Hey folks, sadly i had to make yet another thread in response to some news i saw: The idea of removing OP from EU also. In my opinion this is a poor idea as it is implementing a ‘solution’ to something that is not a ‘problem’ on EU. Instead all it is doing is transferring the aftermath of NA drama and placing it onto the shoulders of EU pvp factions.
I for one (despite us not having any PVP bases up right now) am AGAINST removing offline protection for practical reasons also. A: As a result the increase in bases will induce far more lag and probably create far more drama and complaints about how difficult it is to dislodge factions, it will make it harder to fly SVs effectively causing more people to turn to HVs with their auto-fire turrets inducing EVEN-MORE lag; hence creating a vicious cycle.
Whereas secondly the removal of the ability to spawn bases will remove the whole concept of OP as a ‘weapon.’ I for one see no benefit for anybodies sake in EU at least for removing OP. It seems instead something that has been a non-issue for a while (OP) is suddenly being ‘fixed’ without anyone wanting it 'fixed (in this case turned off).
Finally offline protection is useful for smaller factions that can’t afford to be online all the time, such as the smaller factions, and provides them a small respite in the big bad world of PVP, turning off OP on EU will creat much more drama than it solves.
Rexxus please reconsider this decision, at the very least let us see what the other EU factions feel about the removal of OP before going ahead with it. Don’t let NA drama carry over to affecting EU gameplay please. Finally i’m aware they’ll be people posting on here who are not ‘stakeholders’ (baseowners) on the major PVP playfields, so forgive me if i value the opinion of those who are actually attempting to have a permanent presence on these planets (OPG+RED+UST+SHA+AAA+ACM+GMC+UMB+ASH). more-so than those who are looking to get a few cheap shots in during the early hours.
Best regards
Source: [quote=“RexXxuS, post:144, topic:10356”]
To make it consistent EU will probably get rid of Offline Protection as well.
Personally for me the removal of OP on EU would basically feel like a punishment and a removal of a feature all to prevent the potential of a small amount of drama. Yes it will happen, but those people can be kicked/banned/imprisoned/thrown into a pit of zirax hunters!