New way to play GG?

You guys might think it’s a good idea but pretty sure you will hate it later. No way I am going to go in and build a ship in pvp zone. You would need a safe area to build to avoid attack while building. Also I don’t want to build a new tank/miner everyday or even every week. I would just avoid this part of the game entirely and probably just go somewhere else. A lot of things would have to happen to make this viable pvp For one no structure wipe. The amount of ships you go through in decent pvp is quite a bit so you would need backup ships available. If this is not allowed it will end up being a pve space pretending to have pvp. I am a solo player so not even sure if this is do-able for me or not anyway. Also if I build a base is there a way to port to that without killing myself and using home spawn?

So many variables that I think it’s hard to tell if this is good or bad. I agree with Gold Digger that building a ship that’s battle worthy from scratch in pvp is an awful idea. Really need to be able to spawn HV’s from BP’s at least.
Maybe we can have HV’s available to fight with when we get there and it puts everyone at the same level and requires skill to win? So you would teleport and hop into a vehicle and go straight into the fight. Once your tank is dead you can’t get into a another one for a set amount of time. Be like instanced pvp from mmo’s. Or once tank is dead you get kicked out of instance and you keep whatever you made while there and theres a personal CD’s for you before you can get back in. Would be fast pvp and not wasting time building just to have it destroyed in 5 mins. Probably get rid of BA’s to. Just have mining tanks available and that’s it

I think the disabling of BPs is a great addition to the instance. It at least levels the playing field somewhat by forcing you to build something in the heat of the moment from scratch instead of insta-spawning an OP HV. As a few have suggested let’s give this a shot and go from there. I’m sure there will be a few iterations before we get to 8.0 anyways.

You can’t build anything good while in pvp. Not fun and just a dumb idea. Good luck finishing anything before getting blown up.

i agree with gaza(gareth 8000) large factions will rule with bigger bases and more hv per faction giving them time to build up defences etc the noobies and solo peeps will get recked lol unless they are stealthy ninjas like me whhaaaaa yyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaa lmao

As someone who has lived on GG whenever he was active since the days of 4.0… my initial instinct is to say no.

That said, it does sound like it creates some interesting possibilities for PvP. I would suggest just making one instance though and shoving all the players into that one instance.

As another player suggested, the playfield will have to be huge, so that smaller factions can hide. I like that, since it provides both bigger and smaller players something to do.

That said @RexXxuS if getting gold is going to be that much more challenging to get, will you be removing resource crusts from all the other planets?

I like:

  1. No HWS Garage Ships
  2. No CVs
  3. Preparation and coordination required
  4. Building from scratch. No spawning 12k block SV/HV blueprints muh ha ha.

I do not like:

  1. No SVs
  2. Not being able to return if you have to logout/etc/. There are some people on this server who seemingly have the ability to never sleep, and will roll you as soon as you logout. I am human I need sleep.

I say lets do a contest, fastest macro to build a 6 drills hv + constructor wins a cookie.


So offline raiding basically. At least you have TAW, HPG around if that happens.

@RexXxuS If you can get it to work within the next week, you can do a trial run for a week before reset on March 16.

@Rexxus, would it be possible to randomly re-link the portals, such that all portals, including the ECC and “choice PvE portals” all dump to random gates on the planet?
Otherwise, I’m up for an experiment, and I can see you aren’t terribly sure about this either, but at worst it gives interesting data for other ideas, and at best it becomes a cool new thing.
It isn’t like we’ll be ‘stuck’ with this for 3 months of a regular season, so if it doesn’t work out, no harm no foul.
Also, having a playfield where a HV tank is the only real option could lead to HV optimized builds.
There is no real motivation for it now with everyone’s SV ‘addiction’

I say no because you created such and amazing battle field on GG. I do want no BP spawns for BA.

Thanks for your feedback guys.

I see it is quite mixed but rather a “let’s just test it” motion.

Only problem for ME is to build this crazy idea and I have not really time for it xD Baited :smiley:
But let’s see…

Already mentioned that it’s random.

Exactly, I’ve woken up and gone to work while TPP/Op4 and crew were attacking us at what was like 6am MST on a Monday lol. Hard to fight against that when I have to work.

Ok, i still have an „original Rexxus email“ as answer when i explained my concerns about the impact of GG on economics to him. The answer was some „STFU“ (in meaning of the content, he expressed that more polite).

So the solution is very easy : Leave meteroids dropping from the sky but remove farming of the surface gold directly. Problem solved, you could still farm a good amount of gold there but not at crazy insane levels.

Your instance solution is not good. Without blueprint spawning you have to build a base from scratch… in the middle of a PVP playfield ! Without OCD ? Impossible. With OCD ? Sure, but WHY to build a base that will be wiped by the major factions in seconds instead of 5 minutes ? (As the situation is currently).
Players will lose HV and Base that even with OCD will take hours to build because there is no valid base defence vs major factions.
So entering GG, building base+HV is full fail. If you do that (and of course you will) please give us a 10 seconds OLP so that not the work of hours is gone in a moment when the legions of RED and ACP arrive.

Acting as a noob and going in just to grab some gold with hand drill … hmmm dont know if this is worth the effort, we will see.

Furthermore you take any meaning away from buying garage vessels. So i farm the gold but cant buy a better vessel with the gold i have farmed. This is not logical.

GoldDigger as well analysed Rexxus setup and came to the same conclusion : Is not working for single players/small factions.

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No blueprints on the largest pvp planet in hws? i’m sorry that’s a deal breaker for me. Engineering and combat are the only two things I do with empyrion, if I can’t have my turtles in combat then I’m not playing on GG :confused:

I cleaned up and will continue to do so NA lads.


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C’mon let’s not turn this thread into a pissing contest…

I vote no on this one. I think it would be a step in the wrong direction for encouraging PVP.

What it sounds like to me is that you are attempting to put PVP in a laboratory and control all aspects of it. It sounds like a neat idea - neat in the sense that it hasn’t been done before and has an interesting concept. I can’t see who would participate in this experiment though. Personally, I am uninterested. If you look at the negative responses, there are the people who actually engage in PVP, if all of them aren’t interested I’m not sold that the non-PVP people would give it a go. This seems just like the gold rush instance but it lasts longer, I feel that’s probably a better fit for people who don’t really PVP yet still want gold.

I’d advise against bottlenecking a resource in something like this. If you want an arena combat with award type thing like PUBG, as you said, I think you can make that an instance. Maybe twice a day have a set time when only one person per faction can go into this instance from a teleporter in ECC or some PVE area. The last one alive gets some award based on the number of people who went in with them or something. I’d rather see this as an event/extra feature than a main mechanic of the server.

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