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Holy cow… found another one!

Where: HWS NA - Arma orbit, Scrapyard.
Reproducable: Not sure - Happening live
Severity: Humerous for now… unless they never leave… then uncool/

@darthn8ers and i are out here at the yard scrapping away and i noticed that his wreck is starting to respawn inside/around my wreck, and my wreck is starting to spawn inside his. More i take away, more it pops up into his… and the reverse is also true it woudl see as it got worse over time.

Oh – and teh CV blocks are respawinign as SV sized, and teh SV blocks are respawning CV sized!

Check out this crazy video…
I start up at the big CV wreck that Darth and Jimmy are scrapping, looking at the SV and CV mashed together, then go down to the SV im wrecking which is being surrounded by the CV aboe it. NEITHER of the phantom vessels can be multitooled and they appear to be stuck there; however they do have a DI reading.!Ai0BnRG0AFfig0v0zlTqGMcQEgRk

edit: darth saw none of it, but jimmy did…

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This is that damage overlay bug. It happens to us if you have two people breaking ships near each other. Same thing you saw alot in cv combat. Basically when two ships are damaged at the same time in proximity to each other, it is possible for a client to see a part of one appear on the relative part of the other. A relog fixes it.

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Yep, spot on - Relogged and it all went back to normal.

I did find it really interesting that it swapped sizes as it traded aprts thought! CV > SV size lol. SV > CV was really comical.

Logged in today and died instantly to having no food. There is no backpack lying around.
lost the stuff on me, there’s no backpack container anywhere in or around our base.
I logged out yesterday, in our base, full health, full O2 and full on food.
Is there a way somebody could tell me what happened?

I dont really care about the stuff I had on me, but lost all the medical stuff I farmed yesterday, which was pretty time intensive…

30-00:58:07.347 02_58 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
30-00:58:07.387 02_58 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
30-00:58:29.535 02_58 -LOG- Unloading playfield 'Homeworld’
30-00:58:29.619 02_58 -LOG- Loading playfield 'Comet7 Trail’
30-00:58:29.885 02_58 -LOG- Playfield ‘Comet7 Trail’ with seed 77 loaded.
30-00:58:29.887 02_58 -LOG- LogFlags = 0
30-01:00:05.485 03_00 -LOG- Unloading playfield 'Comet7 Trail’
30-01:00:05.626 03_00 -LOG- Loading playfield 'Comet7’
30-01:00:05.788 03_00 -LOG- Playfield ‘Comet7’ with seed 77 loaded.
30-01:00:05.790 03_00 -LOG- LogFlags = 0
30-01:33:02.775 03_33 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
30-02:31:53.834 04_31 -WRN- Sequence number mismatch: rec=39454, exp=39452, cl=, ch=0, p=variableSet, lp=versionEnabled
30-02:41:33.155 04_41 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
30-03:38:51.094 05_38 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
30-04:57:29.946 06_57 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
30-04:57:30.261 06_57 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
30-05:05:38.363 07_05 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
30-05:28:07.415 07_28 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
30-05:30:28.541 07_30 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
30-05:43:10.177 07_43 -LOG- OnCharacterCreated with root Root (UnityEngine.GameObject)
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30-07:04:05.852 09_04 -LOG- Got disconnected from server: Disconnected
30-07:04:05.852 09_04 -LOG- Steam: CancelAuthTicket 5, disconnect reason: Disconnected
30-07:04:05.881 09_04 -LOG- Disconnected from server [ConnRes]
30-07:04:05.881 09_04 -LOG- Playfield saving
30-07:04:05.887 09_04 -LOG- PDA: Player 16576171 activates: False
30-07:04:05.888 09_04 -LOG- Unloading playfield 'Comet7’
30-07:04:07.825 09_04 -LOG- [NET] Kicked from server: [c][FF0000]Server restart. Please wait 3 minute before you login again![-][/c]
30-07:31:14.552 09_31 -LOG- OnApplicationQuit

think you only need this part? let me know if not complete

What time did you die?
Did you die on Server restart? (End of the log) --> So did you get kicked?

Sadly we cant do much about this. Backpacks glitch away form time to time.

I dont know when I died, when I logged in I just instantly died, which almost suggests I died offline? just wondering what happened, no refund needed.

Interestingly, my yard scrapper, Darthn8rs, recently experienced a similar scenario where he logged in to a respawn selection. Didn’t recall dying when he logged and he was at the yard nice n safe. Not to thro a red herring in, but interesting.

Private ships, still colored like enemy - red color. Mb it must be some other color? green or something near it?

Cant find any spot to post my bug reports. Can t find the “New Post” or equivalent button. I m craching continuously in starter planet, as I move upwards on a mountain. Simple, direct crash, no “Quit or COntinue” message, just an error window with “please send us crash folder” or something. How can I send to HWS too? Alre\ady did to


Try here :slight_smile:
Also if you sent the crash file to Eleon then you are set, unless it is a bug specific to HWS that Rex or Jascha need to know about.
Also many people were reporting similar issues yesterday right after launch, was apparently due to meteorite density? Have you tried yet today?

Mode: 6.00
Location: Rex Mortuus
Localized: I think more of us are experiencing this (remember somebody mentioning it yesterday)

Reproducibility: Always (so far, don’t wat to loose more AMs)
Severity: (Minor/Major)

Summary: When I placed a T3 Autominer on an Iron Deposit, it dissapeared. Tried 2 more times (from the 3 AMs I got from the fa:supply). They all went Pooooofffff in 1 sec.


Steps to Reproduce:Place a AM on a deposit and poof, not sure if that is related to the Do Planet or it is generic…

hmm always reproducible?

I am just right now at Rex at placed a T3 one… no poof at all

I cant buy from the gun trader on EGS - says I have 0 credits. I have 100k on me and plenty in the bank. Is there some way around this?

Now the trader guy has disappeared too.

Pretty planet though and nice idea - just hope I can find that portal you spoke of.

The Gun store offers the best stuff at best prices. They need trust and that can only be given with CASH :wink:
So use the ATMs nearby and get your money as Cash (money cards). That will be accepted then.

This is high prio and a game breaker… please please please a video or no one believe me / us

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Thanks for sorting in-game.

hmmm, will make a video or something

When I tried to make a video of it, It (of course) worked perfectly fine, maybe also because of the update… Anyways… back to the game :slight_smile:

I caught a couple instances of his happening last night. Asked them to grab a video… seeming all on Rex. I did catch another incident where the MT wasn’t showing the deleted blocks until logout. Maybe the AMs are going but need to log to see em?