Picture Request of illegale blueprints

I’ve been playing since 5.0 so i can speak with some authority when it comes to the rules and such. But you really have been jumping the gun with your posts on here.

The ‘toaster’ design originated in 6.0 on a tank designed by one of our best designers at the time ‘elfias.’ The tank was called ‘Gladiator’ and looked much like Sad Story, as Sad story was ACM’s equivalent of GMC’s ‘gladiator’ tank. These tanks were used throughout 6 and 6.5 and 7. They were deemed LEGAL; Repeat after me: ‘LE-GAL.’ Multiple times we checked and multiple times we were told they were legal.

Now go back roughly a week in time and suddenly Rex turns around and states that they are ALL now illegal, regardless of particular turret placement; all toaster rack designs are illegal (which i’m fine with btw @RexXxuS, by making all illegal with no ifs and no buts i think you dodged a bullet by stopping people from spamming you with ‘what about this toaster rack, what about that toaster rack?’ :P). Yet only specific people in our alliance knew it was illegal and unfortunately the information was not shared as quickly as it should have been which meant that a few of our factions were caught off-guard, such as ACM. And only noticed something was up when their hovers started disappearing…

This is why Rexxus i think it’s important that you always inform ALL alliance leaders and not just one with a rule change, as some are more active than others these days. The alliance leaders are @zappe21 @Wiseman738 @jedimaster @Second_Dream @aeonbug (Aeon i put you here as you’re one of the most active AAA guys i know :slight_smile: )

Ok now to clear up this bit:

We do indeed spend lots of time checking that what we do abides by the rules, otherwise we can’t really call out other factions if we’re breaking the rules ourselves, therefore we’re always trying to stay one step ahead of the curve (and the Russians :slight_smile: ) to ensure that we have integrity when it comes to how we play.

The punishments for rulebreaking can be quite severe (and rightly so) and it is a well-known fact that our Russian comrades will use every element of grey they can to try and win (which is quite imaginative in most cases! :slight_smile: ) so we want to know what they can and can’t get away with; same for us. Which i believe is totally fair.

Finally regarding the base, your screenshot by the way shows absolutely nothing; the only tank you caught in that picture was the GMC Matilda design which has already been declared to be perfectly legal by Rexxus. So that picture is totally meaningless. I would stop trying to ‘expose’ us and instead play the game.

The boy who cried wolf…

Best regards

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One final gripe (i think you’re English, if you’re not English and English is your second language then ignore this post :slight_smile: )

So in your post it would be: “There is no ambiguity”
Homophones: Words that sound the same but have different spellings and are used in different contexts:

There are no cheaters in our alliance. General there- as in ‘hey, what’s over there?’
Their tanks are legal. Possessive- those tanks belong to someone.
They’re (they are) following the rules. Contraction; They are, E.g They are going to Tescos.

Sorry, the teachery side of me is coming out :stuck_out_tongue:
Best regards to ya mate,


I got a bit better picture.

The big base in background is illegal due to block stacking issue.
Some turrets on white OPG tanks were illegal as well and this old colorful HV in background seems to be Gladiator.

Darn PvP is so illegal nowdays… Especially when certain faction put passenger seats at the bottom or their HVs to glitch trough textures of certain bases and start killing ppl and devices trough walls.

Also guy in this badly damaged Maruder seems to be famous cheater мудрец known for invincible maruders :wink:

As far as I know Homophones are phones used by homophobes, but im not going to start Argument Clinic here…

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Why would homophobe use a homophone? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

History tends to repeat itself.
No cliping rule is here for long time. It was always ignored up to some limit, some of turrets will always clip unless they are just placed on box, which is boring designwise and also boring for game. Some might remeber old HV fights which was more about replacing turrets over and over than about fighting.

First Gladiator took this a bit beyond common ignoring and it was solved and production ended. Then I redesigned it into what you call fin design. I have to give some credit to @A.F.T too, its based on his homers placement on stick. It was completly ok as turret clips but there is still a lot of turret visible. Of course its stronger than placing them on box thats why everyone started to use it too…then it was taken too far again…

Rules are always ignored to some degree, and thats good thing. It creates some space for fun.
For example you can hardly create cover for artilery, that barrel will always clip.

Problem is that sooner or later someone takes this too far and old rule is suddently being enforced. Cant we just continue with ignoring rules happily and use common sence?

While I fully understand why this rule is here, its stupid rule if enforced to 100%.

Say hello to good old Minith, ilegal tank. Yes if someone will be under it or a bit to side artilery will clip. What other fun you going to ruin guys?

Only reasonable way how to solve this is what someone suggested here. Make placement box for turret large enough so it wont clip ever.

P.S. Please just dont try to turn this “ignoring of rules” it would be embarassing. You know im talking about tolerance. Should be placement of turrets on this Minith ilegal? Really?


Abuse is the best you can muster isn’t it?

If you find that convoluted then i’d avoid most ‘thinking mans’ books as my post was remarkably simple; if you struggle to understand it then maybe it is you whom is at fault for not understanding the big picture.

I’m not new, i’ve been playing since 5.0, and i’ve been reading this thread since its conception; but your ridiculous posts (and false accusations) that spurred me into action.

Like i said before, our HV was perfectly legal for several seasons (our mainstay the matidal; still is legal btw, I find it impalpable that you cannot get that! Rex finally chose to ban ALL toaster designs as it was becoming too often in which he was having difficulty over them.

