • Iceworld - PvP (Planet)
  • Lavaworld - PvP (Planet)
  • Protoz - PvE (Planet)

What reward do you get?

  • Golden Globe: 10 HWS RP and 10 000 EB credits per day
  • Homeworld: 7 HWS RP and 7000 EB credits per day
  • Desertworld: 5 HWS RP and 5000 EB credits per day
  • Iceworld: 5 HWS RP and 5000 EB credits per day
  • Lavaworld: 5 HWS RP and 5000 EB credits per day
  • Protoz: 3 HWS RP and 3000 EB credits per day

Note: From season to season locations and rewards can get changed. Keep an eye on this guide here.