More abuse, so basically all you’re here to do is abuse on the forums right? As i was polite enough to lay everything out and explain the whole situation and context and you just fill your post with bile and profanity. You really are a pathetic excuse of a forum poster, offering nothing other than empty accusations. (You’ve already done this more than once). Therefore say what you want. As those in charge such as Rexx are smart enough to see through your small-mindedness, and i’m sure you’ll reply by claiming that Rexxus is in our pocket when the opposite is normally true, but go ahead anyways, as the truth seems to be too difficult for you to comprehend.

Read up, and learn!


Also Elfias in the post above yours has literally discussed everything I discussed. It’s certainly worth a read.



Oh stop being a tit. You knew very well that’s the response you’d get, don’t act surprised you condescending carebear.

I know you’re not a noob…and obviously lacking a sense of irony

These are the HVs i’ve made on this server - using the guidelines and info i read on this very forum. Notice the lack of any need to second guess if it is legal or not. This is called ‘playing by the rules’ and does not need constant intervention from rex to check it it is legal or not

So more faux disgust if you please. Go cry a tiny tear for me at the horror you’ve experienced at being called a cheat, tell rex to ban me i’m sure you will.

More guides on “How not to cheat on HWS” are available

When you begin throwing insults, you know you’ve already lost the argument as all reasonable debate options have been removed. Well done, @thedevilfrog, you are now a lost cause and your opinion becoming increasingly invalid.


MORE abuse eh?

Tone is hard to read in text, though i made it clear in my original reply that i was trying to be friendly and constructive in my original post.

That’s you, but you’re not constantly fighting another set of factions that are constantly pushing the engineering curve. It isn’t us trying to bypass rules, it’s us trying to build better ships whilst keeping in mind that they must be legal. All of our HVs were legal until recently when Rex shifted the rules (which is fine by the way!), and we check with Rex out of courtesy, something that seems lost on you.

I have no interest in going to Rexxus, you’re doing a perfectly good job of digging your own hole with no help required from me. You’re just joining the ever-expanding group of players whose job it is to just hate on the big ‘zerg’ factions and have this victim-narrative about how Rex is in our pocket.

Which is untrue by the way.

Never cheated and never will, i take pride in winning through superior organisation and force of arms. A hollow victory is not a victory at all.

Now as it’s clear you do not wish to engage in any constructive feedback, i’m going to go and relax by banging my head repeatedly against a hard stone wall, as i believe it will be more entertaining (and more enlightening) than trying to communicate in a civil manner with you. Spread all the bile you want, it’s happened before, and it doesn’t make a difference. Those who have something genuine to offer will be heard; whereas those who spread nothing but hate will be ignored.

Have fun,


Instead of 3 pages of whine, here is some tasty Occam’s razor for you.

Select Multitool, remove the 1 offending layer around the Artillery turret.


I know i’m just great, but the above will work or your Money back !

More guides on " How not cheat on HWS" are available .

You obviously dont have a clue about what is this right? Maybe you too new to HWS and Empyrion…

Should i remove that CV or what…

Dont bother, go play and have fun.


building better ships by blatantly clipping blocks. You cheat so much it’s the new normal. like in our new Trumpian world, lies becomes truth when those speaking it are in power. Get a fucking grip and be subjective for once.

Engineering curve my fucking arse. You know IMMEDIATELY if it is legal or not, yet you persist in this massive lie.

wohha…the HV has transmuted into CV…that’s just super.

looks like a sponge CV i’ve seen in a few vids. Your point ?

Not even bothering to read our posts i see? THESE WERE LEGAL AT TIME OF ENGINEERING. Then were then made ILLEGAL by a RULE-CHANGE.

Lemme spell it out for you:

  • We design new batch of fighting ships, and we check they are legal.

  • Rexxus confirms they are legal.

  • Fighting ensues with said designs, fighting is fun. Next batch of HVs are engineered.

  • Suddenly the ‘toaster’ design Elfias brainstormed becomes the new normal, but some people are having them too close together, but to prevent CONSTANT accusations of this and that Rexxus makes ALL toaster designs illegal.

  • At the time of this ruling we still had new ‘illegal’ hvs on GG, which Rexxus promptly deleted (and rightly so).

Maybe if you REAAAAD my posts you will understand, instead of just ranting.

This is just the same as your previous thread Devilfrog…you act as if you’re totally right and then finally change your mind only after you’ve alienated most-all of those you were communicating with:

All you’re doing is insulting people you could be engaging with.

Work with us…and be objective like us, weighing it all up and speaking the truth. What you don’t realise is that YOU’RE the one whom is totally wrong on this, i know it, we all know it. But you will never accept this unfortunately.

I dislike Trump probably more than you, but this is not the place for politics but for constructive conversation, something which all of your posts here lack. You haven’t been inquisitive, you haven’t even read most of my posts (i can tell by your responses) and you have just ignored most of what we’ve said. So it really is starting to feel like wasted time replying to you right now.



Point is that cliping is here since begining, someone just took it too far. No need to go crazy about it. It was always tolerated up to some degree.
I dont know, im not excited about things that easily anymore.

Why im even here is because another thing i liked - to be able to partialy cover turrets is gone…why is alwas this drama around most common things i wonder.

Next thread will be about turrets destroyed too quickly on HVs…and after some time this all will repeat.


I like pie.

Who else likes pie???


We are talking about pie now dammit.